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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Reviewing files on applications to build works infringing on the Public right to navigate.

Wishing coffee break was happening now.

Bemoaning the fact that in a month from now when my friend retires, I will be the old fart of the office.....
I just dropped off a G-Wagon at Parc Jean Drapeau.  Visibility/recruiting at the Montreal Merengue festival.  It's surprising how many people in Montreal DON'T have G-Wagon qualifications!

Now, off to late lunch!!
Bribie Island, Queensland - Sunday, 0830H.

Still 'entertaining' my female houseguest from Boston :nod:

Meanwhile in a wintery tropical wonderland, it sunny, but windy and a frosty 6C this am. The cold southerly is blasting up all the way from Tasmania, over the Southern Alps in Vic and NSW and making its way all the way up here.

With no insulation, and no central heat it was a chilly 13C inside when we crawled out of a warm bed, manily hogged by two Siamese cats craving body warmth.

Breakfast was two hot cinnimon buns, smothered in melting butter! The last of these I had was at the Cinnibons at Camp Victory at BIAP in March 2007 the day we rotated out.

Just goning down to walk on the beach, overlooking the Coral Sea. No boardies - long pants and rugged up a bit. The seatemp is about 21C.


Current Weather Updated: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 19:00 ADT - Fredericton Airport
Light rain showers
Feels Like: -
Wind: S 11km/h
Sunrise: 5:41
Sunset: 21:19
Relative Humidity: 83%
Pressure: 100.18 kPa 
Visibility: 16.0 km
Ceiling: 10000 ft
OK.  You're hired.  I'm putting you into CFTPO and you be first to present for our daily briefings out at Maple Defender in Wainwright.....  >:D
George Wallace said:
OK.  You're hired.  I'm putting you into CFTPO and you be first to present for our daily briefings out at Maple Defender in Wainwright.....  >:D

Sure hope you are talking about WES ;)

NFLD Sapper said:
lol, how about you input some weather geeks I know here in G'nam



Nah!  You did just fine.......and you have Engr experience to help in other fields....  >:D
NFLD Sapper said:
here in G'nam

"G'nam"?!  :rofl: :rofl:
Is that near "Oromoscow"?
There must be a nic for every place in Canada.
Hello from ( not- so ) beautiful downtown Moronto!
NFLD Sapper said:
Current Weather Updated: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 19:00 ADT - Fredericton Airport
Light rain showers
Feels Like: -
Wind: S 11km/h
Sunrise: 5:41
Sunset: 21:19
Relative Humidity: 83%
Pressure: 100.18 kPa 
Visibility: 16.0 km
Ceiling: 10000 ft

Just because you started it:

Location: Not to be named  ;D
Today's High: 58°C
Current Temperature: 47°C
Feels like: freaking hot
Long range forecast: sun and extremely hot weather, getting hotter by the day  ::)
Visibility: reduced due to large amounts of sand in the air

Now that at least killed 5 min.  I am just killing time till O-group  ;D.
PMedMoe said:
Just finished firing off a nastygram to Purolator.  >:(

Did they sieze your latest order as "obscene" too? Dammit - I hate it when that happens.  >:(
ArmyVern said:
Did they sieze your latest order as "obscene" too? Dammit - I hate it when that happens.  >:(

No, I get that by direct mail, in a plain brown wrapper.  ;)

Actually, they wouldn't let my spouse pick up the marriage certificate I ordered from Vital Stats.  ::)  They also wouldn't redirect it to me here so they are sending a note to hold it in Kingston until next Friday.  I told them I need it for an appointment on the same day and it had better be there!
I am supposed to be working BUT I am preparing for my interview at 1300.

I'm also pondering/philosophizing about the turns and twists life can take you....an 18 year old kid from a farm in a Prairie province to a possible new position in a new unit as the Regional MWO.

Like I tell my troops at Minto "You have to know where you've been to know where you're going"

Eighteen-year-old farm kids make great soldiers. And then there is/was me to disprove the rule.
Lots of time thinking about how to start and grow a whole new life from scratch on absolutely every level at age 55 with progressive physical limits (including hands) including what kind of work I can now actually do and start ...  ??? Hmmmmm ... real challenging.

Other than that ... browsing the web and always learning something new every day about all sorts of things ... the net my way of staying connected to people and the outside world  ;D