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Stargate (the tv show): The Canadian Version!

Raging Dragon

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Ok this is mainly a hypothetical question. I have actually gone out and bought the Stargate: RPG d20 books, and am curious about doing a canadian version of the game with my regular saturday night gaming group. Also I am a civilian still in the application process of trying to join the army, so please help me out with any mistakes I make about the military, it's not intentional.

Here's my basic chronology of assumptions and changes that would make the stargate program canadian instead of american:

1.)The Canadians looted the Stargate from the Germans in WWII instead of the Americans. After some initial inconclusive investigation, much like what happened with the americans, the stargate is shelved and forgotten in some top secret warehouse. (Anyone know of declassified immediate post WWII military warehouses???)

2.) With various units in the Canadian army being deployed in Afghanistan since 2001, the Dial Home Device (DHD) (for those who don't know: pedestal with a big blue thing in the middle that tells the stargate what planet it should connect to) is discovered in 2003 and (luckily) kept secret.

3.) After being found, the DHD is examined and someone makes the connections with the stargate still in storage. This creates huge interest in ressurecting the stargate program.

4.)  The stargate program is given the green light and gets discreet funding. I'm not sure how realistic it would be for this program to be kept secret from the civilian government or simply from the liberals until the conservatives took over.

5.) My final assumption is that the program is kept very secret, even from allies, much like the initial American SG program.

Now, I realize what I'm working on is just a game and I can make up the details willy nilly but I would prefer to stick to a more accurate (where possible) version of the CF. Other points where I need help from you guys who actually know about the CF! :D

-The american stargate program initially started out with $7 Billion dollars per year for funding. A canadian equivelant would have to be significantly less. I'm figuring $50m if the program is kept secret from the government, and maybe $200-500m if it isn't. As I understand it, of the 14Billion dollar military budget, something like 6-7 billion is pension payments/benefits?? I read something like that in the national post once.

-There is no Cheyenne mountain complex in Canada. I can always make something up about some complex built in WWII in the rockies in case of a Japanese invasion (heck, maybe there are some? I haven't found much evidence of any such thing) Where would the program be based? I know there are some big military testing ranges in northern alberta... Other than that, I don't know where it would be to be kept out of sight.

-The american SG program is run by a 2 star general. As I understand it, there are significantly less generals in the CF proportionally than the american army. I would guess a Canadian SG program would be run by a Brigadier General or possibly a Colonel instead of a 2 star. I'm also figuring that the actual SG-1 (any thoughts on a rename) would probably be led by a Major instead of a Colonel.

-the actual goal of the program may be subtly but quite different. The americans were mainly looking for military technology and investigating the threat that the Gou'auld posed and attempting to eliminate them where possible. I think that a Canadian SG program would be much more interested in procuring other technologies to be more self sufficient due to low funding.

-What is the standard infantry rifle for the army in 2003? Now? In the TV show they use P-90s and I'm not sure if that is what's used.

Any other possible differences? Any other thoughts? Any advice/help would be awesome. Thanks in advance! :D

edited for goofy mistakes.

- DHD actually has a Red Orb in the centre as the 'enter' key after then input the address.

- The standard rifle is the C7A1

- The team would more likely be led by a Captain in the case of a Canadian SG team.

- The game should probably not have Air Force as the feeder element for the SG units. Try and stick with the Army side of the house.

That's all the suggestions I've got.
On the Rifle issue, the P-90 is not an issue weapon for the Americans either so really you coul go with whatever. Though the CF did/does have MP-5's and C8 carbines as well.

I would suggest like MedTech did that the feeder unit be predominately Army but like all spcial units in the CF be open to all elements and trades. Then you can get a really good skill mix.
There is no Cheyenne mountain complex in Canada. I can always make something up about some complex built in WWII in the rockies in case of a Japanese invasion (heck, maybe there are some? I haven't found much evidence of any such thing) Where would the program be based? I know there are some big military testing ranges in northern alberta... Other than that, I don't know where it would be to be kept out of sight.

You could use "The Hole" in North Bay, which is where our branch of NORAD command was housed for the past several decades.

MedTech said:
- DHD actually has a Red Orb in the centre as the 'enter' key after then input the address.
The center is the DHD is only red in the Milky Way galaxy; it is blue in the Pegasus galaxy, as demonstrated in Stargate Atlantis.
Alright, everyone give me your lunch money.

Ok, ok, keep it for now seeing as how I like SG.
The center is the DHD is only red in the Milky Way galaxy; it is blue in the Pegasus galaxy, as demonstrated in Stargate Atlantis.

WOOO hoooo hooo hooo, lets not get carried away here! Lets stick with our neighborhood eh? I mean not to mention, we JUST got the C117s, how bout we put the galactic conquest and exploration on the back burner for now  ;D
HitorMiss said:
Or the Diefenbunker near Ottawa.....

Or you could use the bunker in Shilo. Just think... the middle of nowhere, no one wants to go there... a perfect place for the SG programme.
Here I am trying to avoid work until the 19th and you've got to go post a pic with my boss' building showing in it.

Dammit, I was there last week ... I hate going to Moncton (workwise...) ...  :'(
Why would you hate working at the Canadian Stargate Command  ;D
Crantor said:
Why would you hate working at the Canadian Stargate Command  ;D

I don't work there!!

I'm the highest rank in my UIC (Unit)... and they have to beam me over to Moncton to see the guy I work for (who works there...) every now and then ...  ;)

Alas, his name is not Scotty, else I'd try that next time .... not too sure it'd go over very well though.  ;D
Wow guys thanks for all of the feedback!! :)  :cdn:

Any thoughts on the rank of the CO? Funding?

I'd stick the SGC in Masset, or Lolo Mountain.
CO should be a Brigadier General/Commodore just because that's an appropriate rank I think... maybe even a Major General or a Rear Admiral. I mean come on :D We can totally create another general/flag officer for this position :D
Can high-heeled black leather boots and chaps be incorporated into our uniforms??  :D

Come on people ... you know it had to go this way ...  ;D
Yes... yes it can Vern. Also, the standard issue boots shall be of the platform variety.

Although the alien species may not believe us when we say 'we come in peace, and we're explorers' with our behinds showing  ::)
MedTech said:
Yes... yes it can Vern. Also, the standard issue boots shall be of the platform variety.

Although the alien species may not believe us when we say 'we come in peace, and we're explorers' with our behinds showing  ::)

Chaps look better over jeans. Only in San Fran are they commonly seen sans underlayers.  :o  That kind of scares me ... but not always!!


Oh ... I don't do platform boots. Yucky.  >:(  I'll need to retain veto rights for that item!!