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Sign longer contract to start as Cpl?

aviator you're not being very fuckin useful here, so go use your talents elsewhere.

I've done my research and am well aware that what I want isn't necessarily what I will get.  If someone would like to give me the quarter and ration expenses for each CFB that would be great and I would truly appreciate it.  I realize this may be asking a bit much, so if anyone knows these expenses for JUST Edmonton and Shilo that would also be great.  Thank you in advance for not replying to this post aviator!  And for the rest, a humble thanks.
dothedr3w said:
aviator you're not being very fuckin useful here, so go use your talents elsewhere.

I've done my research and am well aware that what I want isn't necessarily what I will get.  If someone would like to give me the quarter and ration expenses for each CFB that would be great and I would truly appreciate it.  I realize this may be asking a bit much, so if anyone knows these expenses for JUST Edmonton and Shilo that would also be great.  Thank you in advance for not replying to this post aviator!  And for the rest, a humble thanks.

Now now, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

I've already told you to explain your situation to the CFRC and I still feel thats the best course of action.  Being rude is not going to exactly spark anyones interest in feeding you information. 
yes this is true.  The CFRC's hours of operation just don't coincide with my schedule all that well but nevertheless I will call them as soon as I'm humanly able to.  Until then I'll be relying on Army.ca for help as it is a wealth of info.  If I speak with a recruiter I'm only getting one man/woman's knowledge/opinion, whereas on here many people can share something quite easily without having to leave the comfort of the computer chair.
dothedr3w said:
yes this is true.  The CFRC's hours of operation just don't coincide with my schedule all that well but nevertheless I will call them as soon as I'm humanly able to.  Until then I'll be relying on Army.ca for help as it is a wealth of info.  If I speak with a recruiter I'm only getting one man/woman's knowledge/opinion, whereas on here many people can share something quite easily without having to leave the comfort of the computer chair.

Yes this is true, however that "one person" you talk to gives out information for a living.  Opposed to the people in here that are most likely going to spout out their "best guesses" left right and centre.  So unless one of the DS or Fixtures who's got inside knowledge PMs you (which I doubt) you should just take the recruitment centers advice to heart when you call them.  But hey thats just my opinion.

To clarify, I'm not saying this place is not good for information, just for every person in here that will tell you something truthful you are likely to get a lot of "well I mean the way I think it works" and so on.  Which will just give you conflicting information and leave you more confused.

Good luck with it.

dothedr3w said:
I've done my research and am well aware that what I want isn't necessarily what I will get.  If someone would like to give me the quarter and ration expenses for each CFB that would be great and I would truly appreciate it.  I realize this may be asking a bit much, so if anyone knows these expenses for JUST Edmonton and Shilo that would also be great.  Thank you in advance for not replying to this post aviator!  And for the rest, a humble thanks.

I think your getting too wrapped up in the dollars and cents here.  Its not even something you should worry about until you get selected for training, pass all the exams, check off all the boxes, get off the bus at the training facility, and pass all your basic training.  On top of which, by the time you accomplish all these things your information will be out of date anyway.  The only thing you should focus on is what to do with, and how to preserve, the assets you currently have.   

And I dont understand how you dont have time to call the CFRC.  Do you not have coffee breaks?  Lunch breaks?  Days off?  If you are one of those people who cant get things done because you're "too busy", your not going to do well in the military...
It's not at all cause I'm too busy, it's cause I just started my new job and I don't feel comfortable making personal calls yet, simple as that, I wanna put as much time into learning the people and the job itself.

Do recruits or untrained privates make less money than a PteT?  Or is it all the same pay grade?
dothedr3w said:
I wanna put as much time into learning the people and the job itself.

So that when you get the chance to work for the CF, you can quit immediately right?  ;)

Here's Your Answer

Wow I am super good at looking for information in sensible obvious places, I should charge for it.
So... You don't have time to put in for personal calls, but have no qualms about surfing Milnet.ca?
well being that I was off work while surfing...

Wow I am super good at looking for information in sensible obvious places, I should charge for it.
ive clearly been able to find that salary chart as well as many others on my own, but it still doesnt answer the questions im asking
Last time I was at the CF website, it had a lot if not all the expenses you could expect that are specific to the military.  And a lot of them are taken off your paycheck before you get it in your hands.

What kind of expenses are you looking for?
Some of them have been given to you here...non issue kit purchases, getting medals hung...

Things like mess fees are taken from your paycheck before you get it, like I said before.  Unless that has changed.  And not being a serving member, I only have the information here, and from the government website to go off of.
I could be wrong, very wrong.

My apologies if that has been said before, I read through confident it hadn't been...but then when I was typing this I began to second guess that.
Things seem very complicated in your world; how about you just get rid of everything, join the Army and start a new life ?? If you are so committed, some loss will not be intolerable.
Others on this site are trying to answer your questions, but there are too many variables. The chart shows $30 000/year on entry, that is what a large number of Canadian families live on; I am sure you can make do with that for a few years.

well being that I was off work while surfing...

Why didn't you use that time to call the CFRC ? I just want to make sure you understand the fact that Army.ca is not an official reference on CF recruiting. Nobody here will be able to work out dollars-and-cents for anyone else.

Finally, your little fit to CDNAviator was uncalled for; if you come back here demanding answers to your questions, you will likely be ignored by other members.
CDN Aviator said:
Paid for at crown expense.

Oh, interesting.  Makes complete sense now that you say that.
I also guess I should have remembered that after all the threads on medals I've read over my stay here.
Thanks for the information.
Koenigsegg said:
Oh, interesting.  Makes complete sense now that you say that.
I also guess I should have remembered that after all the threads on medals I've read over my stay here.
Thanks for the information.

No worries. I had to remind one of my troops of that recently so it was fresh in my mind.
MedTechStudent said:
So that when you get the chance to work for the CF, you can quit immediately right?  ;)

Here's Your Answer

Wow I am super good at looking for information in sensible obvious places, I should charge for it.

I'd think twice about using that link - my webpage started doing some crazy things once I opened it up!

(It started opening up multiple tabs one after the other until I shut it down...)
The chart shows $30 000/year on entry, that is what a large number of Canadian families live on; I am sure you can make do with that for a few years.

Very valid point.  Well I've gotten some good advice here as well as some bad; I'm going to follow through and go Reg Force, I know the longer I sit here behind this computer the less likely it is going to happen, too much second guessing will take place and I'll wind up talking myself out of it.  Interview and Medical on Aug.8, after that I'll just have to see where things take me.  I've been in some pretty shitty financial situations in my day and managed to get through it every time so I don't see why this would be any different.  Thanks to all, see you in basic.
dothedr3w said:
Very valid point.  Well I've gotten some good advice here as well as some bad; I'm going to follow through and go Reg Force, I know the longer I sit here behind this computer the less likely it is going to happen, too much second guessing will take place and I'll wind up talking myself out of it.  Interview and Medical on Aug.8, after that I'll just have to see where things take me.  I've been in some pretty shitty financial situations in my day and managed to get through it every time so I don't see why this would be any different.  Thanks to all, see you in basic.

Just ignore the idiots giving bad advice or making fun of you for asking questions.  Every single year you get a raise as a private up to year 3. Once you hit Corporal (Which happens after 4 years MOST of the time or earlier if you're checked out)  you'll be making some very nice coin.  I was making 52around ,000$ a year when I was a Corporal a few years ago that will go up if you are deployed.

Also I'm a civilian now so I don't know if things have changed or not. I'm sure there havn't been DRASTIC changes in the last few years.  DND.CA has a lot of links that have good information.
dothedr3w said:
dude im obviously talking about military specific expenses....use your head.

According the the Forces website the base salary for a first year Private is 2585...which is $1292.50 every 2 weeks.  I just want to know how much I will walk away with in my pocket every 2 weeks!!  I don't know how much EI, CPP, Tax, will take from that.  On top of that I'll obviously be getting medical coverage, how much is that?  I am a single male and own a home, I've heard someone mention owning a home exempts me from paying $80/mo or something to live on base, and I've also heard that by being married or having a common law (how long of a relationship defines common law??) will result in more money per check.  How much are rations?
first - forget the every 2 weeks - we are paid twice monthly - the 15th and end month (adjusted if those dates fall in weekend).

as for standard deductions - EI, CPP, Tax - a visit to the Revenue Canada site and a little clicking around will tell you.  If you are really too lazy for that then estimate 32% off you pay and you will have a ball park figure.

medical coverage - how much is that?? depends on what you mean - for you, dependants?

owning home exempt from paying - don't even know where to start on that one - too many if's in there.

cost for rats depends on where you are posted.

Common law is 1 year if no children - result in more money per pay as you could pay less taxes IF you claim your spouse on taxes - if she/he is working full time best pay taxes as single.
George Wallace said:
The more I see this comment, the more I laugh.

I'm always glad to bring a bit of cheer into someone's life!

Why should all young kids today want to be officers?

They shouldn't, and I didn't suggest that they should.  It's strictly about the money, which is a concern that the OP has raised.  Once in a great long while, a recruiter might not present every possible option to a prospective member, so I'm only trying to help the OP see all (or at least more) of the angles.

Greymatters said:
Good advice.  Although making a decision to join the CF based on how much it pays doesnt strike me as the best of thought processes.[/ quote]

We always say that nobody should join up just for the money, and we all hope that there's something more than that motivating the people we serve with, but a person has to make a living and it's sensible to consider the size of the paycheque before embarking on a new career, especially if already established in the workforce.