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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..


Newton's law for every action there is an equal opposite reaction....Sadly the training I have been doing at work means that the reaction is stress on the elbow which swells and requires pain killers and ice LOL...

OWDU, I still haven't been promoted so I am clearly not doing anything worthy pf being noticed...sure I can top the Mod 6 but that don't mean squat I guess LOL
It's 1800 and I am waiting for one of my guys who got charged today.  First day of Defaulters includes an inspection by Pl Staff ( I really need to deligate more.......... strike that I need NCO's to delegate to ) Unfortunately since this is not a Friday and the guy is on a Course I have to wait until he is done his driving "night" portion.  At least I got in touch with his instructors who " promised" to have the duty van out there and take him in right away once he has finished this portion.

And so here I sit wondering if I can stop at the liquor store on the way home or if it will be closed.  Murphy's law says the later, then it falls to my Second choice of the Beer store.  Been one of those days. 
helpup said:
It's 1800 and I am waiting for one of my guys who got charged today.  First day of Defaulters includes an inspection by Pl Staff ( I really need to deligate more.......... strike that I need NCO's to delegate to ) Unfortunately since this is not a Friday and the guy is on a Course I have to wait until he is done his driving "night" portion.  At least I got in touch with his instructors who " promised" to have the duty van out there and take him in right away once he has finished this portion.

And so here I sit wondering if I can stop at the liquor store on the way home or if it will be closed.  Murphy's law says the later, then it falls to my Second choice of the Beer store.  Been one of those days. 

Push away from your Keyboard.  Hang up your mouse.  Priorities man!  Go to the Liquor Store before he comes in........
George Wallace said:
Push away from your Keyboard.  Hang up your mouse.  Priorities man!  Go to the Liquor Store before he comes in........

George your a man after my own heart.  But still tis a school night, just my own fault for my decanter at home not being filled all the time.  A problem that with the PLD in April I hopefull can sort out.
Packing to go home for the weekend! 
I'm watching the debate on CBC...and *really* wishing it was ok to punch people, because Stephane Chretien and Jack Bin Laden would be getting one each...to start.

I wish whats her name from the Green *cough* Party *cough* wasn't there...she's just robbing oxygen and airtime.
Eye In The Sky said:
I'm watching the debate on CBC...and *really* wishing it was ok to punch people, because Stephane Chretien and Jack Bin Laden would be getting one each...to start.

I wish whats her name from the Green *cough* Party *cough* wasn't there...she's just robbing oxygen and airtime.

Liz May is an azz. Did she just say she wants us to model our economy after Sweden? Oh my.  :o
Celticgirl said:
Liz May is an azz. Did she just say she wants us to model our economy after Sweden? Oh my.  :o

Thats after she cuts taxes $35 billion...wow!  I'm not really listening to her...I have my sign ready for her though, if she comes thru my way...
Breathing a HUGE sigh of relief after passing my 3 day stretch of written & practical final exams! It's been a long 5 months of course, and it feels damn good to be done. Now I just have to get through 5 weeks of shifts in the hospital and on ambulance to fulfill my practicum. I'm sooooo close to being posted now, and it feels very good!
MediPea said:
Breathing a HUGE sigh of relief after passing my 3 day stretch of written & practical final exams! It's been a long 5 months of course, and it feels damn good to be done. Now I just have to get through 5 weeks of shifts in the hospital and on ambulance to fulfill my practicum. I'm sooooo close to being posted now, and it feels very good!
Congrats! Hospital and ambulance sounds exciting! ;D

Good luck with it.


(oh, and for what I'm doing, I just got up, and going to get ready today for some rabbit hunting tomorrow, on my birthday! Oh it should be a good day! :D )
Working on my presentation for the Gunnery Conference and fighting with this stupid computer.  It is running very slow.
Celticgirl said:
Liz May is an azz. Did she just say she wants us to model our economy after Sweden? Oh my.  :o

I loved the debate, it cured my insomnia, what with Celine Dionne, Steven Hartlet, Sack Layton, and the queen of green Liz (wth am I doing here) Mayday, Canadian politics at it's finest hour (or two hours). It was like watching your children argue at dinner time. I am voting for Rick Mercer again.
I am wondering why everyone waits till the last possible moment to submit requested information. Yes I am still at work and will probably be here till 5 or 6 tonight.

go leafs go?
Highlander60 said:
I loved the debate, it cured my insomnia, what with Celine Dionne, Steven Hartlet, Sack Layton, and the queen of green Liz (wth am I doing here) Mayday, Canadian politics at it's finest hour (or two hours). It was like watching your children argue at dinner time. I am voting for Rick Mercer again.

I dunno...I think it is a tight race between him and Red Green.  Rick Mercer brings vision and youth to the table but Red Green has a big following and years of experience...it should be a tight one.
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
What's a weekend?   :crybaby:

Weekend: The two days of house cleaning / yard work / PDR - PER writing / driving the kids EVERYWHERE that they slammed between TGIF and HCIM (Holy Crap Its Monday).

How's your's going??
Counting down the hours until I can legally vote.....and trying to figure out ways to get more people on a forum I moderate. It's tough I tell ya.

The Beaver said:
and trying to figure out ways to get more people on a forum I moderate. It's tough I tell ya.

Check out http://forums.digitalpoint.com - good ideas on web traffic mgt and forum promotion ;) I used it to get the page ranks up on my blog and it works well. Also look into PR and backlinks ;)

Highlander60 said:
I loved the debate, it cured my insomnia, what with Celine Dionne, Steven Hartlet, Sack Layton, and the queen of green Liz (wth am I doing here) Mayday, Canadian politics at it's finest hour (or two hours). It was like watching your children argue at dinner time. I am voting for Rick Mercer again.

You told me you weren't going to watch the debate. Liar, liar, pants on fire.  ;D 

I don't know who disgusted me more - Layton or May. When Harper mentioned that Afghanistan is a UN mission, May was chirping in the background, "No, it isn't. No, it isn't." And Layton was like a little kid whose brother was getting all the attention. Could he have been more pathetic? It was like daycare, not a debate.  :P