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Site problem? (or my browsers?)


I think somewhere in the Program, the default setting is German.  Almost all of the profiles I have looked at have had German as the members Language.
George Wallace said:

I think somewhere in the Program, the default setting is German.  Almost all of the profiles I have looked at have had German as the members Language.

Well if you look at the language selector in the profiles, the first one to appear is German.
I just checked my profile and the Language was, indeed, set to German. I changed it to English.

Speaking of browsers: have any other Chrome users found that the thing went wonky yesterday? I'm, generally, a Firefox user; but I like to use Chrome, too, for its speed and"cleanliness." But, yesterday and earlier today, it seemed to be having troubles sending messages to servers. I could not duplicate the problems on Firefox, IE8, or Opera.
I'm on internet explorer 8... I find that the last 3 weeks it takes for every for the site to load up, you could cook an egg in the meantime.
There is a known problem with IE8, it has to be run in Compabitility Mode for the time being. I've identified the offending piece of software on our end and reported it to the vendor, so it should be fixed "some time".

Thanks to all who reported it.


The army.ca portion of the site is alternately off-line and back on in 'slow mo' .
I actually just started having this problem not being able to see the buttons but I can't seem to find where to change the language, any help would be appreciated.
Sinah said:
I actually just started having this problem not being able to see the buttons but I can't seem to find where to change the language, any help would be appreciated.

Go into your Profile and look through the buttons.  You will find one Modify Profile, and then on the dropdown menu click on Account Settings.
I keep getting site security cert. box each time I come back to the home page on Army.ca....even though I say yes to accept the cert...it repeats each time....annoying....It seems to have something to do with the picture gallery...I tried logging in there the other day....no joy.......now the pic on the main page does not show up until I click yes on the site security cert. box.....
Seems to be a lot of glitches related to the systems we are using at the time. 

I have an annoying problem when posting long winded posts that cover more than the number of lines in the box.  The type starts to bounce/flutter all over the place and when I want to edit or highlight the highlight 'screams' to the top of the page, instead of only the few words I want.  I can solve this problem by enlarging the box, but then I have to scroll up the screen to use the buttons.  This is on a system running Vista, and IE7.  I do not have that problem when using other systems.

System settings on you machine may be changed somehow.
George Wallace said:
Go into your Profile and look through the buttons.  You will find one Modify Profile, and then on the dropdown menu click on Account Settings.

Hey thanks for the tips but when I go to profile and under the modify profile the only options I have are Look & Layout, Notification, Personal Messaging, Ignore Board Options, Edit Buddies, and Group Memberships.
I looked through all of those and didn't see anything about language. Thanks again for taking the time to help out.
George... no idea what's going on there, but I suspect it's something on that Vista system.

GAP, check the links you're using... they should all start with http:// not https://. If the s is there, just remove it, and if there are https links here on the site please let me know and I'll update them.

Sinah, try this link:


Language is just below your username.

Awesome, thanks George and Mike. That link did work and my language was set to German, switched it to English everything is good now.
Hi, in the last couple of days Ive noticed that when I login there are a number of problems with the menus, the buttons such as Post, Mark as Read etc. I took a couple screen shots and highlighted the areas with problems in red, Im confused cause the site works and looks fine when I am not logged in, but as soon as i log in there seems to be problems.. Ive tried using both Interent Explorer and Firefox and thats not the problem here are a couple examples any help would be appreciated as it makes it hard for me to function on the site, Just wondering if I am the only one experiencing these problems


It looks exactly like the problems I reported here.

According to Mike, it's an issue with your profile on the site - don't go chasing things on your end like I did.
oh, thanks, so It seem I have to change my language to english?? Ive tried to figure out how to do that but cant figure it out probably due to the wackyness lol any help?
I have the exact problem that sinah did except when I click on that link its just blank green page with wonky menu.. any help?
It's not one of the settings available to you, it's something Mike has to fix.