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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Just hade a change of Comd @ LFQA HQ....
Have to revise a bunch of O/S files - change the signature block from the old guy to the new guy cause the old guy didn't sign anything in his last couple of weeks.....  :P  :P
Just got back from the airport, kids off to their Nana's in NS for 2 weeks.  NO KIDS!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D WOOT! WOOT! WOOT!
Does it seem bad that I am that happy that they are gone?  Hope not, cuz I'm really happy ;D ;D
I think your happiness shows your love for both Nana and your kids.  They obviously haven't seen each other in a while, and it's perfectly natural to be happy that they are going to have two WONDERFUL weeks together (Oh, and you do get some free "alone" time, but that's a side effect, not the cause of your happiness)


(PS: two summers ago, both kids went to Grandma and Grandpa's for a month.  Wifey and I were a childless couple for a WHOLE MONTH.  It was AWESOME, though I admit I sure missed those kids)
Stuck as RDO for another four days, at least its on call for after hours incidents, so I can go home for the night.
Unfortunately, I am heading down to the Vic Park overpass again to pay my respects to Pte Wilmot and his family as he takes his final journey of the Highway of Heroes.  I wish that I never had to do this.  But, it's men and women like  Pte Colin Wimot that make Canada such a great country and I want his family to know I appreciate his and their sacrifice. 

Thank you, Colin  RIP :cdn:
Overwatch Downunder said:
Stuck as RDO for another four days, at least its on call for after hours incidents, so I can go home for the night.

- Extra duties?


- We are at camp.  I am looking out over the laptop at the log wall separating the kitchen from the 'old' part of the camp, wondering if it is still raining out.  The fire in the wood stove is slowly dying, but the place should be cozy for the night.
Colin P said:
Changing diapers, making lunch, changing diapers, repeat as required.

I see the problem.
If you don't eat soooo much lunch, Colin you might not have to change your diapers as often!!!! >:D tee hee
MedTech said:
Suffering from food poisoning. I feel like crap....

Ewww, I feel for you man.  Been there.

I'm surfing the net as my DWAN account is still not up (after almost a week) and counting down the minutes until I can get on the road for Kingston!  :)
Joyous greetings to happy members and guests.

Currently experimenting with a bread making machine (shyte, does it ever smelllllllllllll good), about to BBQ two u-bewt Aussie steaks (in garlic sauce), baked potatoes, fresh garden peas, with fresh corn on the cob.

Its winter, ya, but today about 23C sunny, wearing shorts w/singlet and sandels.

Of course its dark out now and much cooler.

Winter is half way gone now :)

It is a CC and ginger 'free' night.
It must really suck to live there man! I just can't image the suffering....

Well, it's all fun and games until a brown funnel web bites yer toes. Got any of those around your yard?
Staff Weenie said:
It must really suck to live there man! I just can't image the suffering....

Well, it's all fun and games until a brown funnel web bites yer toes. Got any of those around your yard?

Yee ole funnel web  ;D . The good thing is we are too far north for these deadly spiders. We do have bird eating spiders, and others though.

However, Queensland has its share of deady things, considering the largest croc ever caught was captured 100km to the south of us.
Just finished mowing the North 40, sippin' on a Kokanee Gold, and watching "Heavy; The Story of Metal" on MMM.
Watching Global News, nice stories on Bullying, the C-130, and Construction Projects, oh and some Wood Working.

Good stuff, time to go out for a Curry soon.

Just finished 8hrs of Chemistry class.  I want to bang my head against a wall to make the pain go away. :blotto:

Well, 'tiz just after 0800h here on a cloudy-about-to- rain Sunday wintery morning.

The breadmaking device has 'pooped' out a fresh loaf. This infidel's bacon is also done on the George Forman grill. So brekky will be hot frsh bread with fresh thin crisp bacon, washed down by ice cold milk.

Whats better than waking up with the smell of fresh bread, bacon and a blonde next to you, with two happy Siamese cats hogging the bed.

Sometimes Sundays can be a good day.

I am starving, off to eat