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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Congrats on the offers guys!
I can imagine this is probably the happiest day of your lives for some of you.
Anyone hear word on Component Transfer/Occupational Transfer DEO offers?

Congrats to everyone who just got their offer! I applied in July 2008, but since the position was closed at the time I couldn't do my interview until this week. I was told 68 DEO spots were open when I went to the recruiters (April 8th, 2010 [this was 2 hours after they got the wire stating how many pilots were being hired this year, and every recruiter in the building was surprised by the news]), so hopefully by the time i get to and finish ACS there are a few spots left. good luck to everyone who applied, trust me I know how stressful this process can be!
Hello everyone,

I have looked and read into many of the posts on this topic in this forum, but would like some direction, or some insight for obtaing my descision.
Currently i have succesfully finished my BMQ course as a reservist and am doing my BMQ land this June. My dream has always been to be a pilot in the military, so i joined the reserves to see how the forces would be like and if it is something I might consider as a carreer. So far I enjoy it.  I am planning to go back to university this September and get a bachelors degree in something (haven't decided yet). I have already got "my feet wet" you can say, in the reserves, but my lifetime goal is to be a pilot. I currently filled out the application form to RMC and maybe have a crack at it, but if i do get denied entry i can always continue my studies at my local university.

So I need help on putting me in the right direction, or "where can/do I go from here"?

Zoomie said:
Did you see the date of that post that you just quoted?

When I wrote that post EIGHT years ago I knew many people working the CFRC scene - I was also still an ab-initio pilot and very much in the thick of it all.

Even to this day - the intent of my message still stands on its own.

Please put the pistols away, gentlemen fight with swords.

Woah ... My Sincerest apologies ... I just realized that somehow my website settings have gone all screwy ... I always have had it set to read the most recent posts first, but somehow it has reversed itself and now the earliest posts show up at the front.

I never looked at the date because the latest posts were always right there ... so no, I didn't look ... again my apologies to Zoomie (despite what my wife says, I CAN admit when I'm wrong)

Mea Culpa...


(now, does anyone know how I change my settings back again?)
I am really glad to hear that offers have started to flow out for the DEO entry.  Congratulations to you guys for getting accepted into the Pilot programme!  I myself applied for CEOTP (Internal), but I haven't heard anything yet.  Messages were supposed to start going out last month,  but when I called my PSO and he said he hasn't heard anything back for anybody on base, good or bad.  So I guess it's still the waiting game for me...has anybody been accepted for CEOTP yet?
I am scheduled for Trenton May 10th to May 14th. Somebody else will be there for CAPSS that week ?

It's Official!

Just got the word from my MCC. BMOQ starts September 27th. Now I'm just waiting for the enrollment package from the file manager, meanwhile...better go for a run! Good luck to everyone else.

I'm there the 10th as well. Are you doing anything to prep other than studying the manual? Where are you coming from?
Headintheclouds said:
I'm there the 10th as well. Are you doing anything to prep other than studying the manual? Where are you coming from?

Hi there!

I don't think there's much we can do beside reading the manual. I am from Montreal and applied for Pilot (Direct Entry) last August. I hold a PPL since 2001 but I have only 60 hours in my logbook. Do you have some experience in piloting ?

I will take the train here around 10:00am on Sunday and arrive at Belleville around 1:00pm. I think I will have some time to kill. You take the train too ?

Just so you guys know what you are getting into.

I have been sitting around on OJT for a year and still have a year to go. On OJT you are probably going to just sit around doing nothing all day every day. If you do get tasked to do something it is some pointless job such as moving chairs around, measuring light poles, etc. I am lucky because I did ROTP and I got to do PFT in between 3rd and 4th year. So this means I only have 3 years between flight courses. Those unlucky souls that are DEO or CEOTP join, get there basic course then are sent to second language school for 8 months. After the language training they are finally put on the PFT waiting list. This is about 2 years. After that they get back from PFT they do OJT for another 1.5 to 2 years waiting for Moose Jaw. When you finally get there it will probably be running behind so you will sit around some more. In short be prepared to do nothing for 2 to 5 years and become bitter and resentful about your stagnant career.

uuuuugggghhhh....sounds pretty brutal.  But, it's good to be prepared for those interested....
Yeah, with 225+ people waiting for flight training I am surprised that people are still being recruited.
brian_k said:
On OJT you are probably going to just sit around doing nothing all day every day. If you do get tasked to do something it is some pointless job such as moving chairs around, measuring light poles, etc.

Nothing prevents you from doing actual work. Get involved in your unit, try to find some projects that needs to be taken care of, talk to people.  It's sad to say, but most pilots in a Unit don't have the time to babysit you and find work for you.  A little initiative never killed people.

brian_k said:
In short be prepared to do nothing for 2 to 5 years and become bitter and resentful about your stagnant career.

Again, it's a personnal choice.  Nothing prevents you from completing your OPMEs and doing AFOD Block 2.  Do it now, while you have time.  I can guarantee you that you won't have time during and after training.  Try to take the BEW Course, second language classes (some bases offer them).  Learn about the Harvard II (there is a TON of information if you ask/dig), about flying in general, ask questions to the pilots around you.  This is Professionnal Development and it will help your career. No, it may not be flying, but you will do other things than flying once you are qualified.
To add to that, if you're doing OJT on a sqn or even on an airbase, ask if you can get up on flights.  SAR sqns hold spotter courses, Herc sqns go to Alert/Thule, etc.
Nothing prevents you from doing actual work. Get involved in your unit, try to find some projects that needs to be taken care of, talk to people.  It's sad to say, but most pilots in a Unit don't have the time to babysit you and find work for you.  A little initiative never killed people.
I did this and took over coordinating first aid at my wing. I like the position, it is rewarding, but I joined to fly not to teach first aid for 5 years.
Nothing prevents you from completing your OPMEs and doing AFOD Block 2.
I am doing them.
This is Professional Development and it will help your career.
Really? I think the biggest boost to my career would be to be wings qualified in less than 7 years then I can maybe get a promotion. Also, a few people that haven't finished their degrees asked to go to school part time and were rejected. Why can this time not be used to finish their degree.

I'm not asking to be babysat by my superiors, their isn't anything they can do to get me in a plane sooner. I am just posting a warning here to people that may be considering joining. If you have no problem waiting for 5 years go for it, otherwise seriously consider your options.

I joined because I wanted to do something interesting. I didn't want to be stuck behind a desk and I wanted to go out and make a difference. OJT is the opposite of that.

Again, attitude is a big thing.  I had to wait too.  1 year before Moose Jaw and about a year between courses.  Did I hate my life during that time?  No, I made the most of it.  It is what I expected to do as a pilot when I first joined?  No.  However, this is part of being a military pilot.  You are getting paid (quite a good salary I might add).  Pilots on the civy side waiting for a flying position don't get nearly the same treatment you are getting now.  And yes, they have to wait.  Quite long time these days, on a much lower wage.

Don't whine, keep the chin up and make the most out of every situation.  Do that and you'll do fine.

I should have waited a day to cool off before posting. I found out on Friday that instead of leaving in the coming months for Moose Jaw, the course is now delayed an extra year and with the rumours that back pay is not going to be given I was pretty pissed off and it showed in the tone of my posts. The point was not to rant but to just let others now that this is happening since the recruiting centers are not mentioning it when people join. If I had know when I signed up it probably wouldn't have changed anything but for some people this might be a deal break.

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, DEO applicant around the same time, PPL. I'm driving in from Ottawa probably a little later in the day. I've been doing some sim practice as well as studying the manual.
See you there!
I just want to add that no we no longer recieve back pay for the time we should have been promoted.
Hello Dombi and Headintheclouds,

I will also be leaving next week for aircrew.  See you there!
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