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Soldier On Sports Recovery/Rehabilitation Fund

Good day everyone; I am posting a link regarding a fund raiser that will be taking place in Feb 2011. This guy is a personal friend of mine and he will be skiing across Lake Winnipeg in support of Diabetes. Sgt Ernie Whelan SAR TECH was diagnosed with Type Two Diabetes in 2007.

Although I do not think he has to prove anything, there are those who cannot comprehend the spirit of drive and intestinal fortitude. Check out his webpage and donate if you like or leave your words of support.

Ernie's first Operational Rescue Jump was with me(he was still not fully qualified as a Team Member). During a night jump training flight over Shilo we were called to north west Ontario due to an aircraft that had not returned after its first approach to a remote airport. In pouring rain and darkness we jumped not knowing the landing area until only a few hundred feet above ground and under canopy. 8 souls were on that plane and although no one made it through, nothing less then what we did was required. Ernie will do whatever it takes to finish his Glide even though he made it long ago.

Ernie is a former PPCLI member prior to his move to the SAR trade.

Picture shows Ernie, Sheri and their son Tristan


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Letter from Barry Dolan CESBA Boxing Association

On behalf of our organization, I want to extend my sincere, heartfelt appreciation for the unwavering support that so many of you have given to the brave men and women of the Canadian Forces and also for supporting our cause and related events. The "Punch Up In Peel IV" was a resounding success with a high degree of positive attention focused on the Canadian Forces and the most worthy "Soldier On" Fund.

  We were able to raise a total of $13 000.00 for Soldier On. This money will be utilized to support the physical rehabilitation of injured men and women of the Canadian Forces. This success would not have been achieved without a fantastic support team:

I salute Ms. Laura "The Posh" Artibello, our Executive Director, who worked tirelessly but was unable to attend as she lost one of her best friends and role models: Ms. Jordan Fawcett, 13 years old, who died the night before our event. She is a hero and inspiration to the Markdale community and our thoughts and prayers are with the Fawcett Family and Laura.

I salute the many volunteers from the Iron John and Iron Joan Program and their founders: Tim Onyschuk and Tanya Philp I salute the Mailennium Team, led by Ms. Ederlyn Fortes, for their excellent work and expertise in making the show a success. I salute our boxers, the NYPD Team and all coaches for their dedication and commitment to the cause.

I salute Mr. Tom Donnelly the owner of "The Brogue". He is a great man and corporate citizen who continually gives so much back to the community and our country. He is a "Champion" supporter of the Canadian Forces and the Emergency Services. He is a great Canadian!

I salute the following dignitaries who took the time to demonstrate their support to the Canadian Forces, Law Enforcement and the Emergency Services: Minister of Defence Peter MacKay, Major General Lewis MacKenzie Ret'd, Mayor McCallion, Mayor Rob Ford, Councilor Doug Ford, MPP Peter Fonseca and Retired Chief/Commissioner Julian Fantino. A special thanks and salute to Dave Blashuk at "Securitas" and Smokey Thomas and the team from OPSEU. One final salute and big thanks to John Cipressi, Eileen and Mary and the rest of the team at Le Treport. They are a class act and always provide an impressive venue and atmosphere for our shows. There is some footage and photos of the event posted on our site: www.cesba.ca

Barry Dolan President - CESBA :salute: :cdn:

Heart Felt Thank You to Barry and his team who once again show their unyeilding support for the Canadian Forces Men/Woman and their families.

:salute: :cdn:
Good day;

Here are a couple of links from recent news stories.

WO Karen McCoy paying it forward and inspires others to participate:

Most recent Maple Leaf article:

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day to all;

Attached is a photo of the cheque presentation made by Ron Rail on behalf of the Capital Corvette Club of Ottawa.  The cheque for $1789.35 was presented to the Soldier On Fund on the 20th of November 2010 at the Annual Capital Corvette Club year end party.

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day everyone; I am posting the Soldier On Fund annual report (general) for your info. Our next one will be coming out in the new year and I can tell you that 2010 was a huge success for donations and supporting events and individual grants via the donated funds. Here is the link to the annual report page on our site:

I have also received a few calls/emails regarding donations/pay roll deduction so I have attached our forms that we include on our webpage.

"The tax treatment for donations to the Crown is similar to donations to registered charities.  However, there is no registered charity number for donations to the Crown"

Thanks again for all your support, it will be 4 years Dec 26th since starting this "one way blog" mostly LOL but it has been worth every post. $1 Million raised in funds but who knows what the total in Education and Awarness has been.

Heart felt Thank You to everyone who continues to support our ill and injured and to all who work in support of them. ( there are many of you out there )

Duty With Honour
Soldier On
Andrew :salute: :cdn:

Good day;

Picture attached was taken at the 2010 CF Sports Awards Ceremony in Ottawa in early November. In March of this year Soldier On/Sans Limites received the Spirit in Sport Award at the 37th Annual Canadian Sports Awards in Toronto. Greg Lagace and I along with LGen Lassard and his Command Chief CWO Hamalainen are pictured.

At the time of the award March 2010:
The Soldier On program earned the Spirit of Sport Story of the Year award, which recognizes values such as perseverance, inclusion, and a love of sport, while pursuing sporting excellence. Created in partnership by the CPC and Department of National Defense, the Soldier On program provides the resources and opportunities for ill and injured military personnel to fully and actively participate in physical fitness, health promotion, and sport activities.

"We are very honoured and humbled to accept such a distinguished Canadian Sport Award on behalf of all Canadian Forces personnel, family and friends of Soldier On that have contributed to its collective success," said Soldier On co-founders WO Andrew Mclean and Greg Lagacé. "This award reinforces our mission of using the power of sport, physical fitness and recreation to improve the quality of life of ill and injured CF personnel, and former personnel, and their families."

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day all; attached are pictures of Sgt Dave Desjardins, he recently retired from the CF and keeps himself very active with different activities, one of them is Coaching basketball to young kids. How is that for a role model...

Great work Dave :salute: :cdn:

Hi all; just so you all know that SO is not the only thing I do LOL, here is a link to a recent visit to the Ottawa Ronald MacDonald House.


Have a great Christmas everyone and a very Happy New Year

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day everyone; here is a link to an article that covers animals in the use of therapy.


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day to all;

Was not sure on posting this but I thought in the end why not.

A few of the Soldier On/Sans Limites participants got together and bought me a gift that represents alot of time and effort and not just on my part. I will not post the names and will send a private email to them thanking them for this very special gesture. The watch is a Marathon SAR/Dive watch with the Red Maple Leaf. I will wear this watch with pride and honour every day...

Heart felt thanks

Enjoy 2011 and remember time brings change.

Andrew :salute: :cdn:

Good for them and you, Andrew.

You have done a lot for our wounded members and we, Canadians within and outside of the CF, are grateful for your efforts. It is a small token of what we all owe you and all your team.
Hi everyone, this Sunday the Edmonton Oil Kings will be raising funds for Soldier On. Check out the link.


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
E.R. Campbell said:
Good for them and you, Andrew.

You have done a lot for our wounded members and we, Canadians within and outside of the CF, are grateful for your efforts. It is a small token of what we all owe you and all your team.

I am going to ask the members not to post anymore "thank you" replies, as not to plug up this thread, but I can assure you Andrew, that EVERY MEMBER  I have talked to in person, or virtually, about this thread feels just the same as Edward's post quoted above.

Edmonton Oil Kings raise over $7000 dollars for Soldier On.  :salute: :cdn:

Picture is from their Facebook page:

Global Edmonton's Shaye Ganam helped auction off the Oil Kings' Military Appreciation jerseys following Sunday afternoon's game against Kootenay. An impressive $7,475 was raised from the jersey auction, with proceeds going to Soldier On, a program that improves the quality of life of injured or ill Canadian Forces personnel and former personnel through physical activities.

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Ironman - I have some familiarity with the folks behind Camp Patriot, here in the US. Maybe you could exchange ideas and lessons learned, between the two groups.

Good day all;

I will be starting a Soldier On presentation tour this wknd. Starting in the East and will hit most regions by end March.

The presentation is approx 1 hour in length with 2 videos to show.

I will be covering the following topics:

Paralympic/Adaptive sport history
Soldier On
Soldier On Fund
Adaptive sports
Provincial/National resources
NPP property ( SOT resources )

This is more of a professional development/motivational presentation. Primary audience is for ill and injured and family, JPSU/IPSC staff, CF Health Services and all other Defence employees active and retired. Rank and file are more then welcome to come if they are given permission and depending on the location and size of the presentation venue.

Next weeks presentations will be:

Greenwood Monday Jan 10 0800 Birchall Trg Centre Theatre
Halifax        Monday  Jan 10 1400  MFRC All purpose room

I will post a more comprehensive list tommorrow just waiting on confirmation for Ontario/Manitoba locations.

Hope to see you there

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Hello once again;

Just got this link from Leah Cuffe who is MCpl Mike Trauners fiancee. Good read


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day all;

I was on Parliment Hill today for the awarding of the "To The Top Canada Award Winner for 2011 MCpl Mike Trauner" here are some links covering today's events:


In his own words media scrum:

To The Top Canada Award:

Andrew  :salute: :cdn:
Good day all,

"Lieutenant-Colonel Mike Blackburn, Base Commander CFB/ASU Wainwright accepts, on behalf of the Soldier On Fund, a donation of $1141.04 from Carley Herbert, Town of Wainwright Development Officer.  The donation was a result of funds raised during the Town's annual "Support our Troops" Pancake Breakfast"……………………………………………………….  Photo courtesy of Kelly Clemmer, Star News Wainwright.

Andrew :salute: :cdn: