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Small Pack Issue

You can mount one on the back of your TacVest, for one thing. Pretty much the only use I've found for that is carrying extra grenades in OBUA. You can also put one of them on the bottom of the small pack. I keep my valise up top, so I leave one on the bottom of the SPS for smaller things I want to be able to get at without opening the main bag.
I had a question to anyone that's had experience with the small pack out in the field -- do you find that it replaces the use of the ruck sack on some training exercises, at all? This is just curiousity speaking (I know, curiousity killed the cat) -- I was just wondering this because on some exercises you don't ALWAYS need the bigger load carriage of the ruck, thought maybe the small pack would replace it in some situations.
Very much so, and in fact the internal capacity of the small pack is equal to the ruck. Aside form the lack of an external frame, it doesn't give up anything to the ruck. I find mine very comfortable, and certainly useable on exercise as an alternative to the ruck.
RossF said:
I had a question to anyone that's had experience with the small pack out in the field -- do you find that it replaces the use of the ruck sack on some training exercises, at all? This is just curiousity speaking (I know, curiousity killed the cat) -- I was just wondering this because on some exercises you don't ALWAYS need the bigger load carriage of the ruck, thought maybe the small pack would replace it in some situations.

Hell, I'd be more than happy going on ex with just my nuke-bag, which is smaller than the new small-pack.  Unfortiunately...there's there's this guy whose rank is a three letter acronym....yeah, he's not a big fan of us doing that.  So if you're asking wether the small pack can be used to replace the ruck for a 2-3 day ex, then yeah, it can.  Wether you'll get away with it...that's a different matter entirely.
The Assault-Pack is a perfect thing to use on a three-day ex; there is a reason that many call them "3-day assault packs".
And I though I was the only one that found it strange that 3-day packs were not enough for a less-than-three-day ex. I felt like I was taking CRAZY pills! *screamed in the voice of Will Ferrell*

The only reason I can see for using the ruck on a weekend ex is to reinforce the point that we may be out for much longer than we plan.  Although, I feel this point would be much better reinforced if we were issued a good amount of ammo, POL, water, radios, and the like. It seems to me that making us use rucks and then letting us pack them with snivel kit, thereby filling up the space that would usually be taken up by the aforementioned items, teaches us nothing. But hey, what do I know, I'm just a private :warstory:

Pte.Pinky said:
The only reason I can see for using the ruck on a weekend ex is to reinforce the point that we may be out for much longer than we plan.

Pte.Pinky said:
this point would be much better reinforced if we were issued a good amount of ammo, POL, water, radios, and the like

Agreed 100% With the exception of Winter Exes, the idea of Marching Order and the sustenance it provides has gotten less reinforced.
Been isued all 3 items this summer. Completly replaced the rucksack (my metal frame was kind of broken and it kept sticking in my back) for me (been pretty much encouraged to do so by the unit), been using it on exes and so far no complain except for the sleeping bag carriage system, wich looks fragile, keeps hitting your butt and just plain feels akward to me, but I am still experiencing with it so there may be something I missed out.

The cadpat leather gloves are excellent shooting gloves (or trench making, have to remember we are in the infantry, we are supposed to use shovels more than guns) for warm and dry days, when it gets cold and wet mortar gloves are doing a much better job (I could wear mortar gloves on their own on a -10 celcius snowy autumn day without any problems).

Finally, the big winner, the new ballistic glasses, absolutly no complains about those. Cover the whole field of vision, excellent sun protection, equally excellent foreign object protection (I love wearing them with the clear glass for those night recces to keep branchs away). If the ballistic protection is just as good, it's an excellent piece of kit imo, and I can finally get new glasses through system when they scratch!

Oh and anyone else got issued the new belt? Came back from last ex with a huge red circle on my waist  :-\ . Maybe I just need to get used to it.

just my thoughts on these, btw I am a reservist, anyone who can put them to a more... extensive and realistic use then me saw anything I didn't ?
On top?

I'll have to figure a way and try that, I love solutions that go out of the traditional limits of the problem.
Douke said:
Oh and anyone else got issued the new belt? Came back from last ex with a huge red circle on my waist  :-\ . Maybe I just need to get used to it.

New Belt?
may be garbage but atleast they finially decided to take a look at making a combat belt, and get away from the shiny brass one.

Anyone have a picture?
Putting the valise on top is easy, just use the usual straps and put them through the daisy chains up top. If the buckle won't fit through try taking it off the strap, put the strap through, then re-attach the buckle. It puts the weight in a much better spot and keeps the valise well away from the back of your thighs.

That's what I figured out yesterday  ;D. Valise feels much more comfortable like that and it takes down by much my complaints about the smallpack.

As for the new combat belt, its that very large and wayy too long green belt with tactical yellow markings (/sarcasm off) on it, I'll post a picture today, but when you receive it don't expect anything great. Although it is more resistant and the buckle system much better (no more losing combat pants on that advance to contact), it's so far extremely uncomfortable to use, they made the belt fabric way too solid, and it simply digs through your waist after intensive use.
genesis98 said:
New Belt?
They were distributed to the 4 main Army Bases (Pet, Ed, Val & Gage) this past fall. We just did our bulk initial issue here in Gagetown to our 1st Line Field Units and CTC school staff here on 8/9 Dec along with their new lightweight thermal mortar gloves.

3 ASG personnel will be issued their new belts, thermal mortar gloves and Tactical Vests on 10/11 & 12 Jan.

The message announcing the final distribution to the 4 main bases came out on 13 Dec along with the notice that all Res F Units and Air/Naval Base Clothing Stores can now begin ordering for their supported personnel who wear Land DEUs.
We just placed an order for 2000 more so that we can begin issuing to all Land DEU students (SQ, CAP, Phase, QL etc) beginning in the new year.

The belts are indeed crap. Until you modify them. I had the MAT Tech add on the standard velcro that we all love so much once I cut the belt down to size (I could have fit 4 of me in it originally). You can modify this item by cutting it to your proper size (that was the intention of it) and adding velcro as it is a "C" class non-accountable item that will be retained upon release/roll-over.
So vern, when I go in on the 4th to pick up my black socks I can get my new belt at the same time then beg the mat techs to fix it?
I hear a lot of in-experience talking on this topic(aside from armyvern and maybe a couple of others). The Small pack is not designed to be carried full along with your ruck,nor is made for carrying your valise. Not with our cuurently issused sleeping bag.It is meant for use over short periods of time such as short range patrolling. Carrying the small pack with your valise with valise on top is silly. If anyone of my soldiers showed up with that configuration there would be some quick changes made ie. transferring the load to it's proper place. The ruck!
As for the criticism of your CSM. Well maybe he has a little bit more experience than a new Pte. Do as you are told and stop crying.When soldiers are deploying on ex. checks must be done and kit lists issued. I am in the regs and have deployed to the field many times.And prior to deploying i have been on many inspections. You would not belive some of the kit people bring and the stuff left behind.This is necessary in almost all units to ensure people are equipped and ready for the job.(especially new Pte's)
  Now onto the new ruck . It is an excellent piece of kit. I carried it during the 2003 Cambrian Patrol in Wales.The Patrol itself was around 65k in extemely adverse weather conditions and harsh terrain.It perfomed  waybetter than even I expected. As well as the patrol our team logged hundreds of k's during prep. With average loads of 85 pounds it felt as if we were carrying 25 pounds compared with the old ruck. By far the piece of kit I'm looking the most forward to recieving. In case your are wondering where the one I wore during  the Cambrian went. It was sent back to Trials and Evaluations in Ottawa. It was for publicity purposes only we were allowed to wear them in Wales.
Welcome to Army.ca. Your experience and wisdom will be welcome, just try not to talk down to people. There's lot's here with lots of time, experience, tours, posting, courses, etc. We value all factual informaton. Please read the guidelines, if you haven't already, and peruse some of the forums, like the Combat Arms. Your input is welcome.
I find that you need a small bag (not just the small pack), to carry equipment needed for tasks so your ruck can be left in the hide (dismounted), or in the trucks/APC (mounted). It is only logical that we would be looking for ways to attach the small pack (because it is issued) to our ruck's. We are not saying to attach it for extra storage, but for use on tasks, etc.