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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Trying to get a report finished for a project I am working on for some engineering firm. Currently reminded how much I hate the Geosoft programs, and I am about to send my laptop out a window. Wondering why the hell my profs label this program easy to use, I rather be doing GIS.
Its Friday.

Well, tonight, going to a compulsory BBQ for the CA (Chief of Army) at 7CSSB, then home to the island, but it does not end there. Tomorrow is the PMs Welcome Back from Iraq City Parade in Brisbane.

I won't get into politics, but the parade was originally supposed to be for the troops who just got back, as that mission is ended, but due to leave, discharge and other reasons, to make numbers more stronger, its now turned into a "Been to Iraq? If so, your weekend is now stuffed, becuase you are marching" thing. 

This dog and pony show begins for 1000 h, but we have to be here for much earlier. After the parade, the PM and mayor are hosting nibblies and drinks at City hall for Vets and families. Overall the PM is demonstrating he has bought the troops home, but not telling the public for every one returned, two are staying, and the rest will reshuffle to Afghanistan. Its robbing Peter to pay Paul.

I was planning on attending the Gympie Gunshow on Saturday, but these plans now have changed that. Might make my way up to Twoheadsville on Sunday.
Scratching my head, wondering why I came into work this morning. 3 crickets and 2 cleaners to keep me company as I finish off a few brief things (I drove all this way, may as well do something) before going back home.
Haha, I just came here to post the same thing Teeps.. I am pretty sure the Montreal area is still sleeping...
I have the next four days off!!  I'm writing my shopping list for LCBO. (called wine and spirit shops in Pennsylvania)

I was going to go for a run, but I think I have heatstroke. I know, I know...shouldn't complain about the nice weather, but the heat is making me woozy. lol  :blotto: 

Also, I'm trying NOT to think about my appointment with the specialist doc tomorrow. If all goes well, that's one less hurdle for my application. I see that there is another BMOQ serial opening up at the end of the summer so 'hope springs eternal'.  ;D
Well, I have just completed the 8 hour drive to Gagetown to chill in the Maritimes for the next few days.  Family and all are heading to Kentville, NS for the Gunn Baldursson soccer competition tomorrow night and hopefully working our way up to GOLD by the end of it on Sunday!!

Wish us luck!!
for the Mrs to come home from a visit with her folks.
Just watched the MsM coverage of the CDS change of command.
Time to raise my glass to the outgoing CDS - CHIMO!
Soon going to bed. Have to go to the Vet tomorrow with my dog :(

Just finished a word find and a sodoku puzzle, ate some soup(LOVE chowder!), done a bit of paper work, put my FCP on standby to standby, and am hoping for sliders.
heh...  "working"...

There's not a whole lot to do as a Unit Recruiter during the week when students are out of school and gone for the summer and everyone else who might want to join works the same hours I do...  I think I've had 1 walk, 1 applicant finishing up paperwork and 1 Co-op applicant, ahead of the game, all week...  And this has been a busy week.

I love my job, but TGIF.

I need a nap.
ahh, I am with RHFC_piper....  "working"....

waiting for my next ob, hoping to see a funnel cloud to add a little excitement to the day :)  Hey, a weatherwitch has to have her fun too :)  But it's only my first day back on shift :(  No TGIF for me.
I'm still trying to catch bad guys and gals. Why doesn't anyone do something baaad when I'm working? WTH?! Oh... But I think I'm in love. A beautiful young woman who likes the outdoors and shooting. Suuuuhweeeeet!
Truck is loaded for tomorrows trip to the cottage.
Verified my list of things to bring - twice
Sitting here eating a bowl of bran - at my age its a necessity.
Wondering if the wife noticed the extra doz. of beer.
Hoping I don't miss my son's phone call from G'town this weekend.
Getting ready to go. I have to see an orthoscopic surgon on thursday morning about my knees :(

Just got back from the airport, kids off to their Nana's in NS for 2 weeks.  NO KIDS!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D WOOT! WOOT! WOOT!
Does it seem bad that I am that happy that they are gone?  Hope not, cuz I'm really happy ;D ;D