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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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brian_k said:
I just want to add that no we no longer recieve back pay for the time we should have been promoted.

You will no longer receive back pay for any Captain pay incentives - you still receive it for Lt.
You will no longer receive back pay for any Captain pay incentives - you still receive it for Lt.

That isn't as bad of a 'kick us while we are down' as I though it was. What happens to the guys that already got it? Is it being taken back from their pay?
Recovery of pay is only be done when a payment was made contrary to the policy at the time the payment was made. Should said policy be changed after the fact, the member is good to go. For which I'm glad, as I'd have a bit of trouble scrounging up enough money to re-pay that signing bonus that they no longer offer to engineers.
Hello Sharpie and HeadInTheClouds!

So how well have you done? As you may know I failed and had to leave pretty quick to get my train at 11:00. I wonder how many of us (we were 11 I think) have passed/failed. Have you talked with few others to know?

Thank you for the info.


Sharpie821 said:
Hello Dombi and Headintheclouds,

I will also be leaving next week for aircrew.  See you there!
I spoke with a recruiter and was told to contact him in September. Is there any plausible reason for this or was he telling me to take a hike.
And also where will my CPL and Group 1 instrument get me. Will it help or am I as far ahead as the guy with no log book (in terms of successfully getting into the CF as a pilot)
6 on 11, not so bad. Congrat, it was not an easy task. I don't think I will try again. The waiting time to get on PFT (1 year) + all the following waiting make me reconsider this trade (the result of my test helps too!). I think I will receive an offer for ACSO anytime soon and will have to make that big decision then... Go or No go..

Good luck !!!


Sharpie821 said:
Hey Dombi,

I made it through with 6 other people.  Are you going to try again in a year?
kc86 said:
I spoke with a recruiter and was told to contact him in September. Is there any plausible reason for this or was he telling me to take a hike.

Did you mention that you have your CPL and multi IFR? When I applied 2 years ago, they told me to go away because no spots were open, but then after I mentioned that I had a multi IFR and CPL with a few hundred hours, they told me to apply and see what happens.

I can't speak for whether or not your licenses and ratings will help you get your wings as I only just received my offer recently and haven't even started training, but I can tell you that it seems it gives you a decent edge in the recruitment process for getting an offer (at least it seemed to for me). Also, after having gone through the aircrew selection centre, there is nobody on this planet that could ever convince me that having your licenses wouldn't help you through ASC (especially the IFR). Already having instrument flying skills definitely helped. 

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe people with a CPL get to bypass PFT in Portage-La-Prairie, which cuts out a big chunk of waiting.

lstpierre said:
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe people with a CPL get to bypass PFT in Portage-La-Prairie, which cuts out a big chunk of waiting.

There are certain criteria that allow for a PFT bypass - but - by no means does it make your wait shorter.  In some cases it actually adds a year.  Allow me to explain.

If you are a die-hard jet-wannabe, then Moose Jaw is your only option.  However, if all you want is to fly Helo or Multi - you can apply for Phase 2 Grob at Portage.  The caveat for this, you must have completed PFT recently.  The wait for Phase 2 Grob is measured in weeks to months, vice months to years for Moose Jaw.  The wait after Phase 2 is minimal too - sometimes in the matter of days.  If you bypass PFT, you do not have this option.  Choose wisely.
7/11 pass, not too shabby.
Congrats on those that made it past ASC. I'm booked for the week of May 31st.
I don't know what your experience has been, but under CEOTP there is no guarantee of time for studies. Yes, most units will provide time when they are able, and yes, they are responsible to monitor and yes, there MAY BE a period of full time studies, but only the monitoring is ensured.

A canforgen recently came out stating that no CEOTP will be given time to go to school during working hours while on OJT. So don't expect to use any of your 4 years on OJT to get a degree unless it is in the evening.
The CANAIRGEN stated that there will be no time given towards studies for the mbr's degree, but the unit CAN give time for the completion of OPMEs.  CEOTP officers can also apply for full time subsidized studies on a competitive basis, but this will incur further obligatory service.  If one were to elect to attain a BMASc degree from RMC, the OPMEs count towards the degree.  Prior military courses and experience can count towards that degree program as well (subject to PLAR by RMC).  So there's still options...
I know that people are still allowed to attend OPME's. I just find it odd that people aren't being pushed to attend school and try to complete their degrees in the 3+ years of OJT. I would assume university would be a higher priority then driving ramp taxi, measure the distance the distance between telephone poles or just staring at a computer screen.
First problem: You assumed :). But  you're totally right, it would be a shame to allow those on OJT to fill up their spare time during the day being productive.  It is much more important to have them ensure the popcorn machine is full.
Hi, Im studying for a university degree right now and quite interest in joining the air force to become a pilot.
How long would the training be? from a civilian to a pilot. I did some research, and found out that I need to learn French for 2nd language.
I dont know a single word of French, should I learn it during my acadmaic year be4 I join the force?
Thank you for the reply!!!! :)
nickanick said:
Hi, Im studying for a university degree right now and quite interest in joining the air force to become a pilot.
How long would the training be? from a civilian to a pilot. I did some research, and found out that I need to learn French for 2nd language.
I dont know a single word of French, should I learn it during my acadmaic year be4 I join the force?
Thank you for the reply!!!! :)

I take it that this reasearch that you mentioned didn't consist of reading the 22 pages of questions and answers on this topic in this very thread?

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