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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Welcome to Army.ca, Justin Ko.

I take it that you did not read the stickied "READ FIRST" http://army.ca/forums/threads/115341.0.html post for this forum. Please do so now.

You have asked some valid questions, but they have all been answered elsewhere on this Site. Please read through older threads and try out the Search Function. I will merge this thread with one of those other threads later this evening.

The flying training programme is challenging and requires a lot of effort and work to pass it. You can begin that process by applying some effort on this Site. You will also likely find answers to other questions that have not even occurred to you yet.

Happy reading...
The "easy way" leads to disappointment and failure.

What you seek is difficult and success is far from guaranteed, which makes those Wings so much more of a prize if you make it that far.

We will provide you with as much assistance and advice as we can, but also no more than you are willing to earn.
MasterInstructor said:
Before somebody responds and tells you to search, i will asnwer some of your questions...

1- Absolutely not
2- You need to best in certain skills, does not mean best in class.
3- yes, and yes
4- do not know
5- no, as long as the degree you have is accepted for pilot trade.
6-no... Stick with the military...
7- different entry options depends on your educational background... do you have a degree?
8- initially, you will become a pilot. then you will be selected for your stream after phase 2 of training... you do not get to choose... they choose you, you only give a preference.
9- it will depend on the mission and specific permission... no way to tell. i have seen videos that are created with permission for PA reasons.
10- you need un corrected 20/20 vision. you can get a simple eye exam to find out.
11- about 25% are fighter pilots... not sure of the number.

There is a lot wrong here.

Advanced flying experience (i.e. commercial or better) is of a lot of help, in fact. Otherwise less so. I had zero hours and did fine in Phase II though the learning curve was steeeeeeeeep.

Jet selection has a certain GPA cutoff requirement over the course of Phase II (mostly weighted toward flying, more heavily to flying tests). It has nothing to do with CFAT etc. You are selected for your stream during Phase II, typically after most of your course has finished 3 tests. Almost everyone gets their choice these days - after arriving in Moose Jaw and developing as an aviator over the run of the course, you get a realistic view of what you really want and choose accordingly. There's always someone who thinks they're god's gift to military aviation and aims for jets yet tanks every test and gets achieved standard in daily flying and is shocked not to get what they want, but they're rare.

Like Max said, Seneca is military. If you already have a degree there is no point in, and you may not be accepted for, the programme.

You DO NOT, again DO NOT need uncorrected 20/20 vision. This has been in effect for years, close to a decade now. You can be V2, laser corrected, or probably even both.
A few discussions you may find of interest to get you started, ( in addition to these 50 pages. )

Justin Ko said:
I want to become a fighter jet pilot so most of these following questions will be based around that.

So, you want to be a Fighter Pilot?

So you wanna be a fighter pilot eh?

Looking for an active TacHel or Fighter pilot 

Fighter pilot career path 

Questions regarding RMC - And the life of a Fighter Pilot.

Aspiring Fighter Pilot's Bachelors Degree and Experience 

Justin Ko said:
I have good vision, but when I close my left eye, its blurry to see some smaller stuff far away, but its not affected by near sight. When i open both of my eyes, I can see forever and ever. So I was wondering if my left eye wouldn't let me get passed the eye test. I was also wondering what's the recommended visual acuity and the minimum.

Vision Standards and Laser Eye Surgery for Pilots 
7 pages.

Justin Ko said:
I'm still a bit fuzzy at the different ways to join; CEOTP, DEO, ROTP.

Justin Ko said:
I roamed through the internet and found that Seneca College in Toronto is offering a military flight program.

CEOTP-The Seneca College Pilot Program FAQs 

RCAF-Seneca Pilot Partnership 

MasterInstructor said:
7- different entry options depends on your educational background... do you have a degree?

No, not yet as I am still finishing high school and wondering what the best course of action I should take.
Justin Ko said:
No, not yet as I am still finishing high school and wondering what the best course of action I should take.

If you are finishing high school Seneca CEOTP is the only option that I would recommend to any of my friends. I don't know why anyone without a degree would do any different! Look into it and see which options align the most with your desires but if getting in the cockpit and moving along the stream is more important to you than having a degree there is no reason not to choose the Seneca program. Some even might say it comes with certain... Privileges.

Happy reading!
Downhiller229 said:
If you are finishing high school Seneca CEOTP is the only option that I would recommend to any of my friends. I don't know why anyone without a degree would do any different! Look into it and see which options align the most with your desires but if getting in the cockpit and moving along the stream is more important to you than having a degree there is no reason not to choose the Seneca program. Some even might say it comes with certain... Privileges.

Happy reading!

Would ROTP through RMC be the same, or even better than CEOTP?
Justin Ko said:
Would ROTP through RMC be the same, or even better than CEOTP?

You may find these discussions of interest,

Becoming a Pilot through the RMC 
4 pages.

ROTP - Pilot (Not CEOTP)

Applying to RMC through ROTP, to become a pilot in the long run... 

applying to ROTP for Pilot 

Pilot Applicants 
4 pages.

applying for ROTP? (Pilot)


Seneca CEOTP is a stop-gap - useful this year, maybe not so much the year after.  DEO/ROTP are the two preferred and ideal entry plans for any Officer position in the CAF.

There are zero privileges associated with any entry plan - you are treated exactly the same during Phase training and your follow on career.  Seneca-CEOTP mbrs will find their career advancement more challenging as the ability to pursue a Master's degree (for higher promotion) would be that much more difficult.
mariomike said:
You may find these discussions of interest,

Becoming a Pilot through the RMC 
4 pages.

ROTP - Pilot (Not CEOTP)

Applying to RMC through ROTP, to become a pilot in the long run... 

applying to ROTP for Pilot 

Pilot Applicants 
4 pages.

applying for ROTP? (Pilot)


Thanks for this!

Ditch said:
Seneca CEOTP is a stop-gap - useful this year, maybe not so much the year after.  DEO/ROTP are the two preferred and ideal entry plans for any Officer position in the CAF.

There are zero privileges associated with any entry plan - you are treated exactly the same during Phase training and your follow on career.  Seneca-CEOTP mbrs will find their career advancement more challenging as the ability to pursue a Master's degree (for higher promotion) would be that much more difficult.

Thanks, that clears it up now!
mariomike said:
You may find these discussions of interest,

Becoming a Pilot through the RMC 
4 pages.

ROTP - Pilot (Not CEOTP)

Applying to RMC through ROTP, to become a pilot in the long run... 

applying to ROTP for Pilot 

Pilot Applicants 
4 pages.

applying for ROTP? (Pilot)


I have merged all of these threads into "ROTP for Pilot Applicants" at http://army.ca/forums/threads/80137.0.html, save "Pilot Applicants".
Ditch said:
Seneca CEOTP is a stop-gap - useful this year, maybe not so much the year after.  DEO/ROTP are the two preferred and ideal entry plans for any Officer position in the CAF.

There are zero privileges associated with any entry plan - you are treated exactly the same during Phase training and your follow on career.  Seneca-CEOTP mbrs will find their career advancement more challenging as the ability to pursue a Master's degree (for higher promotion) would be that much more difficult.

I was trying to be funny with the privilege thing. Seneca program kids have priority loading on their phase training because they have a timeline to follow as far as returning to school.
Melbatoast said:
Advanced flying experience (i.e. commercial or better) is of a lot of help, in fact. Otherwise less so. I had zero hours and did fine in Phase II though the learning curve was steeeeeeeeep.
I'd say it's useful for PH1 (in fact, it with enough previous experience, you'll probably get to skip), slightly useful at the very beginning of PH2, and completely irrelevant for PH3 and follow on training.

Downhiller229 said:
I don't know why anyone without a degree would do any different!
Maybe some people want a real degree? ;)
I would actually very cautious to send my friends the CEOTO route. Apart from the issues getting into post-grad with the Seneca degree, there's also the very real possibility of release in the event of course failure for CEOTP student pilots. There is a much higher probability of retention for those that don't make it through pilot training but have a degree.

My name is Arooj and I am currently interested in joining the Canadian Air Force. When looking at several requirements, it's shown that a university degree is required to enlist. My plans for the future are to attend Seneca College and complete the Honours Bachelor of Aviation Technology program and get my Commercial Pilot License. Although the program is based in a college, the program is University standard and the credential obtained is a degree (not a college diploma). If i wanted to join the Air Force, my questions are:

-What kind of Pilots license would I need to obtain?
-Would my degree be okay even if it's from a college?
-Would I need to have previous flying experience? (I will be able to get 300 hours of flying in the program)
-How athletic would I need to be?
-Is there any way I could get a head start into joining the Air Force, as I would be graduating from my program in 2021

I am located in the GTA, Ontario, Canada.

I would really appreciate any answers to my questions!

CanadianAirForce said:
My plans for the future are to attend Seneca College and complete the Honours Bachelor of Aviation Technology program and get my Commercial Pilot License.

Some Seneca College discussions you may find of interest,

CEOTP-The Seneca College Pilot Program FAQs 
3 pages.

RCAF-Seneca Pilot Partnership 
4 pages.

CEOTP AEAD Seneca Course 1
2 pages.

New Seneca College programs 
OP: "I also read alot of blogs from aspiring pilots and people that graduated some years ago."

Are there any advantages ?
OP: "AEAD is the new program they got out that you do your degree at seneca college in toronto and you also get your wings at the same time ???"

Royal Canadian Air Force Pilot Training Program

CEOTP - Pilot


Welcome to Army.ca, Arooj

As you may see from mariomike's links, there is plenty of information here on this Site already. Please take the time to look around. By reading through older threads - especially those stickied at the top of each forum - you will find answers to questions that have not even occurred to you yet.

The flying training programme is very demanding, but even more rewarding to those who succeed. There is lots of homework. You can prepare yourself best by doing a little of that here.
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