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Showers - Nudity

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Get used to being naked, besides what's the big deal?  besides after 3 months or so with out a shower you won't care if you have to shower with your grandmother.

oh and what about oh lets say your acutally in a war someday, you know people shooting at you and all that fun. Nature won't wait, you'll be in your fighting hole (that's USMC-speak for "foxhole") with your bro, "yo dude old this bag for me..."

As the training film says "your in the Army now"  your going to have to put up with much worse then getting naked with a 100 or so of your friends.
Let's not even talk about being onboard a Navy ship.

the 48th regulator said:
whys is that?   I heard that if you peed on yer feet you would   be ok?
(Canadian military Urban legend 106)


Haha, actually Sgt, I had an ex. British Para tell me that they used to piss on their feet all the time.  I met him while I was skydiving for my first time, and he was comming outta the porto potty.  I forget how the conversation started but thats what he told me.  Plus,  I had a guy on my hockey team who had athletes foot piss on them for a couple days and it actually went away.  Suppsidly, your pee kills the bacteria on your feet.  Now, whether this is true, I don't know since I haven't really had tehe chance or desire to test it on myself.  But hey, if it can neutralize chlorine gas at Ypres, im sure it can do another thing or two.
Hansol: From the flow of the conversation, I'm guessing you're a recruit?

I'm not sure what it's like in the green sector, but I believe some recruits got put into the blue sector this past summer.

The green sector is just all cubicles. no idea what the bathroom situation is like in there though.

The blue sector is divided up into pods, which are then divided up into either 6 or 10(?) individual rooms. Each pod has one or two communal bathrooms with 2-3 individual shower stalls.

As has been mentioned, no, this isn't high school. no one gives a damn about privacy. If you've got a chance to get clean you take it.

Good luck and have fun!
Heres a little helpfull hint for when the time comes.Just think,  atleast your not in the US army cause they dont even have dividers in the toilets so down there you have to be a creative conversationalist.

Actually, a co-worker of mine who went through boot for the RCRs in the late 80's never misses the chance to tell the story of the stall-less crappers in the CF.  He tells of learning that some people fold the paper, others wad it, some use a little bit, others giant fist sized amounts.
Boydfish said:
Heres a little helpfull hint for when the time comes.Just think,   atleast your not in the US army cause they dont even have dividers in the toilets so down there you have to be a creative conversationalist.

Actually, a co-worker of mine who went through boot for the RCRs in the late 80's never misses the chance to tell the story of the stall-less crappers in the CF.   He tells of learning that some people fold the paper, others wad it, some use a little bit, others giant fist sized amounts.

Wow...it's been a long time since I've been both fascinated and completely repelled by something in a long time.  :P

My first encounter with stall-less toilets was in Hohenfels, a US base in Germany, in the early 1980s.  That was quite an, um, experience.  And it proved the old adage that there are some things man was not meant to know....
My father was a carpenter, and used to tell his apprentices the best way to toughen their hands was to pee on them - I was never sure whether this was a practical joke, until I read something more authoritative on this years later.

As he had pointed out, the uric acid has been filtered/refined by your own body.

However, as George found out in "Seinfeld" ... it's grounds for being "voted off the Island" ... !

Flip-flops:  Don't leave home without them!
Hi dglad. When we were training for Croatia in 94, we did our live fire ex at USMC Twentynine Palms in California. The latrines there had no dividers. Most uncomfortable. However, here at Bagram we certainly have divided latrines, so maybe it was just an old practice. Cheers.
pappy said:
Let's not even talk about being onboard a Navy ship.

No Pappy lets "talk about what goes on in a Navy ship......"......Im curious.....
pbi said:
Hi dglad. When we were training for Croatia in 94, we did our live fire ex at USMC Twentynine Palms in California. The latrines there had no dividers. Most uncomfortable. However, here at Bagram we certainly have divided latrines, so maybe it was just an old practice. Cheers.
i remember 29 Palms yup no walls walked into a card game going on  wow what a ...... shock  would be one word used  ...

To further Dvessey's post, green sector's washrooms contain two toilet stalls, two shower stalls, and
sinks.   Usually you take your cleaning kit, flipflops, and robe with you to the washroom, change,
and shower, then go back to your cubical.   You don't want to walk around naked because patrolling
NCOs are sometimes female, your section buddies will crack a towel on you're a$$, or you'll
be chased around by another naked guy.   In St.Jean's green sector, there is no communal
shower in the barracks (but the gyms showers are communal).

During the first two weeks of the course, you're just getting used to the platoon and your
section buddies.   Later in the course, you'll be tired, hungry, and pressured to meet timings to the
point you won't even care who is naked, fat, skinny, or whatever.   You'll just want to get it
over with and ready to go.    BMQ is great for loosing communal inhibitions and learning teamwork.  
hey all

yeah i'm a recruit. waiting for the application to be processed, which takes a god awful long time, but anywho....

yeah i got the message you guys are saying. After you are tired, hungy, and smell like shit you don't really care about anything other than trying to get clean, and being naked isn't going to change that. Like i said, i just wanted to make sure so that i wasn't the odd man out being either 1) the werid guy with the swim suit on or 2) the only guy going commando in a room full of "covered" individuals. Either way i'm fine with, everyones only human, and you can't shy away from life right? just figured i'd make it easier on fellow recruits by doing "what everyone else does". Cheers -Cameron
Hansol said:
hey all

yeah i'm a recruit. waiting for the application to be processed, which takes a god awful long time, but anywho....

yeah i got the message you guys are saying. After you are tired, hungy, and smell like crap you don't really care about anything other than trying to get clean, and being naked isn't going to change that. Like i said, i just wanted to make sure so that i wasn't the odd man out being either 1) the werid guy with the swim suit on or 2) the only guy going commando in a room full of "covered" individuals. Either way i'm fine with, everyones only human, and you can't shy away from life right? just figured i'd make it easier on fellow recruits by doing "what everyone else does". Cheers -Cameron

don't worry too much about it. I think you're trying to do about the same thing I did, try to find out as much information about the course you're doing before you do it, right down to minor details. Sure, it's great to have an idea about what you're getting yourself into, but don't get caught up on the small details like that. Everyone else there will be in the same boat as you, they're completely new (for the most part).
Just take it one day at a time and it'll be over before you know it.
I'll fight ya for the lock!

Naw, you take it.
I have some birthmarks on my body i used to take flap about in highschool shower rooms.  will i see the same thing in the CF?
Of course not, people with birthmarks are not allowed in the army. Better make sure your sect. commander doesn't see it.

Man I love just picking up random topics off the welcome page......
Northern Touch said:
Suppsidly, your pee kills the bacteria on your feet.  

If atheletes foot was caused by bacteria, you would be correct, however, atheletes foot is caused by fungus, and peeing on it will NOT fix it.

Dr. Scholls makes a foot powder which kills atheletes foot... if you're constantly in an enviroment where you're using communal facilities, it makes a great preventative cure... and you're using foot powder in your combat boots anyway aren't you?
Canadian77 said:
I have some birthmarks on my body i used to take flap about in highschool shower rooms.   will i see the same thing in the CF?

Yes. ;D
I say let what god gave you fly.

We had a guy on our DP1 in meaford shave his bits in the shower. He actually visits these boards regularly.
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