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Soldier banned from sex.....

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A soldier accused of knowingly infecting six women with herpes was released on bail Thursday under strict conditions — including that he not have sex without disclosing his sexually-transmitted disease.

Master Cpl. Mathew Wilson, 33, is charged with six counts of aggravated sexual assault and six counts of criminal negligence causing bodily harm.

Military police allege he had sex with the women, now aged 25 to 35, between 2004 and 2009 in Ottawa, Perth and Kingston.

They allege Wilson “wounded” the women in the course of committing a sexual assault and negligently caused them bodily harm by having sex with them without telling them he has herpes.

More on link

Jerk!  >:(  Glad he got caught.
I keep on saying it... time to cull the herd.
A few years ago in Halifax a guy (civvy) was going around having sex with as many women as he could. He had AIDS and infected several. One was a friend of mine. He was tried and found guilty (can't remember the exact charge) He was sent to jail. His lawyer said he should not have to go to jail because it wasn't fair that he spend the last of his days locked up. When my friend gave her impact speech she brough up the fact that yes this guys days were numbered and he would not out live his sentence but she had a 2 year old daughter that she wouldn't see graduate high school or get to help pick out a prom dress. The guy wet to jail.

This turd although has not given a life threatening disease should still do time and I hope his cell mate is very friendly!!
This turd although has not given a life threatening disease should still do time and I hope his cell mate is very friendly!!

Two, or more, for the price of one.....sweet!!
One in eight people in Australia have herpes http://www.thefacts.com.au/

There are adds on the TV identifying this disease, and here its well known by the public.

No, I am free of this  ;D but it is quite common here, and overall it is not viewed as draconian, shameful or a disgrace, its just a fact of life in a promiscious society, and people live with it.

How do you get genital herpes? This info found on the link's FAQ's
.....it can also occur through close skin to skin contact with the genital region, so you don’t necessarily have to have sex to get it. Now that is scary!!!

This is the first time I have ever heard of someone being charged for having this disease. From what I have read, the only way to pass this on is to be having an outbreak at the time, which again from what I've read, means there are bumps/blisters/irritation and leaking blisters on the infected area.  You would surely know if you were having an 'event', and to engage in sex during this time is wrong.

So ladies (or men), beware of who you sleep with. Perhaps a quick discreet visual would have made some of the infected females change their mind ?  Afterall we are in many ways masters of our own destiny.

if its 1/8 here, Canada would be similar?

EDITed only for spelling
Overwatch Downunder said:
if its 1/8 here, Canada would be similar?

"There's no reporting system for herpes in Canada, but figures from the US suggest that genital herpes affects about 25% of women and 20% of men. In other words, approximately 1 out of every 4 women and 1 in 5 men have been infected. About 8 out of 10 infected people aren't even aware of their condition.":

Canada Dec. 2009/
"Supreme Court rejects herpes 'accident' claim
Paralysis 'tragic' but not within meaning of policy":

not that im defending the defendant, but at what point does it become the victim's responsibility for having consented to unprotected sex and living with the consequences?
Wow...how quick most of you are to condemn this guy.  Guess the rule of innocent before proven guilty is RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW IN HERE!  Anyway, I find it very interesting how all these women got together and figured it was definitely him.  I am also looking forward to seeing the prosecutor prove it was indeed him that infected all these women and ruling out all the other guys these women were with in the course of their lives.  I believe it can be years before you can show symptoms sometimes. 
Now for the connection that's really going to bake your noodle:

You can be charged for physically attacking someone, and you can be charged for verbally attacking someone.

You can get compensation for physical injuries, and you can claim compensation for mental injuries.

You can get charged for having sex without informing them you have the STD and thus causing them physical harm...

So how long is it until you can get charged for having sex and causing mental harm, such as not calling back?
LOL not long I'm guessing.  In fact I wouldn't be surprised if there are a couple of lawsuits in the US that have that exact basis.  They sue people for dirty looks.
What I find troubling about this case is this: previously this charge was only laid against HIV positive individuals, to my knowledge, who engaged in unprotected sex. AIDS is fatal, although it can be managed by drugs. Herpes is not fatal. Inconvenient and somewhat unsightly, sure, but not fatal and everyone who has it got it from someone else. Not oyly does this kind of open the legal door to charging anyone who passed on herpes to anyone in the last seven years (assuming normal statute of limitations) but provides precedent for charging people with passing on other non-fatal communicable diseases to their sex partner? I mean, what's next? Assault for passing a cold to your lover? Poison ivy from a rash on your legs? Hepatitis? Salmonella? Crabs? Chickenpox? Pinkeye? Seems to me they're all grounds for assault charges now.

I do agree with you that Herpes is in a different category than AIDS, but to use physical violence again maybe they would compare AIDS-sex to murder and Herpes-sex to assault?

But yeah then it's sketchy because "sexual assault" carries with it a stigma of sounding like rape on an unwilling person, instead of having sex with a consenting person but causing them harm.
The charges weren't for "passing on herpes".  The charges were for sexual assault and criminal negligence in that he had sex with these women without disclosing he had an STI.

How does anyone know that these women "got together" against this guy?  Herpes is a reportable disease to Public Health, so when the reports went in, perhaps they saw the common factor in all the cases.  After all, the women were from three different places (Kingston, Perth, Ottawa).

Herpes can be transmitted even when one is not having a break out.  It can be passed on before the person even has a break out.  Not to mention, even using a condom is not 100% effective against it.

Yes, herpes is not fatal like HIV/AIDS but it can cause severe problems, not to mention, it can be passed from mother to baby during childbirth.  In extreme cases it can also cause encephalitis and meningitis.

Merck Manual - Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
PMedMoe said:
The charges weren't for "passing on herpes".  The charges were for sexual assault and criminal negligence in that he had sex with these women without disclosing he had an STI.

How does anyone know that these women "got together" against this guy?  Herpes is a reportable disease to Public Health, so when the reports went in, perhaps they saw the common factor in all the cases.  After all, the women were from three different places (Kingston, Perth, Ottawa).

Herpes can be transmitted even when one is not having a break out.  It can be passed on before the person even has a break out.  Not to mention, even using a condom is not 100% effective against it.

Yes, herpes is not fatal like HIV/AIDS but it can cause severe problems, not to mention, it can be passed from mother to baby during childbirth.  In extreme cases it can also cause encephalitis and meningitis.

Merck Manual - Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

I was waiting for your post on the Public Health notification aspect of this - if only for the gent who believes that because this man has been "charged" that means "the women must have gotten together with their stories". His post also infers that these 6 women "were promiscious". I don't know where the hell he's pulling that assumption from other than his own ass. If the article is accurate --- it certainly seems as if the "man charged" may just have been the "actual promiscious factor" in the events vice the women he chose to sleep with. Interesting how this guy is charged with "KNOWINGLY" (thus ruling out the "well, he can go a couple of years without even knowing he had it" theory) passing this on to 6 women - yet there are those to jump on the bandwagon talking about the "women's promisciouity??" And, "I'd like to see them prove it wasn't one of the other men they slept with that gave it to them". Nice big fat assumption on that posters part. How is that?? As far as the article leads ... he slept with 6 different women, while each of them has only been shown to have slept with one man."

I'd also like to point out to those posting about "responsibility for the women's own actions slants" ... that Herpes falls into the "Incurable STD" category quite unlike chlamydia, gonorehhea, syphillis etc ... which are cureable STDs with antibiotics.

Herpes also increases ones risk of contracting HIV/AIDS.

And yes, although Herpes is "treatable, but not cureable" and can go undetected ... the fact that this guy was charged in the first place for "knowingly passing it on without advising" certainly infers that he was QUITE AWARE as he had BEEN DIAGNOSED as having herpes. I'd wager a beer on the 6 charges having been the result of willing actions on his part AFTER his diagnoses.

Then, there's always the slant that these 6 women may indeed have ASKED the guy if he was clean to which he may have said "yep" (ie he lied to them and thus "did not disclose") ... which may also have been a factor in his being 'charged'.

Whatever occured, I'm sure the system didn't just "pull the charges" out of their asses --- there's obviously a basis for them being laid against him.

Time will tell whether their basis for the charges "holds up to scrutiny" and whether or not he is convicted or not.
I was not aware that herpes was reportable.  According to Public health ontario only neonatal herpes was reportable.  see link for reportable diseases:

and its not on the national list at all. http://dsol-smed.phac-aspc.gc.ca/dsol-smed/ndis/list_e.html

It changes how we do business.  I know I have yet to send anyone for contact tracing for herpes.

But in no ways does this minimize the fact that he should have disclosed his condition to his partners.  Having said that his partners were very risky in not ensuring that condoms were used especially if they were in a short term relationship with him.  They took big risks in not contacting something else like AIDS. 
Kirsten Luomala said:
I was not aware that herpes was reportable.  According to Public health ontario only neonatal herpes was reportable.  see link for reportable diseases:

and its not on the national list at all. http://dsol-smed.phac-aspc.gc.ca/dsol-smed/ndis/list_e.html

It changes how we do business.  I know I have yet to send anyone for contact tracing for herpes.

But in no ways does this minimize the fact that he should have disclosed his condition to his partners.  Having said that his partners were very risky in not ensuring that condoms were used especially if they were in a short term relationship with him.  They took big risks in not contacting something else like AIDS.
My mistake, you're right, it's not reportable, but IMHO, it should be.

How do you know those women didn't use condoms?  I certainly hope they did, but a condom is still not 100% effective against herpes transmission.
If Canada's herpes rate is similar to Australia's at 1/8 (and the USA), based on 10,000,000 adults just as a bench mark, that means 1,250,000 would have herpes, if this was 'reportable' it would swamp the system, and others with more important diseases would suffer. More government mismanagement and invasion of privacy our so called private lives, costing the taxpayers more millions in an already cash straved healthcare system.

With statistics, this means that even some members on this site of both sex are infected, and sufferers of herpes. They are not monsters, just people. Its no big deal. Education and prevention via safe sex are the only ways to combat this, by lowering your chances. Herpes is out there, its everywhere, like the common cold.

I am single and I date, and although I am very VERY and very extremely fussy with who I bring home, I am not about to ask them 'excuse me - do you have herpes or any other diseases' before things go further. 

The article does not go into detail about the reasons behind him infecting others. Did he willing intend to infect women as an act of revenge? Or did he try to manage his disease the best way he thought. The MCPL in question who is now INTERNATIONALLY on thte INet, publically named and shamed, caught this disease from another person, and what does that make her? For that matter, she caught it from another person, and what does that make him? And so on and so on, the cycle continues.

I know at least two females that have herpes HV2 (genital type), and that information is private between them and their doctors and their now husbands, as they got the disease when they were young and single and have managed it for over 25 yrs including raising families). Its no big deal, and no reason to make herpes a national reporting/management issue, which like all things would cost unnecessary funding which needs to be concentrated elsewhere.

Most of us (yes me and maybe you- I get the odd cold sore, a rarity but it happens) have the HV1 (herpes cold sores) type already, and you kiss someone you can give it to them. Does that mean one could be charged with assault for that? Foolishness! I don't warn someone 'hey I get cold sores, you might catch one' don't kiss me, but if I was infected with a coldsore, I would say don't kiss me, I have this..........'  Make sense?

I today it is everyones responsibility to stay "clean". Just like its not only the woman's responsibility for birthcontrol. (yep married for a while)

I can remember when I first joined the CF and someone caught an STD. It was as if the "clap" was terminal. Then out came Herpes and the attitude was "oh thank God it's only the dose". Then AIDS/HIV came out and it was "oh thank God it's only Herpes" I actually heard it put this way on ships I was serving on. Does this mean that when something worse that AIDS comes around we'll change our attitudes again?

To get back on topic IF this guy knowingly infected these women then he's guilty whether they asked or not. What he's done is messed them up for life. How do you tell someone your really attracted to, get along well with and are considering marriage that you have Herpes. Could be a relationship killer.
ArmyVern said:
I was waiting for your post on the Public Health notification aspect of this - if only for the gent who believes that because this man has been "charged" that means "the women must have gotten together with their stories". His post also infers that these 6 women "were promiscious". I don't know where the hell he's pulling that assumption from other than his own ***. If the article is accurate --- it certainly seems as if the "man charged" may just have been the "actual promiscious factor" in the events vice the women he chose to sleep with. Interesting how this guy is charged with "KNOWINGLY" (thus ruling out the "well, he can go a couple of years without even knowing he had it" theory) passing this on to 6 women - yet there are those to jump on the bandwagon talking about the "women's promisciouity??" And, "I'd like to see them prove it wasn't one of the other men they slept with that gave it to them". Nice big fat assumption on that posters part. How is that?? As far as the article leads ... he slept with 6 different women, while each of them has only been shown to have slept with one man."

I'd also like to point out to those posting about "responsibility for the women's own actions slants" ... that Herpes falls into the "Incurable STD" category quite unlike chlamydia, gonorehhea, syphillis etc ... which are cureable STDs with antibiotics.

Herpes also increases ones risk of contracting HIV/AIDS.

And yes, although Herpes is "treatable, but not cureable" and can go undetected ... the fact that this guy was charged in the first place for "knowingly passing it on without advising" certainly infers that he was QUITE AWARE as he had BEEN DIAGNOSED as having herpes. I'd wager a beer on the 6 charges having been the result of willing actions on his part AFTER his diagnoses.

Then, there's always the slant that these 6 women may indeed have ASKED the guy if he was clean to which he may have said "yep" (ie he lied to them and thus "did not disclose") ... which may also have been a factor in his being 'charged'.

Whatever occured, I'm sure the system didn't just "pull the charges" out of their asses --- there's obviously a basis for them being laid against him.

Time will tell whether their basis for the charges "holds up to scrutiny" and whether or not he is convicted or not.

First of all, only the listener can "infer" while the speaker implies (It really annoys me when people screw that up).  Secondly, I did not imply anything of the sort that these women were promiscuous - just that they probably were not all virgins.  And even if they had one other partner in the last 5 years, who is to say that it wasn't someone other than the accused?  Anyway, I am sure they have a basis for the charges but this is a very very slippery slope.
Do you not then feel it is wrong to knowingly engage in a bodily fluid exchange with another, while withholding the fact you have a viral cocktail swimming about in your boxers?
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