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Step Test Super Thread

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Also, I‘d be surprised if you failed and they didn‘t mention it to you. In fact, I‘m surprised they didn‘t tell you that you passed.

Did the recruiting centre set-up the PT test for you, or did a regiment? I‘m in Vancouver, and when I went for my PT test, it was administered by a fitness consultant by the name of Andrew, and it was done in a small room on the main floor of the recruiting centre.

It seemed like they only had the one person doing it then, perhaps they contracted out more people now?
Hello. Thanks for all of your replys! I‘m glad that you guys think that I passed. One more question though... So if I made up to 2nd stage, then I didn‘t fail the step test? or is there still a possiblilty that I could have failed the step test? I was kinda out of breath but I was able to carry on a casual conversation with the hot tester. But I was concerned because after the 2nd stage, she said "hm" and then wrote down the numbers. I wonder what that "hm" meant... T__T
BDTyre, I did mine in a fitness centre where the recruiting centre set up for me. The location was on Pender and Burrard. And yes I was the only one who was being tested. And (sorry I keep mentioning this) she was super super hot! haha

I do not think they contracted more people... If I did it at the recruiting centre then I would have been tested by Andrew Pacey as well. :)
I‘m surprised they didn‘t go over the assessment sheet with you. basically they do a little arithmetic with your age weight, #of pushups, # situps, steptest and they somehow get a number and you either pass or fail. Its the standard assessment sheet you will see throughout your CF for fitness tests. When I first did my PT test the trainer went through everything, if you weren‘t so good on the step test they‘d tell you to run a little more, you can do many pushups then work on uper body. If you met the minimum requirements you should be ok. I was on platoon with a MARS officer who was in great shape, she could swim and run forever, but could only do 4 pushups, they weren‘t gonna kick her out of the forces for that. They will just condition you until you meet standards. If you do fail its no big deal, just know what you need to improve on and you‘ll be fine the next time.

dehahaha, u passed for sure.

because I went to same fitness center in Vancouver, I did 3 sets of step up. And 12 pushup, 30situps, but I didn‘t know about the hand grip. The first time when I did my hand grip, she said, humm, and then she said that I had to do it again, because I have smaller hand...but I passed. She is nice.

by the way, what unit do u apply?
Hello Yot. 12 pushups huh? I thought minimum was 19... But I guess your hardcore endurance made up for it :) I actually applied to the NAVY as a resource management clerk. So if everything goes smoothly and pass everything, I will be going to BMQ in Borden Ontario in April 22nd. Thx for your postive judgment on my PT.
Yot, are you a female? because the female minimum for pushups is 9.
I was told the first stage for my age, 21, is 132 bpm, I can do this for the 3 minutes, no problem, but I dont know the speeds for the 2nd and 3rd stage? could anyone help out?
im a guy, 20 yrs old and I failed my PT test the first time because I couldnt keep up with the 3rd stage of the step test =(, I did 30 pushups and 30 situps and didnt have trouble with the first two stage of the step test, but the third was brutal and they failed me =( maybe some testers are more lenient?
fast, but easy. when I joined I couldn‘t run more than a kilometer, but I had no problems with the step test. sorry I don‘t have the actual figures.
how many stages did they make you do 48highlander?, im joining the Queen‘s own rifles, the 48th are in Moss park too arent they? I failed my first PT back in November cause I couldnt do the 3rd stage, and ive been training hard but I want to simulate the test for myself, so I need the speeds, it peevs me off cause I can run the 2.4km way under their maximum time, but I have trouble with the step test..
Yeah, 48th‘s on the north-east corner of the parade square. Good to have another body in the armories, even if you did pick the wrong unit ;) I did 3 stages myself...I almost failed the first stage because I was being tested along with a female and expected the bpm for my test to be similar to hers...so when it started pounding out at about triple the rate, it threw me off a wee bit. Luckily they stopped me and let me start over. I‘m really surprised you failed the third stage...if you‘ve been exercising regularily between your last test and now you should be ok. But if you really want to make sure, get on the phone with the CFRC right now and ask. They should be open for another hour at least, and since they‘re doing the testing, they‘re the most accurate source of information.
I applied for the Queen‘s own cause I have a couple buddies in it and I eventually want to try out their airborne tasking, when im ready.
oh yeh, one more thing, do you remember going at the 3rd stage in a kind of run/jog fashion, I think I got messed up cause I was trying to "walk" it that fast, and when I was really tired from trying this I looked over and the other guy was kinda running it
the female that was doing the test with me did the whole thing walking. I tried to imitate her example and fell off the god**** stairs because the beat was too fast to walk. so after they let me start over I jogged right from the start. I don‘t know if the standard has changed since then or if they just started me off at a higher stage. either one‘s possible since my test was almost 7 years ago. anyway it all depends on what you feel comfortable with. there‘s no rule that says you have to do it a certain way, you just have to keep up with the beat. if you find the beat too fast for a walk, jog.

and you don‘t need to explain your reasons for joining the QOR. they‘re a fine unit.
I think it does depend on where you do the test. I did mine in Greenwood, NS and I had to do all 3 levels. But I did hear they were more strict in Greenwood than Sydney, NS for example.
I really hate this stupid step test....