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So you're posted to a NAVY base and you're ARMY.


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
Well you are in for surprise!    ;D

I had the honour to work on one of Canada's Navy Bases for the pass month.

There are some notes I made I would like to bring up for anyone intrested in my recce skills. So you don't get the shock and awh effect on you.

Their language is foreign. I am still learning.
I'll say the ones I know so far.

Jetty ~ not a pier... Jetty.

Chief ~ Members that are MWO or CWO, don't call them sir. I learned that the hard way.

Heads ~ Bathroom, again, hard way.

Old Man ~ Commanding Officer, I was wondering why the old man was getting some guy to play a whistle for him. I thought it was some ones dad. Boys was I wrong.

XO- All you need to know for us, Deputy Commanding Officer.

Coxswain (sp?) - Their version of the RSM.

Soup time ~ coffee break that includes soup. You must visit the "Galley" for it.

Galley ~ Our Mess, watch you head while walking on the ship. Metal hurts.

Capt (N) ~ I believe is our Col.

Lt (N) ~ is our Capt... beats me.

Also just some notes..

~While boarding HMCS whatever.. you must salute before stepping on. I am not sure on this issue... but I just copy other folks.

~This throws me for a loop... you do not salute a Commission officer when you walk into their office. Beats me. I even put my heels together.

~Piping in the officer deal... if we did that in the field. The sniper would have a field day.

~Mobile Dock crane operators are crazy drivers. Just whip around the Jetties like they own it.

~Each night it seems they play musical ships and don't tell anyone. I have to drive down each day and map out where is what...

~Poop deck I am still trying to figure out. I think it is on the same level as the "heads"

~Ball caps on base. I was issued one during X-Mas Dinner and was told I can not wear it. So it sits on my dresser for the past 4 years now.

~Dress and deportment. No comment. Can't say anything cause I don't wear the same uniform.

~Standing beside a Resupply ship is Huge.

~Fridays are freebies. Usually. Don't bother to push any paper work.

Other than that, I am having a GREAT time.


Come on NavyMich... I know you wanna...

  I guess you'll just have to suck it up princess   and make the army look good in the eyes of the navy.  My brother tries  (HA!!) to make the AF look good.
Oh, when they play music at the end of the day, you'd better be out of your car and saluting in one direction.
Yup all that pomp and ceremony and no holes to live in and no one shooting at me. Sounds like a deal Mr. Harper!
TN2IC said:
Come on NavyMich... I know you wanna...

Is this a challenge you throw out to me?  LOL

Sounds like you are having fun!  You can find out lots more about the saluting and rank thing by SEARCHING! ;)

I must admit, the Navy way of life is completely different, and is hard to explain.  Nice to see that you have gotten the story first hand.

Don't forget, you go down the flats to a space, lift your feet and duck your head walking through a hatch, learn your navy drill, dinner is lunch, the XO can also be called Jimmy and the coxswain can be called Swain.  The CBM (Chief Bosn Mate) is known as Buffer which stands for Big Ugly Fat F***er Easily Replaced....(how many of you knew that?)
TN2IC, glad too see you're enjoying us Navy folks....see we ain't so bad ;D
T, just do what my brother does...
smile and wave, boys. heehee ;D
Don't forget about Navy drill, slide that foot.  Some of us refused to be brought to the dark side, right Mich? ;D
rmacqueen said:
Don't forget about Navy drill, slide that foot.  Some of us refused to be brought to the dark side, right Mich? ;D
navymich said:
... learn your navy drill...

First, how did this thread end up bringing ME into it so much?  ::)  Second, I see you still don't read too well macqueen.  ;D

As for the whole Navy drill thing, I relearned quick the real stuff.  After being on ship for 4 years, my first week ashore I was 'volunteered' to be a Pl WO for base divys.  That was, shall I say, interesting!
So your (what? ass?) was posted to a NAVY base and your ARMY did what?

How about "So you are posted to a NAVY base and you are ARMY."
Here's one for you, how about being Army posted from Pet to an Air Force unit on a Navy base.  Talk about culture shock :blotto:
George Wallace said:
Is this an acceptable title then?   ;D

Other then the fact that the "A" word is in the Navy forum.....looks good.  ;D
navymich said:
Other then the fact that the "A" word is in the Navy forum.....looks good.  ;D

It would depend on where the priority on the RUMINT is coming into play.....Is it the Leg or the Swabbie?
George Wallace said:
It would depend on where the priority on the RUMINT is coming into play.....Is it the Leg or the Swabbie?

And would the naval named swabby currently be dressed as a zoomie?
The Librarian said:
And would the naval named swabby currently be dressed as a zoomie?

Not yet.  Two more weeks until that happens.  But I've got the nametags and the wedge!
navymich said:
Not yet.  Two more weeks until that happens.  But I've got the nametags and the wedge!

Ah...so you're still just posing now then?


Boy, this thread will get really good when you switch over....Navy girl at heart that's serving with the Air Force talking about Army guys posted to naval institutions.
navymich said:
Not yet.  Two more weeks until that happens.  But I've got the nametags and the wedge!
This is the defender of the Navy? ;D