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Small infantry man

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HitorMiss said:
Hey GO!!! for the record, I am one of those guys that said after 2yrs "this is great I think I'll do this till I retire"..... :dontpanic:

AND you are in the RCR - which exempts you from my blanket statement, as you are most definitely needing a head space and timing check!  ;D

You are one of those guys that relaxes at night in his PT strip, drinking out of your regimental water bottle while practicing your pace - sticking in the shacks and singing regimental songs - are'nt you?! ;)

I know a "Regimental Ron" when I see one! ;D
The Gues-|- said:
So Para, how short and skinny you think?? honestly.
No shorter than 5 foot, I would think, although I'm sure there are exceptions. And no lighter than 100 lbs, again, however, there are undoubtedly exceptions. I have seen a Thai woman who stood less than 5' and weighed less than my right leg, who could out-do most infantrymen in North America.

2332Piper said:
Why is the sky blue?
The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. Blue light is a shorter wavelength, whereas red is a longer one. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.
However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules that make up the atmosphere (or ionoshpere, I forget which). The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions, getting scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light coming from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue.

GO!!! said:
AND you are in the RCR - which exempts you from my blanket statement, as you are most definitely needing a head space and timing check!   ;D
Maybe....but I mean since I'm in the infantry aren't we a little off to begin with?  ;D

GO!!! said:
You are one of those guys that relaxes at night in his PT strip, drinking out of your regimental water bottle while practicing your pace - sticking in the shacks and singing regimental songs - are'nt you?! ;)

It's a sad sad life I live....thanks for making me cry with depression! :-[

GO!!! said:
I know a "Regimental Ron" when I see one! ;D

Ok well now I'm just hurt!

I'm taking my pace stick and going home! :D
Small infantry man? well that'll be me! i'm currently only 5'8 120lbs, mainly because of metabolism.  Now i havn't gone yet, but i've been in past activities and jobs that required alot more strength that i probably had.  The way i got through them was pure determination and that's how i expect to get through the physical part of training.  That's my advice for other people relatively in the same situation as me.