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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

I am finally able to make some cookies to put in care packages to the sandbox.  :yellow: :yellow:

It has been too hot to have the oven on for hours on end.  Not, that I'm complaining about the heat, I LOVE it!!  But, it ain't so conducive to baking.
Overwatch Downunder said:
I shredded a tyre on my Falcon ute on the way home last night, so not happy only getting about 55,000 km on my Falken tyres ($270 each), so now opting for 4 Federal tyres at $160 each.

Just hanging out at home until the tyre shoppe opens for 0830.  Cold this am, its only 7C, and 0718h. I hate these cold winter mornings. No insulation in my house, and its a chilly 14c inside.

Sorry to hear about the "tyres" ;D Flats are no fun.

7C? A heat wave here!! I wish it was 7C here in Winnipeg in winter!!
Spending time in the airfield, and enjoying the smell  ::)[j/k] But Pizza Hut, and Tim's were good  ;D
Just going out the door to the Unit.

I am late, its 0606h on a clear cold Friday morning.


PS: OS, here in the tropics 7C is a shocker, adn 15 yrs later, I've become Australianised and climatised beyond a joke. Anything under 21C and I am cold, ha! In the old days, 7C was t-shirt weather if the sun was out.
I am sitting at work (in between calls doing tech support at a call centre - which is the first job that I have ever had that I dread so much that I feel ill driving in but can't seem to get another job in this economy at the moment), and dreaming of finally getting back into the military.

I'm watching a storm blow in; just finished watching a tree, which was about 2 stories high, get blown by the winds; the tree was only about 40 feet away from me, but went down in the opposite direction.  Off the east there is a 747 on final and some rotation in the clouds above.  Interesting. 

Sunday, 1405h.

METREP Sunny and warm, about 24C, not bad for winter.

Just got back from the Caboolture Airshow, admission was only $5, and not bad for the price, adn a good turn out. Caboolture is 19km up the Bribie Island/Caboolture Road.

Military collector vehicles, and numerous vintage aeroplanes on display, all of them goers.

Swung by Maccas for a Big Mag and Coke on the way home. One thing I like about living on this island is its over 30 mins return to the nearest McRottons, and nothing beats a dinkum mom 7 pop burger from a milkbar.
Overwatch Downunder said:
and nothing beats a dinkum mom 7 pop burger from a milkbar.

Whatever that is, Wes, it sounds good!
milk bar- noun: A small corner shop selling general daily food items and newspapers. In Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia it's called a milk bar. It's called a Deli elsewhere.

dinkum-adjective: Originally it was an Aborgine word that meant genuine; true

So if I read this correct Wes means.....

nothing beats a genuine mom & pop burger from a deli.

NFLD Sapper said:
milk bar- noun: A small corner shop selling general daily food items and newspapers. In Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia it's called a milk bar. It's called a Deli elsewhere.

dinkum-adjective: Originally it was an Aborgine word that meant genuine; true

So if I read this correct Wes means.....

nothing beats a genuine mom & pop burger from a deli.

Thank you for the translation, NFLD Sapper!
But, isn't the conventional wisdom to, "Never eat at any place called "Mom's."?
( That and something about never play cards with a guy named "Doc", or sleeping with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own. ) hahaha
I think it's sorta the Aussie equivalent of a grody Hygard burger from a 7-11.

Gotta love Milkbars!

The term is universal throughout the country, including NSW and QLD.

A Big Mac in Australia is currently $4.45! For the same price at a milkbar, you get much better value and something home made.

If you want Aussie beef, with bacon, fried egg, cheese, tomato, lettuce, beetroot, fried onions and BBQ sauce. Commonly know to locals as a hamburger with 'the lot'.

Chuck in a heap of hot chips with chicken salt, and a coke, for about $8.00

All on a damper roll, toasted and crunchy on the outside and soft in the centre.

At the moment I am... ... ...

listening to a storm roll in; it has only rained a little, mostly it has been making some noise with the odd big flash, but so far, it hasn't done much else; one of those, 'bark is worse than its bite', type storms.


waiting for the dryer to finish.

I'm not usually up so late; its hours past my bed time; it's one of those nights.

It hasn't rained much at all this year.  It has been a mild summer; not too hot, no super severe storms, no heat waves and no major infestations of this or that bug ... just been a mild summer all around.  Actually, I had the heat on earlier today; it was only about 15C for much of today.  A few days ago or so it was 31C or 32C (or there abouts), but with a bit of a breeze so I had my sweater on for most of the day; nice and warm in the sun, but when in the breeze or in the shade it was chilly.

Have a good night everyone.

Enjoying week two of summer leave after 3 1/2 painful months on task i Gagetown.  enjoying taking the kids visiting relatives, wildlife park in Shubie and beach trips.  A little home reno work to round things out.
Sitting here in Borden in my new P198 digs;

Day 9 of the year long french course done ... 201 days to go!! Whooohooooo!! I am 1/21 of the way done! Tabernac. 

Watching a painful television show... :crybaby: :crybaby:  the things you do for your better half.

Friday, 1325h.

METREP -  winter: 24C and hopelessly sunny

Laundry is on

Watered plants outside.

Pool pump is running, and water check to be taken to the pool people today. will need about 140kg of salt, some acid and stabiliser. Pool temp is 20, needs to be 23 or 24 before I get into it. Spring is here in 3 weeks!!!

Back lawn now cut.

Front lawn now being watered, will cut tomorrow.

Now to take the water in, buy some hose for my baracuda, pick up some paint stripper, and get a new lawn mower blade.

Only been home less than an hour.

Overwatch Downunder said:
Pool temp is 20, needs to be 23 or 24 before I get into it.

You put me to shame, Wes, ours is 29-30 degrees Celcius.
I'm feeling a some what blah today... need to think of something to do which will bring back my usual cheerful self.  Hmmm... what would cheer up a girl like me.... thinking... thinking... thinking... .  :-\

On a good note, today is the first day for as long as I can remember, where I have no plans, no errands and no commitments.  8)  An entire day free- I don't even know where to begin... I never thought such a day existed.

Have a great day everyone!  :)
