Hey, we are all on the same side here, so as they say here, ‘pull your heads in‘.
Its all about enjoyment and having a good time. It‘s about recruit - retain - and train. Its about hard work and respect for each other your Unit and your country. It‘s about icy cold beers in the mess after a long ex, it‘s a brotherhood of which I have been a member of now for over 28 years in two commonwealth different armies, with my humble Militia beginnings back in the Regina Rifles (BTW - "Up the Johns"!).
So, lets carry on, eh!
Have a good time Paul, as for getting a SB, speak to someone in the Q Store, or your recruiter. I think thats a crock of BS if DND can‘t provide a SB when you first arrive. I am sure they‘ll have some.
If you wanna throw a Chev up on your avatar, thats okay with me ( I‘ve done my time), and it is just a forum. Be proud of RHLI. Big shoes to fill for such a colourful regiment steeped in history.
Good luck on your recruit training!
Here in Australia your CIT (Common Induction Training)is 6 weeks long, and is the same course for ARA (reg) and ARes (res). It is conducted in a place called Kapooka, near Wagga-Wagga in New South Wales.
As Gas trg, try wearing the protective gear fully MOPP‘d out, when its 45C! After a 2.4km run with webbing and Austeyr, etc, then to be hoplessly gassed with an abundance CS without mercy by a shamless DS (in this case me)!
Cheers and beers,
Go have alook in the photo section of a couple of pics I took during Gas trg before Christmas.