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Showing a lot of class- Governor-General's visit with the troops

Don‘t make me get the belt ...

Our Commander-In-Chief learned what it‘s all about when she flew home with those four caskets and escorts.

Name ONE Canadian Governor-General who has done the same.

We embrace freedom of speech as a right.
It‘s unfortunate we do not similarly ensure that thought, respect, and honour accompany this right.

Yes, you all have to right to say whatever you want.
Equally, you should all stop and think about what you‘re saying, and why you‘re saying it.

So freakin‘ what if the GG ends up sleeping in a freakin‘ hotel? Isn‘t it more important that she is going out of her freakin‘ way to demonstrate freakin‘ solidarity and support for Canadian service personnel, and that she is making the freakin‘ choice to spend her freakin‘ holidays away from home instead of at home?

Nobody ordered her to do this. As such, she is volunteering for this duty.

God bless her, and a pox upon any cretin who would besmirch her.

God save the Queen.
Our Commander-In-Chief learned what it‘s all about when she flew home with those four caskets and escorts.

Name ONE Canadian Governor-General who has done the same.
You know, I never knew about this fact.

God save the Queen and her representative, the GG indeed.
The GG is a very intelligent and insightful person. I would be honoured to have her come visit anytime. Atleast no one in good conscious would ever let her put a helmet on backwards. :
In response to Bedpan, I have some repect for our last few GGs as politicians, ie Nyatyshyn, but as for one with respect for the military...No one since Vanier.
To all, she has surprised me to!.
Good on her!

She is not a politician ,she represent‘s the Crown.
As such you can say Queen Bess is there.

I would rather have her turn up than Cretin!
Did not want to Start a new thread, I felt this would be very appropriate here;

Canadian Forces to pay special tribute to outgoing Governor General STEPHEN THORNE
Sat Sep 17, 3:32 PM ET

OTTAWA (CP) - A soldier whom Adrienne Clarkson diverted her plane to visit after he was wounded in a friendly fire attack in Afghanistan, and a mother whose son was killed in the 2002 incident, will pay tribute to the outgoing Governor General at a ceremony Tuesday on Parliament Hill.

Hundred of soldiers, rangers and cadets, along with politicians and senior officers, will gather at 10:30 a.m. to thank a commander-in-chief they say "went the extra mile" for her troops.

"It's a way for us to say farewell and thank the Governor General for all she's done for the Canadian Forces," says Lt.-Cmdr. Nathalie Garcia, an event organizer.

Clarkson spent a Christmas at sea with the navy in the Persian Gulf and twice she marked the New Year with soldiers in Afghanistan.

She spent untold hours with veterans and she visited uniformed Canadians in every part of the country.

"Certainly one of the most cherished duties that Her Excellency has undertaken in the last six years was in her role as commander-in-chief of the Canadian Forces," said her chief spokesman, Randy Mylyk.

"She has developed both very strong and effective bonds, not only with the senior members of the Canadian Forces, but also with the rank-file and individual privates in the field."

Mylyk said she also coveted the opportunity to promote the services and the contributions military personnel make to Canada on a daily basis.

Some Canadians called her elitist. They said she was more comfortable in Toronto's salon circles than in homeless shelters. Parliament trimmed her budget after the media took her to task over travel spending.

But in the Canadian Forces, Clarkson - who wrote most of her own speeches, including many moving and poignant tributes to Canada's veterans - is almost universally loved and admired.

"Clarkson has been terrific as commander-in-chief," said one senior Defence Department source on condition of anonymity. "This is a key part of Governor General Clarkson's term that people don't write very much about.

"She connected with the Armed Forces."

Sgt. Lorne Ford, who was badly wounded in the April 2002 attack near Kandahar that killed four of his comrades, will speak at the ceremony.

Clarkson was in Britain for events marking the Queen's Golden Jubilee when the Canadians were hit. She had her aircraft diverted to Germany to be there when the bodies of the dead arrived aboard a C-17, and to visit the wounded, including Ford.

"The impact of the deaths and severe wounding of our soldiers touches us all in a personal way," Clarkson said at the time.

One of those killed was Sgt. Marc Leger, whose mother Claire will also speak Tuesday.

Quietly, away from the media glare, Clarkson personally met Claire Leger and the other bereaved families after the friendly fire incident. She spent several hours with some of them.

But more than anything she said or did as Governor General, Claire Leger says, she admires Clarkson for rising to ceremonial head of state from her modest roots as a Hong Kong immigrant.

"It's more than just what she did with our son," Leger said. "She is a person that I adm - ired all along.

"I found her to be a very kind person, very down-to-earth."


(CP) - Some of Gov. Gen. Adrienne Clarkson's visits to Canadian troops since her investiture:


-Canadian Forces Base Esquimault during first official visit to British Columbia.

-Canadian troops in Kosovo.


-CFB Valcartier in Quebec.

-Canadian troops in Bosnia.

-Departure of HMCS Preserver in Halifax.


-Ramstein, Germany, to meet soldiers wounded in Afghanistan friendly fire incident and attend transfer of soldiers killed.

-Presented Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation to 1st Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment, Battle Group, for reopening airport in besieged city of Sarajevo in 1992.

-Presented Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation to 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Battle Group for courageous and professional execution of duty during Medak Pocket Operation in former Yugoslavia in 1993.

-Christmas with sailors patrolling Persian Gulf as part of war on terror.


-New Year's with Canadian troops in Kabul.


-Memorial ceremony in Petawawa, Ont., for Cpl. Jamie Murphy, killed by suicide bomber in Kabul.

-New Year with Canadian troops in Kabul.


-Canadian Forces Station Alert, on her last Arctic trip as Governor General.

-CFB Petawawa's 100th anniversary.

-Ottawa airport send-off for Canadian soldiers heading to Afghanistan.

-Presided over Maritime Pacific change-of-command ceremony in Esquimalt, B.C.

-CFB Edmonton as part of tour of Alberta and Saskatchewan marking provincial centennials.

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Shows how a lot of people [including me] can be wrong about someone's devotion to thier future role.

To Madame Clarkson,
Enjoy your retirement.
Jumper said:
We can only hope our next GG is as pro-CF as Madame Clarkson.
I'll give the out going G.G. credit for taking interest in the C.F.
This has not happened since George Vanier.
when Her Excellency visited us in Kabul, she had no special accomodations. She racked out on a cot, she ate in the kitchen. When she inspected us, you felt inspected. Not the usual walk past, with timed pauses to be asked the same questions as the last guy, and the next.
I despise her political leanings, but for the way she treated 3 PPCLI's war dead, and ours, and for the honourable way she dealt with RSM Hodgson, she deserves Respect. With a capital R.
She has mine.
I read on ctv news on the web that Adrienne Clarkson's agent/lawyer is saying that she will publish her memoirs very soon, and she will likely be rough on PMPM. There is also a rather cryptic statement:

" Levine said that "there will be a great deal of news in the next six to eight weeks" regarding Clarkson's future."

Can a former GG run for office?
I have a feeling that the upcoming Governor General make Queen Pretender Adrienne I look like a great Governor General...   :-\
RangerRay said:
I have a feeling that the upcoming Governor General make Queen Pretender Adrienne I look like a great Governor General...   :-\

"Can we get a translator in here!!"
Re;the new G.G..

They showed two choices of the gown's for her appointment in the National Post or one of the other papers,can't remember which one but my god they looked like something Momma Doc would have worn way back when in Haiti.Yup close on full gowns!
Is the Office getting too rich and pretentious?
What ever happend to every day official decorum?

I do believe in the Office of the G.G. but not lets get silly.
recceguy said:
"Can we get a translator in here!!"

Sorry, I'll try to clarify.

I haven't been a big fan of Mme. Clarkson.  Granted, she has been the first Governor General since Gen. Vanier to take her role as Commander-in-Chief seriously, but she is also a champagne socialist who has acted as though she were the Queen rather than Her Majesty's humble servant.

Having said that, I believe that the incoming Governor General, if half of what I've heard about her is true, will make me long for the days Mme. Clarkson.

I hope that clears things up.  :)
Ahhhh, how soon we forget.

Remember the 80s?  Madame Sauve as GG?  She flies to Lahr to visit her son going to school in France. But wait!  The trip is extended for a day to do some shopping.  Again.  So her plane is delayed.  Again.

No big deal, right?


Her back up plane - the CF 707 that was to do the flip from Lahr to Trenton - ALSO gets delayed, because it is her back-up plane. So the flip gets cancelled.  So they throw out a few hundred bucks worth of airplane food.  So what?  So all of the service and dependant pax miss their connecting flights in Canada.  So what?

What did Madame Sauve care if a bunch of wives (and therefore soldiers) were out thousands of dollars for missed flights because the flip got canned?

It was all worth it so she could have an extra day in Paris, wasn't it?

So, we have to count our blessings that Madame Clarkson did more than pay lip service to the CF.

The lady has my vote.  Especially compared to some of her predecessors.

Ah oui!!

Madame Clarkeson has my vote as well....

During her visit to Camp Mirage she stayed on camp vice much much much better local accomodations that visiting politician's show a partiality for.

Being a no frat site (quelle surprise) she bunked in one shack and her good spouse bunked in another. Despite a reserved table for the meals she sat with us. Asking about our children, how they took to our being overseas, asked if we were having any problems or had any ideas for improvements (and writing them down in her little book I must say). A true class act, a wonderful well-spoken lady who was a fine example as GG.

As for GG Sauve, my father once participated in an Honour Guard for her. Formed up in the pouring rain....then her delegation drives by the parade square 15 minutes after her expected arrival time and continues up the road....yet the Honour Guard stands at the ready. 2 1/2   hours later the delegation finally show up as they had gone to the Officer's Mess to await the rain's end. NICE yep she cared all right and I guess she knew it was more important to keep her hair dry than think about the soldiers she knew were out there waiting for her. Yep her priorities were all #%#$$% up.

Give me GG Clarkeson any day of the week.

As for the upcoming GG Jean..the jury's still out.

Madame Clarkson...seen us depart on OP APOLLO Roto 0 and talked to everybody onboard as well as our  drenched families on the Jetty.

Then I had the privilege of seeing her at OP Athena at Camp Julien.....

It says alot when u see the GG in a helmet and flak jacket at Christmas talking to the troops.
What more can you say!!
TCBF said:
Ahhhh, how soon we forget.

Remember the 80s?   Madame Sauve as GG?  


I am so glad you brought her up.   She definitely has to have been the worse GG and the most extravagant spender of the lot.   She had everything in Rideau Hall and all of her dwellings remodelled to her tastes.   No one can hold a candle to Madame Sauve's extravagance.  She totally despised most Canadians, not only the CF, in my opinion.  And who suggested her for the role of GG?    ::)