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Small infantry man

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  I have a close friend who just signed up for the infantry hoping to go through bmq with me.....but....This guy is only 150lbs and not very built...he is fast runner though but i don't think he'll be able to carry his weight in the field and quit in the fist few days.....Our recruiter had no problem signing him up but i still assume he'll just get killed in there......has anyone seen a small guy like that make it through....i'm trying to get him to go airforce where he'll be in less demand for intence strength but maybe you could reply to this and let him know what he's infor....thx all!
Just because your friend has a small build doesn't mean he'll make a poor infantryman. Aslong an he's in good shape, wants to be there an gives it 100% he should make it through.

Why are you trying to talk him out of it though? What experiance do you have that makes you think he won't be able to do well.
I'm 150 ish..  5,11

been serving in infantry units at least 10 years of
my total time

I can do it....  anyone can do it....

tunel rats in vietnam were small guys..
and smaller targets when the firefight starts..

I wouldn't want to be 6'2 and 220 and be in the infantry!!!

Well, if he listens to you, he can't be too bright, so yeah, infantry would be a bad choice.
lol...thx guys....just most i've seen of infantry men.....there huge....part of his motive is to get huge so i'll give him credit for goin for it....but i know this guy and i guess i'm not being much of a friend for doubting him.  Thx for the boost of moral guys....cheers!
Trinity said:
I wouldn't want to be 6'2 and 220 and be in the infantry!!!

That's why I went "Light" Armoured Recce.
No roof on the jeep, no bruize on the head.
except when subject to driver control stick ;)

The CF will put the person were they are best suited (we hope)
I'm only 5'8, 145lbs but very fit. My recruiter says its going to be hard for me the first while. But I want that challenge and I have the dedication and the heart. I'm going to give it a 110% soon as I step off that plane and report in at BMQ. Try my hardest and show people that anyone can be infantry if you have the commitment.
Well you don't have to just be fit physically but mentally also. Just put your mind to it and anything can be done. I wouldn't worry about how much you weigh or even how big your muscles are.

Just Stick to it and it shouldn't be a problem. If stuffs gettin tough physically just focus on gettin it done and worry about the cuts and bruises later.

Take Care.
Derek said:
Well you don't have to just be fit physically but mentally also. Just put your mind to it and anything can be done. I wouldn't worry about how much you weigh or even how big your muscles are.

Just Stick to it and it shouldn't be a problem. If stuffs gettin tough physically just focus on gettin it done and worry about the cuts and bruises later.

Take Care.

Trinity said:
I wouldn't want to be 6'2 and 220 and be in the infantry!!!
somebody call me?

There are many, many infantrymen who are the same size as your friend. Sometimes they have to work harder. Sometimes, their size is a distinct advantage. I respect them all.

Ain't the size of the dog in the fight...
Old Ranger said:
The CF will put the person were they are best suited (we hope)

Yeah.. isn't that anywhere they're short people???!!!???

meeting quotas?  lol  ::) ::) ;D
ha! The Padre made a pun! 'Short people' - 'short' people! Get it? Ha!
This guy is only 150lbs and not very built

I came in weighing 185... In 2 weeks this summer, I went down to 155.

Btw, you dont have to be very built (you do to a certain degree, but not much more than that). I know of someone in another platoon that weighed 90 pounds and made it through the summer.

lol...thx guys....just most i've seen of infantry men.....there huge....

;D I see the propaganda is working  ;D

In all honesty, once you put on a sweatshirt in the field, thats enough to make you look like you're more built than you are. Replace a sweatshirt with a flack jacket (damn SG) and imagine how you'd come out.
Quick question, I'm in gr.11 right now and about 125lbs, i also have a pretty small bone structure in comparison with others, but i really want to go infantry once i graduate university, i know I have alot of time to "fill up" but if it happens that I don't fill up and stay small can I still get in and pass my medical? Also is there a minimum weight? Thanks

It's determination.

We make cadpat pants in size 6426!! That's 5'2 with a 26 inch waist. You won't be alone! ;D!
Tell your friend that some of the best Soldiers I know are his size. If he's in good shape and has the drive, he'll do fine.
I'm 5'7 and I can almost guaruntee I'm lighter than anyone who's posted yet.

There were bigger guys struggling through some of the PT on my first weekend of BMQ.  Yeah, I will admit I was not the best at PT, but I was certainly not the worst.  I was a good gray man.  :salute:

In all seriousness, it really is mostly your mental prep.  If you tell yourself that you can do it, that you won't give up you'll be surprised at what you can do.  The body can be forced to ignore discomfort for a certain amount of time.  Big guys don't necessarily have it any easier than us small guys.