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Showing a lot of class- Governor-General's visit with the troops

At issue is not Clarkson's devotion to the military. Of all her actions and faux pas, her dealings with the military were the one brigtht spot in an otherwise dismal record as GG.

Perhaps the most negative factor of her tenure was the increase in her budget from $11 Million in 1999 to over $19 Million by 2003. When requested to explain her spending largesse, she refused, stating "I am above politics". Who can forget her $6 Million 19 day jaunt to Northern Europe accompanied by 50 of Canada's leading ivory tower intellectuals?

My primary complaint with the GG is how the individual is appointed. Instead of a raw politically biased appointment, the honour should go to a person who has made great and selfless contributions to the country. The appointment should be based on the decision of a committee made up of individual Canadians from across the country. How about Rick Hansen? Betty Fox?

The GG should be a unifying force, and her actions and decisions should be above reproach. Perhaps GG Clarkson warmed the heart of a few members of the military, but she did little to unify population of this great country. 
kcdist said:
At issue is not Clarkson's devotion to the military. Of all her actions and faux pas, her dealings with the military were the one brigtht spot in an otherwise dismal record as GG.

Perhaps the most negative factor of her tenure was the increase in her budget from $11 Million in 1999 to over $19 Million by 2003. When requested to explain her spending largesse, she refused, stating "I am above politics". Who can forget her $6 Million 19 day jaunt to Northern Europe accompanied by 50 of Canada's leading ivory tower intellectuals?

I guess you fall into the category that Tom brought up (How soon we forget).   If we look at all our recent GG's M Sauve has mastered what you are pointing out as faults in the position.   As I said, no one can hold a candle to her.   Extravagance.   Distaste for the country as a whole.   Probably a Separatist too.  M. Clarkson has nothing on her.  

The position demands the expense of State Functions.   Even the Bde Comd has an expense acct to host various 'social' functions.   It is a 'nature of the beast' that the higher you go in the Social and Political ladder, the more you will be involved in hosting certain functions and creating an image for the country, province, city or town, organization, or business that you are running.   Do you think that they mayor of your fair town pays for social functions out of his/her own pocket....No!   You the taxpayer fund it.   I really would have thought that people who have attained some position (such as you) will have by now recognized the fact that this is the norm.   (I suppose you are being typically Canadian and bitching about everything.)
kcdist said:
At issue is not Clarkson's devotion to the military. Of all her actions and faux pas, her dealings with the military were the one brigtht spot in an otherwise dismal record as GG.

Perhaps the most negative factor of her tenure was the increase in her budget from $11 Million in 1999 to over $19 Million by 2003. When requested to explain her spending largesse, she refused, stating "I am above politics". Who can forget her $6 Million 19 day jaunt to Northern Europe accompanied by 50 of Canada's leading ivory tower intellectuals?

My primary complaint with the GG is how the individual is appointed. Instead of a raw politically biased appointment, the honour should go to a person who has made great and selfless contributions to the country. The appointment should be based on the decision of a committee made up of individual Canadians from across the country. How about Rick Hansen? Betty Fox?

The GG should be a unifying force, and her actions and decisions should be above reproach. Perhaps GG Clarkson warmed the heart of a few members of the military, but she did little to unify population of this great country.  

Excuse me, I'm sure you'd be the first to complain about the "Liberal press" and the Liberal government in this country (and how both are in league against the CF too). All this crap about Madame Clarkson's so-called spending was a media fabrication and a non-issue, eg. the RCMP requires for security reasons that she fly in gov't Challenger jets and then everybody bitches about her flying around in gucci circumstances. Then, the Dept of Foreign Affairs decides to send her to that $6 million event in Scandinavia and the press distorts the whole thing to appear that she is lavishly spending the taxpayers money (and of course you swallowed it whole, obviously). Then when all these ward-heeler politicians like NDP Pat Martin attack her the Liberal gov't did nothing to back her up (I'm sure that will all be in her book).

In any case, so Rideau Hall's budget (not her budget)went from $11m to $19m - how much do you think that budget should be? How much do you think George W. Bush's budget is? How bloody Canadian, Tim Horton's is good enough for everybody right? Well, I'm 53 years old and I remember every GG back to Vincent Massey, and Madame Clarkson was far and away the best. Some people in this country know the price of everything and the value of nothing. And I don't like either Rick Hansen or Betty Fox.

God Save The Queen
"And I don't like either Rick Hansen or Betty Fox"....

Begs the question if you know who either are....If you would write a quote like that, I think not.

Problem with Ms. Clarkson is that she was not the Queen, but sure didn't spend like that was the case.

Perhaps the greatest stain on her legacy will be her upcoming book. How very regal of her to propose to write a 'tell all' book on the inner circle of government. It's one thing to write a book after you earned your way into a position of priviliage, say through an election. It's another when you've had that knowledge handed to you on a siilver platter.

Finally, it's no coincidence that all media, left, centre and right, had the same take on Ms Clarkson's spending. Ms Clarkson took extravigant spending of tax dollars to a whole new level and then some.
kcdist said:
Finally, it's no coincidence that all media, left, centre and right, had the same take on Ms Clarkson's spending. Ms Clarkson took extravigant spending of tax dollars to a whole new level and then some.

What media are you talking about?   Are you posing as someone you are not?   Take a look at the two page spread in the Ottawa Citizen,  or words in the National Post chain, and Canada.com:


Doesn/t seem to be much in the way of 'muck raking' there.

Titles like:

National: Forces to thank Clarkson for going the 'extra mile' 
Ottawa Citizen - September 19, 2005

Clarkson raises the bar 
Norma Greenaway - Vancouver Sun - September 24, 2005

Clarkson wins over critics as she prepares to return to private life 
John Ward - Montreal Gazette - September 23, 2005

Clarkson presents inaugural award 
Edmonton Journal - September 23, 2005

Canadian Armed Forces bid fond farewell to Clarkson
Mike Blanchfield - canada.com - September 22, 2005

Military includes Clarkson in 'band of brothers' 
Mike Blanchfield - Times Colonist - September 22, 2005

Military pays tribute to Clarkson 
Mike Blanchfield - Edmonton Journal - September 22, 2005

Clarkson bids tearful adieu to Canadian military 
Mike Blanchfield - CanWest News Service - September 22, 2005

Soldiers honour Clarkson 
Stephen Thorne - Windsor Star - September 19, 2005

Northerners appreciate Governor General Clarkson 
Ottawa Citizen - September 19, 2005

Clarkson 'went the extra mile' 
Thorne, Stephen - Halifax Daily News - September 18, 2005

Wounded soldier to join tribute to Clarkson 
Times Colonist - September 18, 2005

Clarkson Cup a beautiful goal 
Edmonton Journal - September 18, 2005

Clarkson wins over critics as she prepares to return to private life
John Ward - CP English - September 25, 2005

Clarkson deemed the best in a generation 
John Ward - The Province - September 25, 2005

Perhaps you have some University Press to pass along to us?  ;D
kcdist said:
"And I don't like either Rick Hansen or Betty Fox"....

Begs the question if you know who either are....If you would write a quote like that, I think not.

Problem with Ms. Clarkson is that she was not the Queen, but sure didn't spend like that was the case.

Perhaps the greatest stain on her legacy will be her upcoming book. How very regal of her to propose to write a 'tell all' book on the inner circle of government. It's one thing to write a book after you earned your way into a position of priviliage, say through an election. It's another when you've had that knowledge handed to you on a siilver platter.

Finally, it's no coincidence that all media, left, centre and right, had the same take on Ms Clarkson's spending. Ms Clarkson took extravigant spending of tax dollars to a whole new level and then some.

Well I don't know them anymore than someone who gets their information from the media would know them.    I'm sorry that it's not obvious to me that they are more worthy of being Governors General than Madame Clarkson was. Certainly not just because they get good press, to the extent that they get it.  No, I just don't particularly like them anymore than in a passing "Oh, there's Terry Fox's mother on TV" sort of way. Sorry, there it is. So, if you know them more than I do then you're welcome to educate me but if you're getting your information about them from the media, like I am, well then tell me how great the Canadian media are. I'm listening. So even if your assertion that "it's no coincidence that all media, left, centre and right, had the same take on Ms Clarkson's spending" were true, which it most certainly is not, it just shows that you're willing to use the media to support your agenda, but I was in Ottawa on Thursday when for the only time in our history, the CDS and the Canadian Forces publicly honoured and thanked a Governor General specifically for her unparalleled support for us - and it clearly meant more to her than any other accolade - and that's why most of us on this board support her, and will be lucky to ever see another one like her.
Nice bit of googling, however, the same public fawning was done when Trudeau retired, and again when he died. Doesn't mean much. Further research will lead you to find articles that were and are highly critical of Ms. Clarkson's extravagent spending and her abusing the discretionary powers she had in the position.

Although I concede she was a wonderful GG as far as her dealings with the military, her many other shortcomings made her a dismal failure in my opinion. When someone has no regard for the tax dollars I send to Ottawa, they may be the second coming of Mother Teresa, it will still rile me and many other like minded Canadians. 
When someone has no regard for the tax dollars I send to Ottawa,

HAHA, please tell me you didn't type that with a straight face, wow, I've read some doozy's over the years but.......oh my.
Put your list here____________________ of those then you have regard for. [ hope I didn't give you too much space]
It is true that those in Ottawa that treat public tax dollars with respect are in the minority. Some may recall the GG's taxpayer funded shopping romp to Paris awhile back. One of many stories of abuse.

Perhaps I may be in the minority on this board, however, I took issue with the sense of entitlement that the GG displayed over her years in power. It would be one thing if she were spending her money, but she was spending ours, and in unprecedented fashion....at least for the GG's office. 

"Perhaps I may be in the minority on this board, however, I took issue with the sense of entitlement that the GG displayed over her years in power."
- Well, it's hard to make comparisons in a vacuum.  Tell us, in relation to the spending, social, and other habits of the other GGs you have lived under - just how she compares?  Better or worse than who?

I'm with Tom on this one.
kcdist said:
........ Some may recall the GG's taxpayer funded shopping romp to Paris awhile back. One of many stories of abuse.
Who are you referring to in particular?   Are you referring to M. Sauve?  
kcdist said:
.......... It would be one thing if she were spending her money, but she was spending ours, and in unprecedented fashion....at least for the GG's office.  

Who pays for any Government Official to conduct any of their Functions of State?   You really seem to have missed half of what has happened in this country's history of the last couple of decades.    Maybe you'll google up some factoids for us?

I can clearly see that you don't belong to the Monarchist League; I am thinking more along the lines that you belong to an Anarchist League. 
Try this link....there are many more.


The problem is Mr Wallace, I am only too aware of what has happened in this country's history in the last couple of decades.

I have been witness to far to many abuses of tax dollars, both while I was inside the military, and now, that I am on the outside. 

Legitimate functions of the Head of State are one thing. Arbitrarily deciding that a multi-nation cultural tour (accompanied by 50 of your closest cardigan-sweater wearing cultural elite friends) is one of them, is entirely different.

Although not a Republican (I still toast the Queen), I believe that after the most recent GG fiasco, and the upcoming one, there must be some hardcore changes to the way business is done.

Perhaps the incoming GG may display the sense of humbleness I so desperately crave...or not.
Well, since we should compare GGs to other GGs, and not to some idealistic standards that even our ELECTED nomenklatura sneer at, where do you rate AC in the list?

As far as the military was concerned, she was top notch. In fact, I think both organizations (the CF and the GG's office) mutually benefited from the relationship. Her involvement with the military is perhaps a major factor in the popularity (public opinion poll type) of the CF right now. I have knowledge of Schreyer, Sauve, Leblanc and Hnatyshyn. Of that group she would be top.

That said, her fiscal approach and attitude towards the job were subpar. She attempted to use her position in the the office in a manner in which it was not designed for. Her sense of entitlement rubbed many raw.

As I stated earlier, the process in which the GG is appointed is absolutely and completely wrong. If the GG was chosen, by committee, from the general Canadian population based on a record of public (but not political) service and sacrifice, we would not be having this conversation. The past six GGs have been nothing but washed up political hacks, and/or CBC operatives. Hey.....how about Lew Mackenzie....
kcdist said:
As far as the military was concerned, she was top notch. In fact, I think both organizations (the CF and the GG's office) mutually benefited from the relationship. Her involvement with the military is perhaps a major factor in the popularity (public opinion poll type) of the CF right now. I have knowledge of Schreyer, Sauve, Leblanc and Hnatyshyn. Of that group she would be top.

That said, her fiscal approach and attitude towards the job were subpar. She attempted to use her position in the the office in a manner in which it was not designed for. Her sense of entitlement rubbed many raw.

As I stated earlier, the process in which the GG is appointed is absolutely and completely wrong. If the GG was chosen, by committee, from the general Canadian population based on a record of public (but not political) service and sacrifice, we would not be having this conversation. The past six GGs have been nothing but washed up political hacks, and/or CBC operatives. Hey.....how about Lew Mackenzie....

Oh please; we've discussed this here before.  Most Canadians would put a schlub like Don Cherry in the position.  It would be a popularity contest, or a beauty contest.  No thanks.  Bad enough we choose our Prime Ministers that way.
Yes, of course. With the exception of the few enlightened souls on this board, the rest of the Canadian population is, by and large, a bunch of uneducated pinons, incapable of making the most basic and rational of decisions.

As evidenced by the past half dozen under-achievers that have occupied the post, they selection system is  obviously just ducky.

That said, your response was off the mark. My suggestions was for a non partisan committee (the composition of which could be debated) to make the decision.
kcdist said:
Yes, of course. With the exception of the few enlightened souls on this board, the rest of the Canadian population is, by and large, a bunch of uneducated pinons, incapable of making the most basic and rational of decisions.

As evidenced by the past half dozen under-achievers that have occupied the post, they selection system is   obviously just ducky.

That said, your response was off the mark. My suggestions was for a non partisan committee (the composition of which could be debated) to make the decision.

Right; Harper and Martin can appoint members to the committee, Duceppe and Layton can squawk about how they were excluded, and the Liberals can get the fifty percent plus 1 vote to put their candidate in.....