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SigOp Kit

So with the 70 Comm GP, do you recieve this TACVEST trainging/class with your unit?

Just a thought, would it be possible for me to do this class before this summer's course in Shilo? Or should I be speaking to the unit about this?
Sorry to burst your bubble man, but if everyone's just getting the vests now, the chances of them being issued to spanking-new recruits going on their basic are pretty slim. My guess is you'll get the vest once you return to your unit after completeing the course.

But if you get lucky, hey, that's the army for ya.
Yea man, I unterstand that I won't get one until later on, part of getting through being the green horn I guess.
Ya, I doubt they would issue them pre BMQ/SQ as well. That would ruin the standardization of the platoon if some had it and others didn't. Then again half our platoon had cappat and the others OD last summer. We just had our TV class the other weekend.
I got to model one borrowed from the local infantry unit. We are part of 74 comm. group and the most west comm. reserve unit so I don't expect to get issued mine for a while yet. That and the fact that we are supplied by a naval base so land force items are ususally hard enough to get.
Eeek, sounds rough.. I guess I might be possibly lucky because my unit I'm applying for is located in the same armouries as two infantry units.
Not rough, the webbing is more than sufficient for what you will be using it for. Being in the same armouries as infantry units shouldn't have any effect on you getting a TC sooner. My armouries include a comm. squadron, infantry reg., & arty. reg. I know the infantry reg. has them for sure....not sure about the arty's. Being non combat arms, we are separate. As Cpl Bloggins stated the comm. reserve is its own entity.
Both have benefits and drawbacks.  The TV is limited to the amount of "extras" that you can put into it but is much more compatible with wearing a rucksack.  The Webbing carried a lot more but had to empty the butt pack if you wanted to be comfortable wearing it with the ruck.  I had the webbing for 18 yrs, I like both but am comfortable with the TV.
Awesome, thanks for alll this feedback. I love this website.

Embrace the 82 pattern while you can!  If your unit lets you configure it how you like, youre a lot better off than you would be with the POS vest.
Sig_Des said:
Anyone else do that stupid TACVEST class?

I'm now fully qualified to place a NATO issue whistle in the TACVEST's Whistle pocket!!!!

I'll be the judge of that after seeing what Ottawa has to put out for reserve sig ops!!!
Radop said:
I'll be the judge of that after seeing what Ottawa has to put out for reserve sig ops!!!

Que? I'd be interested in what you've seen...There are certain people from this unit that I wouldn't want to be judged by (as I'm sure is true of any unit)
I don't know about the rest of the 71st comms group, but our unit is getting the course this weekend (finally!)
I finally got issued my tac vest before leaving for Stalwart Guardian. All good things come to those who wait, I s'pose.
Sig_Des said:
Que? I'd be interested in what you've seen...There are certain people from this unit that I wouldn't want to be judged by (as I'm sure is true of any unit)

I was told that the two guys that were coming on ex with us while we were in Ottawa were two keen guys.  I don't ussually loose my cool but I blew up over the two of them on several occations for things I would expect someone out of the school to do let alone a person that has been in for 3 yrs or more and wears the rank of cpl.  Things like, MCpl said to do something, do it.  Little things like that.  It is one thing to question an order to ensure you are understanding it correctly but quite another to do something totally oposite because you think you are right and the MCpl is wrong.  I just made them start again after yelling at them for a few min. >:D
Radop said:
I was told that the two guys that were coming on ex with us while we were in Ottawa were two keen guys.   I don't ussually loose my cool but I blew up over the two of them on several occations for things I would expect someone out of the school to do let alone a person that has been in for 3 yrs or more and wears the rank of cpl.   Things like, MCpl said to do something, do it.   Little things like that.   It is one thing to question an order to ensure you are understanding it correctly but quite another to do something totally oposite because you think you are right and the MCpl is wrong.   I just made them start again after yelling at them for a few min. >:D

Makes sense, and that's true of anyone. Incoming PM
It's funny how change is not always embraced.  "I love how much I can cram into my web gear but the TV has no room".  Come on troops, the Patrol/Small pack is the way of the future.  I had a backpack FULL of ammo doing section attacks a year back - there was NO way we could have stuffed all that ammo in our web gear without it falling out.  Thankfully I had my pack.  I know everyone is going to jump on me with the old, "combat load" and a number of rounds you should have, but when higher says pick up your ammo and you haven't even used up the old stuff yet, you need somewhere that isn't a buttpack to put your rounds/pyro in for storage.

I wore the web gear for years too (not consecutively  ::))and had no problems with it - but the TV when used with all it's goodies (they're coming guys - I'm eagar too) will ROCK and we'll all say to ourselves, "Damn that some good kit!"  Of course we'll never admit we were wrong though, because we just that stubborn.

As just another perspective on the comm res, Edmonton got their TVs back in Jan...  and small packs less than a month later.  So it really depends on where you are (and how good your QM is!).  We never had to take any stupid class on it.

I'm jealous, you guys have WHISTLES?!

As for goretex, since stuff goes from East to West, Reg Force to Reserves, Combat Arms to Non Combat, some guys here still are waiting and have been for a couple years, but that's mainly for goretex boots.  Goretex gauntlets and IECS jackets are given to everyone with BMQ and SQ.

Lot of Sigs also get a bit army nerdy (myself included) and start getting custom CADPAT things like from CPGear, sometimes to excess ;D
I have a guy in my unit who spent 700$ worth on CADPAT on CPGear :o