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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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I currently have a 86% average and started reviewing about a week ago. I'm most afraid of this aircrew selection test which I just recently found out about. How can I prepare for this test because 60-70% failure rate is reallly high and quite frankly I'm not sure what else I'd like to be doing if I were to fail.
jeffreycao1998 said:
I'm most afraid of this aircrew selection test which I just recently found out about. How can I prepare for this test < snip >

This may help,

Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

Canadian Forces Selection Testing Candidate Guide
"This guide provides information on the Aircrew Selection Tests administered to all Pilot (PLT), Aerospace Control (AEC), and Air Combat Systems Officer (ACSO)  candidates."
jeffreycao1998 said:
I currently have a 86% average and started reviewing about a week ago. I'm most afraid of this aircrew selection test which I just recently found out about. How can I prepare for this test because 60-70% failure rate is reallly high and quite frankly I'm not sure what else I'd like to be doing if I were to fail.

Got ya fam.






For the first link, from what I gather if you score 10/10 on the V=D/T with an average of ~10s you're in a decent spot. ~25s for Fuel Calculations.

If you can afford, this was highly recommended to me by someone that passed CFASC. I purchased it and its a nifty little program to help you sharpen up.


Okay I did the distance/time questions 10/10 but it took me 20 seconds each just with mental math. The fuel consumption questions too me almost twice as long to do.
JackMerridrew said:
Im conditionally excepted into Seneca through CEOTP and my average was exactly 80%. As long as you have calculus and it's above 75% you should be fine AFAIK. Just focus on your CFAT, ALOT of my highschool friends have failed it because they were too cocky to review.
Wait so you did your ACS already right? Also arn't the minimum requirements just to have all the needed courses at higher than 65%?
JackMerridrew said:
Just focus on yor CFAT, ALOT of my highschool friends have failed it because they were too cocky to review.

jeffreycao1998 said:
Okay I did the distance/time questions 10/10 but it took me 20 seconds each just with mental math. The fuel consumption questions too me almost twice as long to do.

If you wish to focus on your CFAT,

Do I have to be good at math to be a pilot?

aptitude mathematics 

Mathematics applying/within the Forces.


"what type of math is on the aptitude test?":

"Math questions on the test":

"CFAT Math Problem Solving": 

"Not the best at math..":

"CFAT Math + other question": 

"How does one 'relearn' math?":

"I suck at math (CFAT worries)":

"If you need help in Math for the CFAT":

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) FAQ 

jeffreycao1998 said:
Wait so you did your ACS already right? Also arn't the minimum requirements just to have all the needed courses at higher than 65%?

Unfortunately I haven't had my all expenses paid trip to Trenton and Toronto for CFASC yet. After the interview (or CFAT if you're lucky) the recruiter will forward your highschool marks to Seneca and they will accept or decline you as a student based on your marks. I was academically accepted to the program, however; I still need to be accepted by the RCAF.

jeffreycao1998 said:
Okay I did the distance/time questions 10/10 but it took me 20 seconds each just with mental math. The fuel consumption questions too me almost twice as long to do.

Remember, for V=D/T, these need to be done in your head. You will not be given a pen and paper for CFASC. I promise you, you have a long time to wait if you pass your CFAT/Interview, so you have lots of time to improve.
JackMerridrew said:
Unfortunately I haven't had my all expenses paid trip to Trenton and Toronto for CFASC yet. After the interview (or CFAT if you're lucky) the recruiter will forward your highschool marks to Seneca and they will accept or decline you as a student based on your marks. I was academically accepted to the program, however; I still need to be accepted by the RCAF.

Remember, for V=D/T, these need to be done in your head. You will not be given a pen and paper for CFASC. I promise you, you have a long time to wait if you pass your CFAT/Interview, so you have lots of time to improve.

I've been reviewing the grade 10 math stuff for my CFAT and based on my what my friends say, I think I'll do pretty good on it. Please keep me updated on how your CFASC goes because I really want to become an air force pilot. I do have a backup but I'd much rather fly.
Hi all,

First off, I just wanted to say that I'm brand new to the forum. First post, actually.
I sure am glad to have found this forum, it's been very insightful so far.

I have a question that I could not really find the answer to anywhere online. I'll keep it short, as it might not be totally appropriate for this particular thread.

Last night I had called the recruitment office in Hamilton (I currently study in Hamilton), to ask them about the logistic of applying as a DEO  whilst still completing my undergrad in engineering. I was informed that my application will be 'held' until I am graduated, and that I cannot proceed with the preliminary CFAT and medical until then... is this the way it works now? I have a buddy currently in basic, who was able to write his aptitude test and everything, while still completing his final year. This news bummed me out, because it effectively prolongs my process by another 5 months or so.  :(

Maybe this is secretly step one of the CFAT... 

"Answer the following:  Do I trust what the CAF recruiter told me, or believe that my friend's past experience is more applicable to my situation?"

I know what my answer would be.


Lol I know, I thought the same thing, G2G.
My reservations come from the fact that when I asked her the question, she didn't know and put me on hold for a few minutes. I was just wondering if anybody has found themselves in my situation before.

Kam, that' style recruiter's version of "measure twice, cut once," ie. Get it right the first time.  There are so many policies and directives to keep track of, that it is often necessary to confirm that nothing had changed, even if they thought they knew the answer "for sure." :nod:

Good luck.

Kamm, if you are sure you want to be a pilot in the CF then just apply now (today!). If you do that at least the CFRC has the option to start processing it right away if they choose to - you have nothing to lose. If you don't then you don't give them, and thus yourself, that option. I applied for DEO pilot last year (December 2014) finishing up the last year of my degree and I thought I was on top of my stuff getting a "head start". I wish I had applied in September or even earlier if I could have. I've been in the process for 12 months now (7 months since graduation) and I was just merit listed a couple days ago. I probably still have a good 3-4 months ahead of me until I leave for basic. And for the record, from my own application experience, they processed my application before I graduated. I wrote the CFAT in February but didn't get scheduled for the interview and medical until June. Take it for what it's worth, and of course your mileage may vary.
FWIW - some DEO candidates are processed and accepted with still a year left on their degree.  In some cases, the CF picks up the bill for the final year too.  YMMV
Thanks a lot for the replies  :salute:
I'll take that advice in line with my gut feeling and send my app through now. We'll see what comes of it.

Ditch said:
FWIW - some DEO candidates are processed and accepted with still a year left on their degree.  In some cases, the CF picks up the bill for the final year too.  YMMV

Is that something new (or very old and not done anymore)? They will accept your application in your final year with the caveat that you must have a degree before you can get an offer (that's what I did), but I've certainly never heard of the CF giving a DEO offer before the applicant has a degree, let alone picking up the tuition bill. You can apply as ROTP with 2 years of school remaining and they will pick up the tab, are you sure that's not what you are thinking of?
bradley247 said:
You can apply as ROTP with 2 years of school remaining and they will pick up the tab, are you sure that's not what you are thinking of?
Most likely yeah!
I had a year and a half left to finish my degree, and they accepted me as ROTP, but they wouldn't take it as DEO.
To echo what some others have said recently there is a lot of processing time, I am leaving for BMOQ on Jan 16th and applied in March 2014 as a DEO pilot. I didn't get a chance to go to ACS in Trenton until February of this year and was getting very discouraged since my Barrie recruiting office didn't provide me any updates when I called or emailed and it was always we will let you know when the time comes type of responses. Just getting the original background checks done after applying took months for whatever reason. On my ACS in Trenton there were maybe 10 RMC students trying to switch trades that only could qualify for ACSO or ACE so after only 3 of the 27 people on the course left for Toronto as potential pilots I felt a sense of accomplishment and was optimistic.

After I passed ACS I was given my offer on July 7th so it has been a long wait for BMOQ. I also had my medical update in September since a year had passed and after that was done I sent an email to recruiting late November to make sure there was nothing else they needed and everything was up to date. I was assured everything was good to go for January and then early December I get mail telling me that I needed to do urinalysis, blood work, ECG and vision test. I spoke with the person who sent it and was told the person who did my updated medical failed to tell me that I had to have those tests done again. I assumed having passed the medical in Toronto in February and having the update done in September I was cleared medically and felt I had done my due diligence making sure my file was up to date.

A few days ago I received the call that I am cleared medically once again and will have my swearing in ceremony on January 7th. All in all the nearly two year long process has been stressful with not a lot of communication, but I am extremely thankful that I have met all the standards to be chosen and look forward to the journey ahead of me.
Can someone confirm something for me? If I'm chosen for CEOTP - Pilot, will I be a 2Lt making 2Lt pay once I graduate from BMOQ?

I was under the impression I stayed as an Officer Cadet throughout training. Thanks!
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