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SigOp Kit

Shame on me for not knowing the situation - but shame on him for speaking poorly without providing the rest of us with any info.  I'll reply to your post using the numbers you provided:

1) Mistakes are made at every level/trade (unfortunately).  I really hope that your friend doesn't make big mistakes in his trade which would cause someone to say that all Sigs are ______ (insert whatever here).  But still, I would never base my opinion on a complete trade, corps, whatever based on one or two bad experiences with individual(s).  Sure, I have dealt with a bad clerk or two myself in my time in, just know that someday you may find yourself back tracking pretty quickly if you find one bad apple and throw the bunch out.  I still think that this statement "YOu read what you want to read in a statement and like an RMS clerk you loose the rest." is a little bold.  Even more so than anything I posted in my reply.

2) Ok - so maybe he's not a youngin.  BUT anyone to me who makes a statement saying that they as a member of the Reg Force is MORE entitled than a Reservist to have kit - is immature.  So if your friend is 20 or 40, it doesn't matter to me.  He still should know more about the Forces as a whole at whatever level he is at now.  This would include being told that Reservists are a part of the CF - not it's little brother that gets all the Reg Force hand-me-downs.  If I used the term "younging" above or in any way referred to your friend as being a newbie, then feel free to replace such words with uneducated or inexperienced.  If that's offensive, then I appologize in advance.  I'm sensitive to anyone who is easily offended......just don't put them in my section.

3) Personal experience with the web gear........fine.  I'll buy that.  Being told not to breath - sounds like an instructor or whoever said that to him needs to be sorted out in a Major way.  I would never expect someone to use kit that is not a reasonable fit.  If I had been around and seen an instructor do that - I'd have had a fit.  Not all Army kit is perfect, and the CF has finally started to realize some limitations of kit.  Personally I'd have taken a replacement for my Mark 3's before swapping web gear for a TV - but the CF has other plans.  BUT - the Forces doesn't have enough TVs for every "potential" new Private to get before they complete their basic.  If the Generals of the Army have been forced to make do with what they have (and they have), then we as soldiers can do the same. 

My point is, if you have such serious complaints as a Private who has not even made it to your home unit yet - you are indeed headed for a very long or very short career in the CF.

You don't have to tell me to stop and think about what I am posting.  If someone doesn't provide enough information, then this will happen all the time.  My suggestion is to provide adequate information in your posts and provide solutions as opposed to idle complaints.  If you are at a level that perhaps doesn't understand WHY you aren't able to get a certain piece of kit, maybe it would be better to post in the form of a question before you make a blanket statement about reservists, RMS clerks, and people who disagree with you.  You're far more likely to learn more here if you ask a question (much experience here) than you are if you simply complain about the system that you really should be supporting.

As for rude comments, take it or leave it.  I'm not the one who said, "You people are truley Military for sure."  So what, there's something wrong with "military people"  ???  That's very confusing.........where are we??  I was initially with the guy until his last post.  If your friend is offended, or if you are, by what I said - then perhaps he/you should be willing to take after a little bit of giving.

First of all, I would like to address the reserve issue.  I am reg but we have several reservists who arrive here to serve along side us overseas.  Some reservists have more than 5 tours.  Do you still deserve it over them?  They have been overseas longer than you have been in.  You feel that they should wear old stuff and you, who have yet to pass a basic trades course, expect to have the best kit available before them?  Operational and field units get it before trainees - whether reg or reserve.  Originally, Cadpat was only to be issued to Operational and field unit.  The training system pers, including instructors, would have to wear the Olive Drab.  Friends of mine who had Cadpat for 2 yrs had to turn them in for Olive Drab and used to boot.

Secondly, I too have had pay problems after 18+ yrs in the military.  It was RMS clerks who also fixed the problem.  I have also had problems at home that required money to be sent to my family right away.  They were very helpful and my family got the money in a very timely fashion.  As with any trade, you have good ones and bad ones.

As for the webbing vs TV, you will soon find that the TV has some serious limitations that you will have to deal with especially as a Pte.  As a MCpl, I rarely get inspected so I don't have to put everything on the list in.  I get to decide (not in all cases) but I do it when there is an inspection.  You as a Pte will get inspected and if you are a large man like has been said, try getting both pieces of rain gear in the one pouch.  I have a 44 in chest and am 5' 10" tall.  I have problems putting the rain gear in one pouch and rarely wear it.  The best thing about the TV is the fact that there is nothing between you and your ruck.  It makes it better for the BFT or BET what ever you want to call it. 

Bin, I think the Mark 3 Combat boots are good boots (not for running in though) and the new WWB blow.  I know people who love the WWB but that is it, each person is different.  By the way, I insert PIG in that sentence.  lol

You have to wait your turn to get the equipment you think is best.  Do your best with what you get.  That is the way we work overseas as well because you seldom get all the equip you would like to complete the tasks you are assigned.  As for the instructor advising you to "hold your beath" is being unprofessional.  You will meet several of these people throughout your career.  If you think something is wrong with a statement, check here or ask someone you trust if it is correct.  By the way, the TV comes only in Med and Lg.  No sm or xlg for bigger people.  The webbing is much more versitile in this regards.

Shadow Cat said:
3.   As he pointed out not all body types are the same.   During SQ training he was forced to wear a vest that was way way to small for his extremely large chest and shoulders and was told to put it on and not breathe during the exercise.
Wow! I'm hating to be the Supply Tech that is going to measure him for all his custom made uniforms then. On SQ he would be wearing the 'old webbing' and I have a guy here with a 54" chest, extremely wide shoulders and a 46" waist (we call him Arnie) built like a house and the "old webbing" fits him perfectly fine. But, all the rest of his uniforms need to be custom made...

He must really be a huge man!!  ???

Shadow Cat said:
Sometimes you have to stop and think about why the person is making the posts that they do and try to understand the bigger picture.   A gently answer is all that is needed, not nasty and frankly rude comments, which would lead one to believe that you are anything but a nice person.
Perhaps Bull_STR should have stuck to your above statement in his post, which tends to leave one with the impression that he may not be a very nice person and that he has a problem with reserves and RMS clerks?? Slamming a trade or a component of the CF is not acceptable. See forum conduct guidelines (note the professionalism content there as well).

Don't fret too much over his screen name. Check his profile and follow to the web link, scroll to bottom of page. Last name Bull, guess what his initials are?  ;)

I'm sure this will improve with more time in.
Well Bull just got RTU'd to kingston today. Perhaps you could talk it over in person. As a Pte i know how nice it is to have an older member talk to me like a human and give me a dose of first hand knowlege. Perhaps you could open eyes to alot of things.
Custom Uniforms for him as well but his waist is a heck of a lot smaller.  I think that the problem was that the only thing they had there was 4" smaller than what he needed if I recall.  He is built like a football player, wide shoulders and chest and a smaller waist.   
Shadow Cat said:
Custom Uniforms for him as well but his waist is a heck of a lot smaller.   I think that the problem was that the only thing they had there was 4" smaller than what he needed if I recall.   He is built like a football player, wide shoulders and chest and a smaller waist.    
Well, we make up to a 48" so that would put his chest about 52"?? The webbing should have fit, Arnie's got some inches on him. Perhaps they should both enter the Mr. Canadian Army contest? We should start lobbying for this. After all, we have the Iron Man etc etc already...
Well seems a bit of bull shit complaining going on. Military is military weather reg or reserve, I am reg myself but I know alot of good moe's. Now you cannot base an opinion on people because some one is part time. I know a few idiots that are reg and I would take the moe's over them anyday. Base an opinion on their individual work habits not their type of contract. And regards to the Vest... it takes a while to get it, depends on what what rank your unit is, in requirement. If you deploy you will get it. I recieved mine over a year ago, its ok but sometimes it can be a pain, but better that the old '82 pattern. Hey look we're Sigs... suck it up and work together.

Cpl 1 RCHA
RadOp, you old fool...
Rain gear goes in your small pack, not in your vest!
Come out of the dark ages man!!!!!
Hehehe.......sometimes where the rain gear goes - is not our own decision.  I've already come across a unit pack list that has the rain gear the same way radop has mentioned.  Maybe you'd like to tell the RSM/SSM on the next inspection where he can shove his rain gear.  ;D  "Actually Sir, I've decided that this is a far better place for my rain gear to go."  I can hear the Sergeant Major's reply now.........

Radop - my only beef with the Mark 3 is the arch in the sole.  Come on man, tell me you've never worn a vibram sole.  Once you go flat - you never go back.  It's only natural to have the entire sole touching the ground for comfort and support of the entire bottom of the foot.  If not - it's like wearing high heels on parade.  Only my opinion though.  Truth be told, I wear the Mark 3 (unmoded no less) on a daily basis.  I have a pair soled up with vibrams for when I put the field hat on.  And I'm with you on the WWB.  They're junk!  Heheh.  Well, they may not be junk, but you won't see me in mine too often.  Better not get too far off topic though.  Oh to hell with it - the title of the thread is "Sig Op Kit" right?

Luck881 said:
RadOp, you old fool...
Rain gear goes in your small pack, not in your vest!
Come out of the dark ages man!!!!!

Luck, Luck, Luck

Not so long ago you too were here.  Kingston lives in the dark ages.  We don't get to carry the small pack.  They have us putting it into the bottom left pouch.

What you talk about makes sence so they will not let us do that.  Same with not being able to wear the poncho in Canada.
Seems like we in Pet did the same; put (or try to) the Rain Suit complete into the left pocket of the TV.  I solved that, by keeping the Top out for "emergencies" (not only rain, but mud and dust.)  Seems to me that I had to turn in my Small Pack with the rest of my webbing, so that option was out.
are you sure you're not talking about the Butt-pack?  I'm talking about the CTS small pack-with-more-pouches-than-places-to-put-them system.  Our vest is relatively empty now... and with most nbc states being MOPP ready now, no stupid mask carrier banging against your leg anymore either!

RadOp, you guy's should really have the small pack too.  It would make your new smaller Man-pack MT that much more practical.
Yes, I was talking about the 'Butt Pack', as the scale of issue for the new Small Packs etc., is still in the process for some (as usual).

Crap....I had to turn in my nice new ICE and now have an OD Jacket again...    :(  Not to mention a LBV in lieu of webbing or TV.  :(  :(
The LBV, now that was a piece of kit I liked!  Has anyone seen the pics of some unit in Afghan wearing that lately?
Just got back from there, couple guys had it.  I think its crapola. (Having used the green version)  Same vest different colors. Like wearing a hockey jersey with ammo in it.
