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Soldier On Sports Recovery/Rehabilitation Fund

Good Day to all; here is a link regarding the MND's announcement on Care of the Injured and Ill as well as Families. It takes place on Monday in Halifax.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Good Day to all; well the day has finally come and here are the links to the new way ahead for the care of CF Injured and Ill. :piper:
-all can be found at forces.gc.ca-

New Measures

Joint Personnel Support Units

CF Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Program

Duty With Honour
Soldier On
WO Andrew McLean :salute: :cdn:
Soldier On backgrounder posted on forces.gc.ca today;

The Soldier On Program: Helping Ill and Injured CF Personnel
BG – 09.005 - March 5, 2009

The Canadian Forces (CF) are committed to helping ill and injured personnel and their loved ones, through programs ranging from excellent medical care to vocational assistance, to social support and counselling. The Soldier On Program, and the complementary Soldier On Fund, provide resources and opportunities for ill and injured CF personnel and former personnel to attain and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle through physical fitness and sport.  Since November 2007, when the Fund was established to complement the Program, Soldier On has assisted individuals in many ways, including contributing to the purchase of adaptive sports and fitness equipment, and to training and development camps for ill and injured personnel and former personnel. Soldier On enhances and complements, without replacing, existing programs.

The Soldier On Program 

The Soldier On Program achieves a number of aims. It encourages ill and injured CF personnel to attain and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. It supports these personnel in increasing their independence, in developing new skills and in achieving goals. It furnishes an opportunity for them to socialize and explore common interests, and share learning experiences.

Further, the Soldier On Program emphasizes the potential residing in all Canadians who have a disability. It investigates partnerships with other disability organizations, in Canada and abroad. It shows health-care professionals, other service providers, CF leadership and the general public how physical fitness, sport and recreation can make all of this possible.

Soldier On partners in many initiatives with the Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC), a non-profit, charitable, private organization, recognized by the International Paralympic Committee, which aims to empower Canadians with physical disabilities through sport. The partnership makes sense: the Paralympic movement began after WWII as a way of reintegrating injured soldiers into their communities and speeding their recovery. 1

Soldier On is a grassroots idea that grew. It was started in 2006 by Sgt. Andrew McLean, a CF Search and Rescue Technician and ultra-marathon runner, and the Canadian Paralympic Committee. The initiative expanded along with the needs of ill and injured military personnel, the interest and support of military leadership, and the promotion of health and physical fitness within the CF. In 2007, responsibility for Soldier On was transferred to the agency now known as Canadian Forces Personnel and Family Support Services (CFPFSS), and in November of that year the Soldier On Program was complemented by the creation of the Soldier On Fund.

The Soldier On Fund

While the Soldier On Program is limited to supporting serving CF personnel, the Soldier On Fund has a wider scope. The Fund may be used to support former CF personnel and families, as well as currently serving personnel.
So far, the Soldier On Fund has provided financial grants to accomplish the following:

purchasing adaptive sports equipment and assistive devices, including a custom mountain bike, a basketball wheelchair, a hockey sledge, a rowing shell and customized home gyms;
subsidizing the expenses of fitness or sport related activity that directly contributes to enhancing or maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle; and
subsidizing the expenses of high-performance training for beneficiaries who aspire to compete at a national or international level.
The Soldier On Fund is one of several non-public property (NPP) funds benefiting CF personnel, former personnel and their families. Others are the Military Families Fund and the Hospital Comforts Fund.

To access funds, to contribute or for more information, please visit the Soldier On website at www.SoldierOn.ca.

1For more information on the CPC, please visit www.paralympic.ca

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn: :yellow:
Good Day to all; posting a link to "Making a Difference" with Susan Hay. On Wed she interviewed MCpl Jody Mitic and his efforts to raise money for St John's Rehab Hospital in Toronto. He will be running this sunday along with many others. "Insperational Soldier" :st.patty:


Soldier On was also in BFC Valcartier this past Wed and Thurs for the 1 Year Paralympic Countdown, CTV National News on Mar 12th did a storey on the event and former soldier Steve Daniel.
CTV National News March 12th Part 3.http://watch.ctv.ca/news/ctv-national-news/march-13/#clip149577 Suzie McNeil was also there to sing her song "Believe" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xbyfto2F6w

Vancouver 2010 http://www.vancouver2010.com/en/-/32678/q0c15c/index.html

Duty With Honour
Soldier On  :salute: :cdn: :yellow:
WO Andrew McLean
Today's news release on forces.gc.ca on "Fit To Serve" Universality of Service. Removed the link, should have checked Current Affairs and News before posting. Check it out there.

:salute: :cdn:
IRONMAN3 said:
Today's news release on forces.gc.ca on "Fit To Serve" Universality of Service. Removed the link, should have checked Current Affairs and News before posting. Check it out there. :salute:

Why not link to it?
Posting links to CTV news and MCpl Mitic's St Patty's Day run in DT Toronto. There are a few video stories on the event. Canada AM with Alannah and "Peanut" :st.patty:

This one shows Jody picking Mark Fuchko up at the airport.

The picture attached is of Mark Fuchko-Earl Connor- Jody Mitic, training in Calgary two weeks ago. Earl Connor is a Gold Medalist Paralympic Runner. Training with the best....

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:

RMC recently raised 3200$ for Soldier On, with a 24hr Bike-a-thon. Each squadron manned a bike for 24 hours, rotating people through, while others went the entire 24hrs, notably our (intense) DCdts and the RMC Adj.


edit: content
Thanks for the link Cheeky. The last hour that I was there to watch was truely insperational, great job and well done to all who participated.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
IRONMAN3 said:
Below you will find an email sent to me on efforts made by Carman and Joan from Prince Albert Sask! Thanks so much for your time and efforts.

Hi Sgt McLean;
I'm Carman, Bonita's in law. Joan(wife) and I did two things with a lot of help from a whole bunch of folks. Basically, I work for Corrections Canada at the minimum secrurity pen here in Prince Albert.
When Bonita told us what you were planning, I went to work and asked a nuse in health care what she thought and she suggested that we approach our warden and ask for permission to promote the Soldier On programme. We asked if we could sell red t-shirts with the Support the Troops logo for $20.00. We would buy the t-shirts thru cannex and whatever money was left over would go to your cause. Our Warden said yes and volunteered to approach the warden at the much larger Sask. Pen next door so we could run there as well. Natalie(the nurse) designated her sister who works at Sask Pen as our agent there and away we went. We will were the t-shirts on feb. 14 and our warden has promised to help model them. I sent the order away today for 129 t-shirts and Tanya Lane at canex in Pet. gave us a real deal on them. Therefore we are able to send even more cash. should be just a hair over $1400.00 from that. Joan did a phone campaign just among close family and a few friends and raised another$400.00.( Our SARTECH son and his wife chipped in on this one) Anyway, we are very pleased to be able to help and the best of luck with the run. Joan and Carman Bibby

Never to late to acknowledge those who support us. I received this picture recently from Capt Bonnita Bibby and thought I should post it.  The Bibby family is through and through a Canadian Military family with 3 sons and daughter in-laws all serving somewhere in Canada.
The picture is from the fund raising day mentioned above in the quote.
Thanks as well to Corrections Canada in Prince Albert and the much large Sask. Pen who participated in the day.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On
Come out for the first Air Force Run 31st May 2009 Winnipeg MB. Here is a link to their home page. Funds raised for the event will go to the local MFRC and Soldier On.
(online registration coming soon)

Posting a link to Army News. Video storey  on our recent trip to Mt Washington for some skiing and snowboarding.

We are also going into our last day here in Edmonton at our 3rd Soldier On SportFit camp. The participants are heading home tommorrow afternoon. We will end the week with each participant reviewing their personalized training programs and lunch with the Base Commander. Will have pictures in the coming days.  Once again we had amazing Canadian athletes introduce their sports sledge hockey, wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball were all a hit.Today we ended with a swimming session and then off to the climbing wall for some top roping. Everyone is going home with a bit of swag as well and a Canadian National Team hockey jersey. ( I may get one myself someday LOL) :pushup:

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Good Day to all; here is a link to the Edmonton CTV news video.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
If you are able to view facebook vids then I suggest this one. MCpl Trauner walking.... :cdnsalute:


Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Hi Andrew.
Facebook says it is either taken off or it's the privacy setting.  Would you be able to get it here?  I'm really interested in seeing it.
Link to an Airforce article regarding the Manitoba Moose and their Military Families Appreciation Night.


Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Thanking Krista Moore Byne and AAA Transportation, Quicksnap Inc., The Toronto Hilton, Harbour Sixty Steakhouse, Maple Leaf Sports and the Clearys for donating over $10000 in services to the Lane/Vernelli families in order for them to attend tonight's Leafs/Sens game in honour of Scott, and to promote the Soldier On Fund. Please join us in honouring his memory by donating to Soldier ON!!!!

I am also in Toronto and will be attending the game with them.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdnsalute: