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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Got a question about the 3 types of pilots.
Out of Jet, Multi engine, and Helo, which has the best job in the criteria of job satisfaction, work hours, flying hours, and deployments?

I would assume Jet has the most satisfaction with the least flying time, best hours?, most paperwork, average deployments.. But I have zero idea.
Once again, no idea but my guess is that Helo has awesome satisfaction, medium flying time, ok hours, most deployments?
and Multi engine has kind of a boring job with the most flying time, longest hours, and least deployments.
That depends upon what you like/don't like and want to do/don't want to do.

I think that anything except Tac Hel sucks and I would not want to do it. Others, for reasons that completely baffle me, prefer other things.

And there are subsets in each of those three basic types, and your breakdown is vague - there are multi-engined jets, like CC150 and CC177. CF188 is also multi-engined.

I like helicopters, but have less than zero interested in MH or SAR for example.

As for flying time, there's quality and quantity. I prefer an hour of dodging cows and trees to ten of watching an autopilot fly.

There are too many variables to answer your question.
kolkim said:
and Multi engine has kind of a boring job with the most flying time, longest hours, and least deployments.

I think you'd be wrong in that assumption.  SAR is mutli, so is LRP.  SAR is operationally tuned 24/7. 

Auroras?  Nothing is boring at 100 feet off the deck doing 250kts over a nice sea state.  LRP drivers deploy more than you see in the news, including things like OP IMPACT.  I think anyone who could see LRP-MH coop in action wouldn't find it boring.  And, we in the LRP community do a whole variety of mission types.  Not all of it is 'ohhhh!  ahhhh!' and there is the expected Officer leadership and admin functions to perform as well, but you will get that in any of the streams.  LRP does SAR stuff to, just differently than SAR Sqns.

Maybe the Transport side seems boring to some people, but those folks are busy and going places all the time.

Food for thought.

Eye In The Sky said:
I think you'd be wrong in that assumption.  SAR is mutli, so is LRP.  SAR is operationally tuned 24/7. 
Maybe the Transport side seems boring to some people, but those folks are busy and going places all the time.

Food for thought.

Well said.  I too think that their statement was one done in ignorance of what any of our pilots have to deal with.

I am sure that our Transport pilots and crews flying into some of the worse shyte holes on the planet, sometimes 'under the guns' of an enemy faction, are not bored to death with their jobs.
Loachman said:
There are too many variables to answer your question.

^ This.

Tell me, what's the best kind of car to drive?

There is far more enjoyment or disappointment to be experienced based on an individual's preferences, than the characteristics of various fleets are going to influence.

Given the success rate from recruitment to final rating on an operational aircraft, one might perhaps be satisfied just to make it through the process. :nod:


kolkim said:
Out of Jet, Multi engine, and Helo, which has the best job in the criteria of job satisfaction, work hours, flying hours, and deployments?

To add to the opinions in this super-thread, you may also find these other discussions of interest,

Do you have a choice between fighter/helo/multi ??? 

Can you choose what kind of aircraft you'd like to be trained in/fly full time?

Uncertain about going either multi or helo 

How is a Pilots aircraft chosen?

New guy, introduction and a question or two. 
inferno said:
I read on here somewhere I think that most pilots recently have been biased towards helicopters/multi-engine, is this true?

Airframe selection after BFT 
MasterInstructor said:
Which airframes needs most pilots right now?

Which option do most ask for?

I am interested in Multi Engine.

Choices After BFT 
Looking4Higher said:
I understand that a pilot candidate after completion of BFT has the choice or is selected to one of three streams (RW, Multi, Fast Jet). 

more questions on how does it work 
weiss said:
I know it has been discussed on some boards here how new pilots get into one of the category - jets, multi or helicopters. 

Switching from FW to RW and vice-versa 
Messerschmitt said:
Is it easier to transfer from multi platform to helo platform vs vice versa? I would assume since the number of helos is double than that of multis that would be the case?


Edit to add

kolkim said:
Out of Jet, Multi engine, and Helo, which has the best job in the criteria of job satisfaction, work hours, flying hours, and deployments?

From The "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread,

helo multi or fighter


kolkim said:
Got a question about the 3 types of pilots.
Out of Jet, Multi engine, and Helo, which has the best job in the criteria of job satisfaction, work hours, flying hours, and deployments?
To add to all the relevant replies you got: even if you think you know what you'll like, it's very possible you're completely off.

Throughout phase I and phase II, all I wanted was to fly TAC HEL. I put helos first on my list, and jets third. They sent me ph3 Harvard, which is the way towards jets. Even during and after completion of phase III, I was still asking to be sent on the helo course. They kept me in the jets stream. I started flying a jet, and I still hoped I'd be sent to helos at some point. As soon as I got into advanced formation and the first few "fights", I was completely hooked, and now I'm extremely glad some people with much more experience and judgement than me sent me jets and kept me there somewhat against my will!

A buddy of mine was dead set on jets thoughout ph1 and ph2. He was sent helos. Now he's very glad it turned out that way.

There aren't any truly bad flying jobs in the CF, only bad attitudes! With the right mindset, you'll very likely end up enjoying what you're doing, no matter what.

EITS: 1) touché, but 2) you forgot "and has reasonable O&M costs..."


bradley247 said:
Aircrew selection is done prior to joining, if you fail, your application for pilot doesn't continue (you can still continue the application for your other trade choices). You can attempt aircrew selection up to 3 times, and each must be at least 1 year apart.

Hey everyone, could someone please clarify something for me? I've been working on my prerequisites for the CEOTP program, (Grade 12 Advanced Functions, Calculus, Physics, etc.) and so far my marks are great. My only concern this entire time has been the Aircrew Selection process. I've had several talks with recruiting officers at the Hamilton Recruiting Centre. I intend to apply for Pilot. I have been under the impression that if I fail the Aircrew Selection for the Pilot position, then I'll have three more stabs at it, with a year separating each of them. However, this comment above has made me think twice. Am I misunderstanding something, or is it the case that if you fail Pilot once that you can only retry for other trades? I can't see myself doing anything else with my life besides flying for the CAF. Can someone please give me a solid answer to this?

Thanks in advance.
I am currently going through the application process for the ROTP and one of my trade choices is to be a Pilot.  From what I have researched and looked up, I will have to know how to describe what being a pilot entails, in my own words. On Forces.ca it gives you two small paragraphs on what being a pilot is about, but I don't know if there is more that should be elaborated in my interview, or if they just want basic point form facts for me to rhyme off to them.  I have searched through the forums and tried to find articles on what it is like being a pilot in the RCAF, but I have not done so very successfully so if there are any current or former pilots, or anyone who knows what I should say for this question, your help would be appreciated.  I also believe they are not looking for the typical 'romantic' answer to this question, "They fly planes at Mach speed and shoot missiles", but also what goes into planning a mission, their responsibilities on base, etc.  Thanks in advance for any help that is given. 
speargun said:
I have searched through the forums and tried to find articles on what it is like being a pilot in the RCAF, but I have not done so very successfully so if there are any current or former pilots, or anyone who knows what I should say for this question, your help would be appreciated.

See also,

A day in the life of... a pilot
"I'm currently preparing for my interview on Monday, and was wondering if any pilot's or anybody else with current knowledge could describe a day in the life of a CF pilot. Besides flying what other duties are you responsible for on base?"

Life of a Pilot: The Off-Duty Aspects 

Least appealing aspects 
"I am looking at becoming a pilot and if anybody can help point out the least appealing aspects of being a pilot can you please tell me."
They pretty much just come to work for a few hours, fly around for a bit and bring back the aircraft broken. After that they retire to the officers mess and play volleyball in the sand.
Hi, I am going to Trenton in a few weeks and I found out, the aptitude test is really tough. For the fuel consumption and speed, distance, time test, are we going to be able to use a pen and paper or it's strictly mental calculation?

And is it better, to make sure they are all correct or go through a lot of them during the test so you can answer more questions get the easy ones?

Thank you for your time!

Tgunn1109 said:
Hi, I am going to Trenton in a few weeks and I found out, the aptitude test is really tough. For the fuel consumption and speed, distance, time test, are we going to be able to use a pen and paper or it's strictly mental calculation?

And is it better, to make sure they are all correct or go through a lot of them during the test so you can answer more questions get the easy ones?

There is a whole thread dedicated to ACS: http://army.ca/forums/threads/70257.0.html

I am wondering about being a pilot and want to ask these questions!
I want to become a fighter jet pilot so most of these following questions will be based around that.

1. Do you need any flying experience to become a fighter jet pilot?

2. To become a fighter jet pilot, do you need to be the best in your class (Or whatever the name is) and have the best scores in tests - CFAT, flying tests, etc.

3. Do all pilots need to be an officer; Do I need to take BMOQ, not BMQ??

4. What is the duration of specialized training for a fighter jet pilot?

5. Will it affect my option to become a fighter jet pilot if I have a University degree that has nothing to do with the occupation? i.e electrical engineer, chemical engineering, business, etc. And can they be from any Canadian civilian university or only RMC/any CAF recognized university?

6. I roamed through the internet and found that Seneca College in Toronto is offering a military flight program. I am wondering if that would be something to look at, or would I be better off just going to the flight school that goes on after you've been accepted to the CAF, or whatever program they have for pilots in RMC.

7. I'm still a bit fuzzy at the different ways to join; CEOTP, DEO, ROTP. I am wondering which classes are better (Or offer better things) than one another, and how they are different. I could probably look this up but I want to have a firm standing of what each do.

8. If all else fails and I don't become a fighter jet pilot, could I become a pilot in a different field such as a transport pilot, helicopter pilot, etc.?

9. This is a bit off topic, but once you are fully trained (or maybe even during training) could you bring a portable camera such as a Go-Pro and film inside of the cockpit and upload it to a site such as Youtube, or is that not allowed?

10. I have good vision, but when I close my left eye, its blurry to see some smaller stuff far away, but its not affected by near sight. When i open both of my eyes, I can see forever and ever. So I was wondering if my left eye wouldn't let me get passed the eye test. I was also wondering what's the recommended visual acuity and the minimum.

11. How many Canadian fighter jet pilots are there in the CAF currently?

Thanks if you answered all these questions in advance, I really appreciate it.
Before somebody responds and tells you to search, i will asnwer some of your questions...

1- Absolutely not
2- You need to best in certain skills, does not mean best in class.
3- yes, and yes
4- do not know
5- no, as long as the degree you have is accepted for pilot trade.
6-no... Stick with the military...
7- different entry options depends on your educational background... do you have a degree?
8- initially, you will become a pilot. then you will be selected for your stream after phase 2 of training... you do not get to choose... they choose you, you only give a preference.
9- it will depend on the mission and specific permission... no way to tell. i have seen videos that are created with permission for PA reasons.
10- you need un corrected 20/20 vision. you can get a simple eye exam to find out.
11- about 25% are fighter pilots... not sure of the number.
Justin Ko said:
9. This is a bit off topic, but once you are fully trained (or maybe even during training) could you bring a portable camera such as a Go-Pro and film inside of the cockpit and upload it to a site such as Youtube, or is that not allowed? 

Most of your questions have been answered but this one caught my eye:  why do you even think about this at this stage?!
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