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Soldier On Sports Recovery/Rehabilitation Fund

Glad to see that things are going well and moving forward (VS being at dead stop or stuck in reverse).
While I don't wish crippling injuries on anyone... I am glad to see & hear that there is something and someone out there - looking after those unfortunate souls who were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Best wishes

A recent trip to Oklahoma by Sgt Karen McCoy with the Canadian National Sitting volleyball team. :salute: :cdn:

Glad to see everyone has found a way to get some pleasure back into their lives....
So Andrew,

What's the news with the Para-Olympics?  Do we have anyone competing in the summer edition or can we expect to see anyone out in Vancouver?  That sledge hockey...now that's a crazy sport.  Just what I want to do...slide around on the ice with every player carrying around stikes with spikes on the end of them.  ;D  Sure is fun to watch though.
Hey Strike;
Sgt Steve Daniel (retired) will be part of our Canadian Paralympic Team in Beijing. I have included links from the Maple Leaf and CBC National News. I spoke with Steve last night and he continues to express his thanks to all who have helped him along the way. He will be leaving for Victoria on Sunday for a week of training then off to Beijing. His first race will be on Sept 9th. He is competing in the Arms only Rowing Division.
:cdnsalute:  To all our Canadian Paralympic Team Members.


Duty With Honour
Soldier On
Sgt Andrew McLean :salute: :cdn:
Two more pictures, Steve Daniel retired supporting the troops. Benson Auto Parts with their support.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On
Sgt Andrew McLean
Good Day to all;
Just  a quick update on our meeting with Veterans Affairs Canada Liason Office representatives here in Ottawa. They were excited about the SO program and the potential it has regarding retired members.

Taken from our webpage:

CF Soldier On is symbolic of the women and men of the Canadian Forces.  In essence, it is the spirit of heroic inner perseverance and courage of the sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen of the Canadian Forces combined with the physical motion of marching forward, onward, and upward, toward the success of any given mission.

The program was created in 2007, with collaboration from the Canadian Paralympic Committee, to support the full and active participation of serving and retired sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen with a physical or psychological disability in physical fitness activity, recreation or sport.  The promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle is accomplished through the aim of optimizing physical and psychological recovery.  The program will promote and support the return to military service and is accomplished through close working relations with the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces.

Soldier On Fund  enhances and complements, it does not replace, all other sources of public and non-public funding programs.

The CF Soldier On Fund has been set-up as a Non-Public Property fund.  Non-Public Property is established by the National Defence Act and is used for the benefit of CF members, former members, and their families.  When Canadians make a donation to the CF Soldier On Fund they are donating to the Crown. 


Given that the "Gov't of Canada workplace charitable campaign" is about to commence - have you registered the Soldier On Fund as a "Registered Charitable organisation" ?  ... Tax receipts, etc

(or is the "donation to the crown" equivalent - without the many restrictions & accounting headaches)

Hi Geo;
When you make a donation to the Soldier On Fund you will be given a crown receipt for donations over $10. You can go through the website or mail your donation in if you so choose.
Heather who takes care of all the online and mail in donations makes out a receipt and it is sent out to the doner. You then can claim it on your taxes.
Does this answer your question. :cdn:
Further to your questions;
Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?
Yes, you will receive a tax receipt.  Donations to the CF Soldier On Fund are receipted as donations to the Crown and are provided with tax receipts.  The tax treatment for donations to the Crown is similar to donations to registered charities.  However, there is no registered charity number for donations to the Crown.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On
Sgt Andrew McLean :salute: :cdn:

Yeah - you sorta answered my question but, I am just wondering how I can participate in the Gov't of Canada workplace charitable campaign (Deduction at source) while, at the same time, contributing to the Soldier On program.

(might suggest that, using the deductions at source - you'd possibly receive and continue to receive more $$$ for your programs)

CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL SUPPORT AGENCY does have it's own Tax number (118885755RR0001)
just want to know that, if I send you some $$$ from each pay, you guys should get it...
You bring up a very good point with regards to the CWC's that will shortly be starting up. There have been other inquiries regarding your question and I will look for someone to give me an answer to that.

I did have one Chief state to me that he would like to include this into the CWC but because it was not a charity they would first achieve their goal of 100% for CWC and anything over and above the 100% would be donated to Soldier On. Not sure if that can be done but others are trying to figure out ways. They would also advertise their intent to do that.

More to follow.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On
Sgt Andrew McLean :salute: :cdn:
Andrew.... not sure what they are talking about WRT achieving their 100% goal.
A dontaion is a donation.
The donor is the one who makes a choice.

Might I suggest you find our ASAP how to get monthly deductions into your cashbox... vs someone else's.
Andrew, I'd like to echo Geo's sentiments as well. I'd take the opportuntiy to donate using the CWC if it were available.
I chatted with the accounting office reps here and the only way you could have a monthly deduction would be from your personal bank account and not through the CWC. They have a form to facilitate that type of request from this end and you would receive a Crown Tax receipt before the end of the tax year.

Best answer as of now. I will keep you posted if there are any changes.

Sgt Andrew McLean :salute: :cdn:
FWIW, I consider that a bogus answer.
You know what they propose will not be done by the average individual...
Donations that you could get... won't be obtained.  Will other agencies benefit - am not certain