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So there I was.......

.... smartest hamster in the world, Sir Fuzzface, but his title is in danger from ...
....from a 10 foot tall Red Panda who was raised by monks in Tibet and they always taught him to......
.... recipe for poutine and the full text of all the Rambo movies, after a ear pounding from all that racket ....
that was, wait for it now, the Milice RSM ordering the unit's precision drill team to...
...splashed anyone in the vicinity with water from the puddle he was in, thinking....
.... last time I did this I got typhoid and had an awful rash on my ....
.... next time this happens you will need an butt transplant. The only available donor butt was from ....
.... from a long time employee known as "The Brain Basher", it was a bit ragged around the edges but it had an extra ....
...the orderly room floor during OC's Orders Parade...
.... held daily for the same soldat who is constantly caught with his hand in ....
perverbial cookie jar, in his case found in the back seat of a Clown car parked in..................
... the compound section reserved for the major's staff car, but his wind up tin car was in the shop so ....
...presented the Transport Sgt. with a work ticket for...