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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

MedTechStudent said:
About to go pick my better half up and take take her out for breakfast.  Then come home and do boring mundane jobs around the house all day.  Then tomorrow is the real creme de la cream.  I get my wisdom teeth out rendering me useless and unable to run for at least 4 days.  Ya  :-[ 

Ouch, you are going to be sore boy.  One great trick is to buy a couple of bags of frozen peas and pop them in the freezer.  You can apply the bag directly to your jaw or wrap a light cloth around the bag.  It will help with the swelling and pain.  The peas work great because they are so small they follow your jawline well.  Good luck!
MamaBear said:
Ouch, you are going to be sore boy.  One great trick is to buy a couple of bags of frozen peas and pop them in the freezer.  You can apply the bag directly to your jaw or wrap a light cloth around the bag.  It will help with the swelling and pain.  The peas work great because they are so small they follow your jawline well.  Good luck!

Lol irony, as I read this I am laying in bed with a bag of peas on my jaw, just took a nice little mixture of Oxycodone/ Acetaminophin, and Clindamycin.  Goodnight world.  ;)
Wow, what is the world coming to?  I got my wsidom teeth removed, two at a time about two weeks apart and never got more than Tylenol 3s.  Wimp!  ;)
PMedMoe said:
Wow, what is the world coming to?  I got my wsidom teeth removed, two at a time about two weeks apart and never got more than Tylenol 3s.  Wimp!  ;)

Ya I got all four out yesterday, and they prescription WAS T3s.  However i still had come of the oxycodone laying around from when I broke my arm and had a plate put in.  So I just uncapped those instead.   ;D 

Plus the rest is just antibiotics, but you knew that.   ;)
MedTechStudent said:
Ya I got all four out yesterday, and they prescription WAS T3s.  However i still had come of the oxycodone laying around from when I broke my arm and had a plate put in.  So I just uncapped those instead.   ;D 

Plus the rest is just antibiotics, but you knew that.   ;)

Shame on you for using an old prescription!!  ;)

Never got antibiotics either.  No use for them unless there is an infection.  And people wonder why antibiotics are becoming useless and why bacteria and viruses are able to mutate.  ::)
Getting ready/pumped to go see Monsterjam with my daughter tomorrow night.  Should be a good time.  Ear defenders for her mandatory. 
Just getting off the phone after Halifax Infirmary called. I need to have bloodwork done tomorrow morning before I can have the biopsy which was conveniently rescheduled until Wednesday.

But on the plus side... that old documentary I've been working on is finally in the ending stages, and I should have it on a DVD by next Friday.
I just jinxed that, didn't I?

MedTechStudent said:
Ya I got all four out yesterday, and they prescription WAS T3s.  However i still had come of the oxycodone laying around from when I broke my arm and had a plate put in.  So I just uncapped those instead.   ;D 

Plus the rest is just antibiotics, but you knew that.   ;)

Try Motrin or Advil instead. I had all four of mine out when I was 19 and they were all impacted (not erupted yet) with bone coverage.  So they had to break the teeth into tiny pieces to get them out.  I found the T3's didn't work as well as Ibuprofen (it not only has painkilling properties, but also the anti-inflamatory benefit for musculo-skeletal issues as well).

I'm empathizing with you right now.

Sitting around because I tore my Achilles Tendon wondering what to do with myself.  Foot and leg in cast and  I'm suppose to be off to New Orleans on Wednesday as a guest lecturer at an international scientific meeting, and thought the cast would look better if I decorated it somehow.  Also thinking, when I get back I am having surgery to fix said tendon, and who is going to walk the dog?

Maybe I should just go take a nap and stay out of trouble.

CG!!!! Have a great time at Disney!!!!!!!

MamaBear said:
Try Motrin or Advil instead. I had all four of mine out when I was 19 and they were all impacted (not erupted yet) with bone coverage.  So they had to break the teeth into tiny pieces to get them out.  I found the T3's didn't work as well as Ibuprofen (it not only has painkilling properties, but also the anti-inflamatory benefit for musculo-skeletal issues as well).

I'm empathizing with you right now.


But I'm happy with the Oxycodone, not only does it take all the pain away, it makes me feel happy.  ;)  Ya Ibuprofen is a god send too, that and ice packs.  I should be getting better by tomorrow. 
Me don't need no stinkin' Oxycondone, MedTechStudent, ya big wuss, I was eating steak three days after I had my wisdom teeth removed >:D
Mind you I realize that isn't the norm ;)

Oxy is a stupid drug to give for wisdom teeth. Not to mention its habit forming. The best thing would be take 2 extra strength tylenol and 2 advil together, it will work better than any habit forming pain pill. Oxy is something that should be used for major surgury (wisdom teeth does not apply), and major injury.

I got put on oxy's for a pretty long period of time do to harsh injury which didnt heal, which inturn because a pain problem. The problem I found after getting off the lovely white pills, was after in was all said and done, any other pain pill I took that wasn't a high dose pain killer, didn't give pain relief. As in I was used to basicly almost total pain relief, instead of being comfortable, and learning to deal with it.

My advice careful with those little white pills, and if you don't use them all dispose of them properly.
Just got up...soon going to school (like an hour), and then we have sports day.

Lets see if I can conquer do good with this like we did for the winter one ;D

Doing some marking and photocopying, waiting for classes to start. I'm also watching the monsoon falling outside my window...maybe we'll need get the shop kids to build us an ark  ;D
re-reparing a coyote that should have been finished 3 months ago but due to the civy injuring himself thejob was done half assed