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Small infantry man

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Short People got no reason
Short People got no reason
Short People got no reason
To live

They got little hands
Little eyes
They walk around
Tellin' great big lies
They got little noses
And tiny little teeth
They wear platform shoes
On their nasty little feet

Well, I don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
`Round here

Short People are just the same
As you and I
(A Fool Such As I)
All men are brothers
Until the day they die
(It's A Wonderful World)

Short People got nobody
Short People got nobody
Short People got nobody
To love

They got little baby legs
That stand so low
You got to pick 'em up
Just to say hello
They got little cars
That go beep, beep, beep
They got little voices
Goin' peep, peep, peep
They got grubby little fingers
And dirty little minds
They're gonna get you every time
Well, I don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
'Round here
Relax, my 9er is 5'7 (same height as me) but weighs a lot less. He's an 031 EP guy. Remember the saying "size doesn't matter"  ;D  I know, this coming from a woman is hard to take, but, trust me I have bigger muscles than my 9er and that's why I weigh more and that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!  ;D

Speaking of above saying and Para's little song is starting to bring back memories of that other song...Salt N Pepa "Don't want no...."  >:D

But no, it really doesn't matter!!
Good to see that there are some smaller framed people in the forces.

I'm almost 16 and 5'8 140 lbs...  :P
the definitive answer: the army is a reflection of the Canadian people. Just as there are many short, small-framed people in society as a whole, so are there in the CF, and the Infantry in particular.
Your size, skin colour, religion, gender, race, hair ph factor, or taste in music mean absolutely nothing. These are all outside. What makes a soldier is found inside.
Jeeze, now I feel like I'll be the only infantryman in the CF (assuming I make it in ;)) that's over six feet thanks to this thread...
The only disadvantage shorter people have in the army is they have to take more steps to go the same distance...

BTW the "average" male between 20-40 in the CF (and Canadian population in general) is 5'9 and 175 lbs.....

What annoys me is young guys (20-25 yrs old) wanting to get big, and weigh more. While noble, and I am sure bulging muscles are attractive to the ladies, pure strength and bulk isn't what is required, power and endurance is.  But thats a rant for another thread.
I'm 5'3 and 130lbs...never really had much of a problem, it's all in your head.
im 150 pounds and 5"9 now, i was  117 when I joined. Do the math.

Another guy who just got in my unit is about my size when i got in , he  cant be more than 120 and he doesnt slow down at all. Bigger guys around 165-170 fell out of ruck marches before he did (and he hasnt yet that ive seen).

Ive seen really big guys wuss out of alot of things, your size really does not matter. It only makes a bit of an advantage either way... obviously being stronger will make your job a bit easier, but 85% of it is all head game.
Cpl.Banks(Cdt.) said:
i really want to go infantry once i graduate university
Why would you want to spend all that time and money on university if you are just going to join infantry after graduating???
Stauds said:
Why would you want to spend all that time and money on university if you are just going to join infantry after graduating???

Having education is good maybe?
Maybe he wants to be an officer?

Plus, it gives him something to fall back onto after the army, or if you can't do infantry anymore(either by choice, or medical reasons).
Yea, I could see that. However, what I was saying is: I am sure if someone wanted a career in the infantry, four years of training/experience would benefit them far more than 4 years of university. If he wanted to become an officer, or a fallback career, then by all means, go to university.. if not... then I wouldn't go.. Hehe as I am not, I am finishing the term and hopefully leaving for BMQ January.
Stauds said:
Why would you want to spend all that time and money on university if you are just going to join infantry after graduating???

Yeah, we are all a bunch of cro - magnon mouth breathers in the infantry.

All the smart people use the complicated things - like trucks, radios and keyboards...  ::)

GO!!! said:
Yeah, we are all a bunch of cro - magnon mouth breathers in the infantry.

All the smart people use the complicated things - like trucks, radios and keyboards...    ::)
Well, I don't see the point in learning how to prove the limit of a function exists as x approaches infinity... if you are going into Infantry... Which is the reason I am not finishing University before I join infantry. If you want to get a degree and go infantry.. that's fine, but I was saying there isn't a big reason to (IMO).
Stauds said:
Well, I don't see the point in learning how to prove the limit of a function exists as x approaches infinity... if you are going into Infantry... Which is the reason I am not finishing University before I join infantry. If you want to get a degree and go infantry.. that's fine, but I was saying there isn't a big reason to (IMO).

1. Completing an undergrad degree does not qualify you for any specific job in the Infantry. It does make you eligible to apply for officer as opposed to NCM selection though. The difference there is that the officers lead a platoon of about 36 and the NCMs ARE the 36.

2. I know a number of infanteers with degrees, some who had them prior to joining, others who completed them while in the army. It does'nt make them better troops, but it does open a few more doors when they (inevitably) feel the need to move on to bigger and better things, wither within or outside the CF.

3. Once you are out of the "learning habit" it becomes difficult to go back to doing your homework - so finish the degree while you are young.

4. I have yet to meet anyone in the infantry who said after being in for two years "this is great! I'm going to do it for the next 23 years!" as a result, anyone who has yet to even pass basic yet claims to be a "lifer" or "career soldier" rings especially hollow.

5. While you did use the "IMO" disclaimer after your post, considering you have no firsthand knowledge of the CF, the army, or the infantry in general or in particular, where do you get off telling prospective troops what education will benefit them in the CF?

Keep up the good work Banks.

Stauds, seeing as you already know everything, I'm sure you'll have a great time in training.  >:D

I am sorry, I was wrong. Of course the decision to go for post-sec education will depend on the person, and I was talking about my decision. Sorry for the confusion.

"where do you get off telling prospective troops what education will benefit them in the CF?"
I don't see where I said this, but I am sorry if that was the implied message. Again, I only meant what I am doing/deciding. And I will be leaving the post-sec for a later time, when I am more ready for it. But I do give props to anyone who has gotten a degree, my short time in university so far has shown me how difficult that can be.
Hey GO!!! for the record, I am one of those guys that said after 2yrs "this is great I think I'll do this till I retire"..... :dontpanic:

however that bars medical discharge and a higher paying PSC job comes around before then.

Stay in school troops, the more you know the better you are in any field civi or military, in fact I know more then one soldier that has a degree and joined the infantry as an NCM in fact one had almost completed his masters, and another had a degree in Bimolecular engineering.... heck I can't even spell that without a spell checker and yet he is/was one heck of a smart NCM now doing a CFR.
so, to summarize:
1) short people can join and do well.
2) skinny people can join and do well.
3) short and skinny people can join and do well.
4) education is good.

Any other silly questions?
I think anyone can succeed if they believe they can.

If your mentality is "damn its going to be too hard, i'm probably not going to make it", you will probably end up failing. Just visualize the goal and make it happen.