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Starting Basic Training!

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Hey all, I signed up with the army recruiting center around late Dec and now I‘m doing basic this friday! I‘m so excited. I‘ve been working out and jogging for the past 3 months, and I‘ve lost 19% fat. I never been so fit before. But I hope i can only get stronger.

Btw I‘m 19. I joined the RHLI in hamilton. The bad thing is i have NOTHING. No kits for basic training. They told me I had to bring my own sleeping bag but i‘m on such a tight budget because of college/gas money/car payments etc, i can‘t afford one. What do i do?
Every place works differently I suppose. Perhaps you‘ll be getting kitted up that first weekend but will still need a bag before the issued one is assembled and aired, although perhaps you should check on that Paul just to be sure.

Is there no-one you can borrow a sleeping bag from? Family? friends? Pinning a blanket over into a makeshit bag?
I know when I did my Ql2 (BMQ) I had to bring my own, becuase I didn‘t have kit. Got it later on. I ran around in a Monkey suit for a wile, till I got combats. :-)
Paul, just so you know because it‘s bound to come up. People take it offensively if you show a rank on your icon you have not earned. Since you claim to be starting basic I will assume you aren‘t yet a Sgt.

Just the same you don‘t have the right to wear the first chevron because you are not a fully trained private. That, just like all ranks, must be earned. People who achieve that rank have bragging rights and worked their asses off.
Anthrax I Believe You are Assuming To Much Not that In your In the Wrong Or Any How do you Know he Is Not Representing a Lost Family Member Or Paying Tribute To A Fallen Solider

And If Im Wrong Ill insert Yet another Foot Into my Mouth
Originally posted by Anthrax:
[qb] People take it offensively if you show a rank on your icon you have not earned. Since you claim to be starting basic I will assume you aren‘t yet a Sgt.

Just the same you don‘t have the right to wear the first chevron because you are not a fully trained private. That, just like all ranks, must be earned. People who achieve that rank have bragging rights and worked their asses off. [/qb]
i think it looks cool. and obviously its completely different in real life but hey, its a forum. and if it makes u mad that i have that as an avatar, well... :)
Think it looks cool, huh? I should introduce you to a few real-life Sgts... :D

By the way, you aren‘t trained yet so no hook for you either.
Hey now,

Sergeants are kind, gentle, loving human beings :mad: .

Enjoy the friendly wakeup calls and the breakfast delivered to your bed by your ever friendly M/Cpl :rage: .

The 8 km nature walks are nice too(leave your lungs back at the barracks) :crybaby: .
We need a recruit "cornflake" avatar for the plugs in the room.
yes.. there‘s the cornflake.. this is the last weekend for my bmq.. grad parade is on Tuesday night! I‘m excited providing I don‘t die in the gas hut and don‘t fall and break my neck in borden this weekend! Weather looks crappy (and from what I have been told the weather is always crappy in borden always all year round). Good times..

Saturday morning, gas shack.
Saturday afternoon, day nav
Saturday night, night nav.

Drizzle, to snow, to flurries to -17 before windchill sat night. Oh yeah.. no mucklucks yet.. the unit hasn‘t been able to get them for us. My poor toes!
Originally posted by dominas:
[qb] yes.. there‘s the cornflake.. this is the last weekend for my bmq.. grad parade is on Tuesday night! I‘m excited providing I don‘t die in the gas hut and don‘t fall and break my neck in borden this weekend! Weather looks crappy (and from what I have been told the weather is always crappy in borden always all year round). Good times..

Saturday morning, gas shack.
Saturday afternoon, day nav
Saturday night, night nav.

Drizzle, to snow, to flurries to -17 before windchill sat night. Oh yeah.. no mucklucks yet.. the unit hasn‘t been able to get them for us. My poor toes! [/qb]
Before I say this, don‘t get me wrong, gas is not a pleasent experience, it does a burn, a lot, and if anyone tells you to rub snow on face before you go in to "cool the burn", they‘re full of crap (The gas reacts with moisture on your skin), it burns in your eyes, nose, mouth (If you‘ve ever eaten insanely spicey food, it‘s the same sensation... only in your eyes and nose as well), and anywhere else there‘s moisture, it gets very itchy all over if you‘re sweating at all (At least I‘ve been told it does, I just get a nice warm sensation).

Anyway, on to what I was going to say. The majority of people who run out the back door to throw up are the ones who were expecting the worse. The gas won‘t kill you, and you‘re in no danger, the instructors will see to it you get out of there in a hurry if somthing goes wrong. Accept those two facts, and don‘t worry too much, and you‘ll be fine. Just be calm, and follow your drills.
Originally posted by cdnsignaller:
[qb] Enjoy the friendly wakeup calls and the breakfast delivered to your bed by your ever friendly M/Cpl :rage: .

HEY! I never got breakfast in bed...what a gyp :mad: :D
Paul - just wondering what trade your going into?

I‘m guessing you didn‘t apply in December 2003.

If you did that was really fast recruiting on the Armys part!
wow! I wrone my CFAT on the 18 on November and still have herd nothing!
I handed in my application on July 16, 2003 (my 16th birthday) and my medical file is still waiting review at the Borden medical commitee. This kind of sucks because I just missed the latest training program and I have to wait until summer.
handed in my stuff on Oct 31, did all testing on Dec 3 and Dec 10. I start BMQ/SQ this monday!
i did everything on Dec 15 and did my testings on Dec 18 and then i got sworn in in Jan. :)

Well i survived the first week. I have to say, it sucked SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad. I hated every minute of it and wanted to go home. I felt like i was no longer motavataded to move on. I was tired, cold and bored, and the place didnt have a shower so we all stunk.

I‘m still gonna do my best, i just hope it aint boring, cuz i was hoping we do something fun the first week. my expectations were much too high. Does anyone know when i will be using the C7?