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Starting Basic Training!

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so go suck on that enzo...if you still dont believe me here my SN-*********
I‘ve already gone out of my way to do you a favour and removed your service number from the open forums.

Heres some advice: If your going to talk the talk, make sure you‘ve walked the walk.

Until then, shut your f***ing mouth because none of us really care.
AAARRGGHHH!!!!! (I can‘t stand it)

I realise this is a "forum", but ... what a waste of time and energy
(yup - I‘m cranky today - my four-year-old was up until 0300 with an earache)

New guys: Stop being rude.
Old guys: Stop behaving like immature new guys.
Everybody: Show some mutual respect (i.e. I‘ll respect the fact that new guys don‘t know very much, and will answer their questions ... as long as they repect the fact that they‘re now at the bottom of the food chain ... and I‘ll also respect the fact that some of the old guys don‘t appreciate the lack of respect they‘ve been shown by some of the new guys ... HOWEVER, a gazillion wrongs don‘t make a right. Period. Point Final.)

Rank, and respect, are both earned.
Don‘t make me get the belt ...
Usman Syed....I‘d listen if I were you. Thankfully I‘m not. :D


Hey, we are all on the same side here, so as they say here, ‘pull your heads in‘.

Its all about enjoyment and having a good time. It‘s about recruit - retain - and train. Its about hard work and respect for each other your Unit and your country. It‘s about icy cold beers in the mess after a long ex, it‘s a brotherhood of which I have been a member of now for over 28 years in two commonwealth different armies, with my humble Militia beginnings back in the Regina Rifles (BTW - "Up the Johns"!).

So, lets carry on, eh! :salute:

Have a good time Paul, as for getting a SB, speak to someone in the Q Store, or your recruiter. I think thats a crock of BS if DND can‘t provide a SB when you first arrive. I am sure they‘ll have some.

If you wanna throw a Chev up on your avatar, thats okay with me ( I‘ve done my time), and it is just a forum. Be proud of RHLI. Big shoes to fill for such a colourful regiment steeped in history.

Good luck on your recruit training!

Here in Australia your CIT (Common Induction Training)is 6 weeks long, and is the same course for ARA (reg) and ARes (res). It is conducted in a place called Kapooka, near Wagga-Wagga in New South Wales.


As Gas trg, try wearing the protective gear fully MOPP‘d out, when its 45C! After a 2.4km run with webbing and Austeyr, etc, then to be hoplessly gassed with an abundance CS without mercy by a shamless DS (in this case me)!

Cheers and beers,


Go have alook in the photo section of a couple of pics I took during Gas trg before Christmas.
Well that was somethin guys...yes it was a wake up call.

I guess its my duty now to apologize for my actions on this thread and hope everyone excpets my apology and discontinous there comment spazams. Aside from that yes you information was valuable and i can understand why you guys we so angry..n e ways it will never happen again and so thats it...

Wow so how can you tell the difference between fake and real CADPAT?

PS. Sorry to forumn moderators.
Fake CADPAT cloth is usually (all that I‘ve seen) coloured differently than real CADPAT. Further, the fake uniforms I‘ve seen have some blatant differences in the way they‘re made, such as epaulates (sp?) on the shoulders like the old ODs.
It‘s quite simple:

The Army issues you REAL CADPAT (and it has a NSN = NATO Stock Number).
Fake CADPAT can be purchased (and won‘t have a NSN).

Most importantly:
REAL CADPAT has anti-IR capability.
Fake CADPAT glows in the night (well - okay - it glows when you look at it through IR eqpt - a little difficult to detect for the average Joe).

If it ain‘t issued to you, it‘s probably fake (or stolen ... in which case the MP‘s would relish investigating where it came from ... again, no pun intended ... relish ... CADPAT ... where is my Timmie‘s ... ? I‘ve been up since 0330, and I‘m supposed to be on leave ... ?????)