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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

I guess it doesn't matter when you join as my coin number is higher that all those.  Unless you're talking about Milnet.ca coins, vs. Army.ca ones.
PMedMoe said:
I guess it doesn't matter when you join as my coin number is higher that all those.  Unless you're talking about Milnet.ca coins, vs. Army.ca ones.
Milnet it is. I have 267 for the Army.ca one.

Baker said:
You come to the Rock, then I'll set you both up ;) ;D

In that bar you can't get into?
With that beer your not allowed to drink?

Ya I know me to, but I'm legal in my native Country :P

MedTechStudent said:
In that bar you can't get into?
With that beer your not allowed to drink?

Ya I know me to, but I'm legal in my native Country :P
Well, I can pull some strings?

S.Stewart said:
Oxy is a stupid drug to give for wisdom teeth. Not to mention its habit forming. The best thing would be take 2 extra strength tylenol and 2 advil together, it will work better than any habit forming pain pill. Oxy is something that should be used for major surgury (wisdom teeth does not apply), and major injury.

I got put on oxy's for a pretty long period of time do to harsh injury which didnt heal, which inturn because a pain problem. The problem I found after getting off the lovely white pills, was after in was all said and done, any other pain pill I took that wasn't a high dose pain killer, didn't give pain relief. As in I was used to basicly almost total pain relief, instead of being comfortable, and learning to deal with it.

My advice careful with those little white pills, and if you don't use them all dispose of them properly.

Be careful with oxycontin. There is such a growing addiction here in Cape Breton with those pills that the crime rate is on a sharp rise here and young people are overdosing (and dying) left and right. There is a documentary out called Cottonland about this problem. (Cotton = oxycontin) I can tell you I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-foot pole.  :-\
I'm in the Halifax airport awaiting my flight to TO. Then it's off to Orlando. Woohoo!  ;D  I see MedTechStudent, PMedMoe, and CDN Aviator are here corrupting the minors!  :o
Celticgirl said:
Be careful with oxycontin. There is such a growing addiction here in Cape Breton with those pills that the crime rate is on a sharp rise here and young people are overdosing (and dying) left and right. There is a documentary out called Cottonland about this problem. (Cotton = oxycontin) I can tell you I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-foot pole.   :-\

Watched a Documentary last night called "Hillbillie Heroin" on the same thing. Bad stuff.
I was on the stuff for about 3 weeks in Texas..Living the Jim Morrision dream....messed up in the New Mexico desert.

I'm getting ready to get into the car to head to Halifax for my biopsy. I can't even have a freakin' coffee.  :boring:

uncle-midget-boyd said:
I'm getting ready to get into the car to head to Halifax for my biopsy. I can't even have a freakin' coffee.  :boring:


As a person who has spent many an anxious night prior to biopsies occuring, and many more anxious nights awaiting their results -- I wish you the best of luck.

May your results be negative.

Celticgirl said:
Be careful with oxycontin. There is such a growing addiction here in Cape Breton with those pills that the crime rate is on a sharp rise here and young people are overdosing (and dying) left and right. There is a documentary out called Cottonland about this problem. (Cotton = oxycontin) I can tell you I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-foot pole.  :-\

My dear Stewart was speaking from clinical experience and advice. I'm sure she knows that it does and what it can do if abused, and she definitely isn't using it for "recreational" purposes.
MedTech said:
My dear Stewart was speaking from clinical experience and advice. I'm sure she knows that it does and what it can do if abused, and she definitely isn't using it for "recreational" purposes.

Ah my ultimate goal in life has been achieved, to be compared to a bunch of opiate addicted aka crackhead teenagers, awesome. I am a future geological engineer, not a drug addict. Actually Med is entirely correct, I do take oxy's and I do take them for a clinical purpose, they are actually used in the medical world for pain managment, fancy that.

I was fortunate at 22 years of age to not only break my hip in a work related accident but cause massive tendon damage, the break was caught in the ER upon arrival, the tendon damage about six month later when I went back to seek medical attention because I was still in a large amount of pain, and could not walk without a severe limp. 

When I first was injured I was put on high dose oxy's, but of course that left me too "high" to function in normal society etc, now on low dose oxy's if I so choose to take them so that I can work, and be level headed. As I am employed at a college residence, and I am responsible for other people's children. They are no higher a dose than a tab of T3's they just work.

So no I don't take them for kicks, I actually avoid taking them, but I have learned that playing through the pain because you don't want to take a pill, is not worth the after affect.

To uncle-midget-boyd
  I hope all is well. I'm sure it's an extremely stressful time. Have faith it will work out for the best.  Good luck, Robin
Vern and Engineer's Wife, thanks.
  I've had a couple rough spots here and there between the time my biopsy was supposed to be and when it actually took place, but thats nothing a couple beverages didn't clear away.
I'm in school right now putting the final touches on that little documentary I've been working at, so my mind has been pre-occupied and away from possible outcomes.
  My foot is ... well, pretty sore, to put it politely, and the crutches I've got make it feel like I have the worst case of pit hair chafing I've ever had, but other than that, it's not that bad.
Again, I really appreciate you concern. I'll keep you posted.

I don't really know what I'm doing right now, but I know that I should be studying :D

Sitting in a hotel in New Orleans while reading Army.ca Forums    ;D


Okay so in like an hour and eight minutes I will begin writing my English public exam.

Wish me luck ;D