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Showers - Nudity

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E Coli is a food borne illnes, I don't see hwo having dirty hands would make you sick from e coli.
MikeL said:
E Coli is a food borne illnes, I don't see hwo having dirty hands would make you sick from e coli.

Scratch your arse, stick your fingers in your mouth.... voila, bacteria surprise.
Know the little schnib at the mess on the bags of milk and juice that liquid comes out of? When you put your glass under it?

I've seen nearly an entire camp get sick because of dirty billies not washing their hands after crapping then their fingers brush against that schnib and infect other people using the milk/joice machine.
It would appear that we have a lot of new inexperienced people on this site who need lessons on 'sanitation' and 'cleanliness'.  If you have never been in the field, don't scoff at what people are saying about field sanitation and keeping your hands clean.  Your lack of experience is showing.
Purell Hand Sanitizer.  Don't go past the Range Control gate without it.
MikeL said:
E Coli is a food borne illnes, I don't see hwo having dirty hands would make you sick from e coli.
E coli is not only transmitted via food, that is just the most common way.  It is a relatively benign bacteria, as long as it stays where it belongs, ie you colon (hence the name, tricky eh?).  Every time you take a dunny, zillions of species of fecal bacteria are zooming around your tarhole, as well as launched into the air.  It is very easy to transmit them into your mouth, and other entry points, without proper handwashing.
So, I guess my revised question is: in the field when guys are emptying buckets of feces,  and I presume, far from a store, (where they can buy their own), is hand sanitizer  given to them?  I am trying to get specific  information about how the CF takes care of their  men/women. So you guys who have had experience with this, I am really curious.  Have to say, not encouraged by  the ignorance on topic after reading about all the training you  get in  first aid, etc. Why you wash your hands is Medicine 101. Please tell me  it it now part of your training.

(e-coli infections can lead to kidney failure, and  death at worst, cramps and  diarrhea at best)
visitor said:
So, I guess my revised question is: in the field when guys are emptying buckets of feces,   and I presume, far from a store, (where they can buy their own), is hand sanitizer   given to them?    I am trying to get specific   information about how the CF takes care of their   men/women. So you guys who have had experience with this, I am really curious.   Have to say, not encouraged by   the ignorance on topic after reading about all the training you   get in   first aid, etc. Why you wash your hands is Medicine 101. Please tell me   it it now part of your training.

(e-coli infections can lead to kidney failure, and   death at worst, cramps and   diarrhea at best)
I have never emptied buckets of feces. Ususally the honey bucket comes over and sucks it out of the porta pottie.
When I am in the woods I poop in a hole I dug with a shovel. Then I bury it. Usually I have a wet nap or something to wash my hands and give my ass a quick wipe with. (feild crap is greasy at times)
I get up mostly every morning and if not everymorning then sometimes during the day I have a bird bath.
Medics always stress clenlieness. I get my hands and face washed when I shave.
The CF is not there to wash our faces and wipe our asses.
The individual person is responsable for his or her own hygene and that persons supervisor is there to make sure that people in their sections are not dirt bags and need to be charged for it.

There is no ignorace on the topic. The ignorace would be yours for asking a moot question. E-coli infections if they were to happen would not be a new thing it would have happened in the past. As it is there are P-med techs and people with experience who are out there teaching the "newbies" how to survive.
y worry bout being naked in a shower, just stay naked your whole time at basic training , and u will have nothing to wash
Kat Stevens said:
E coli is not only transmitted via food, that is just the most common way.   It is a relatively benign bacteria, as long as it stays where it belongs, ie you colon (hence the name, tricky eh?).   Every time you take a dunny, zillions of species of fecal bacteria are zooming around your tarhole, as well as launched into the air.   It is very easy to transmit them into your mouth, and other entry points, without proper handwashing.

Thanks, I was under that impression that e coli was only spread via contaminated food.

Just so peopel don't think I'm a complete idiot, I know that if you don't wash your hands after wiping your arse, etc you'd get sick, just didn't think that was e coli.
Movert,  I guess then, the answer to my "moot"  question is "no".
And I guess this one can be closed. After six pages even the dirtiest little billie should know how to wash.

Hey there..This may come off as an odd question but I've searched the forums and haven't seen any questions regarding my concern.

When showering..is it private? (walls, etc)

My main concern is that I'm not the most comfortable person when it comes to being nude in front of others.

Thanks, really appreciate it!
It all depends on what base you are it as every location is laid out somewhat different.  One thing is no mater where you are get used to having a lack of privacy, while you are on course you will not have a lot of time and you will be changing in front of people and nobody will even notice each other.
Do not join the Navy or become a diver if you have an issue with nudity.

You would definitely do yourself a favour if you are able to get over that.
As much as the CF does everything possible to maintain an atmosphere of respect for the individuals moral principles and cultural norms while in garrison, during exercises, emergencies deployments there are times when you have to wash on the go or share a mod tent with showers with 30 other people at a time (males and females would have different times allocated) - it is amazing what gets unnoticed after a few days of working 24/7.
Hey there..This may come off as an odd question but I've searched the forums and haven't seen any questions regarding my concern.

When showering..is it private? (walls, etc)

My main concern is that I'm not the most comfortable person when it comes to being nude in front of others.

Thanks, really appreciate it!

Try <a href="http://ultimate-penis-enlargement-guide.com/index.html?gclid=CLOm1NO-j5gCFQJ2xgoduiJamQ">this!</a>
My issue with the nudity isn't about my junk.

It was centered around the fact that I can't say that I'm frequently nude in front of large groups of people. Guess I'm just strange for having that concern.
Boy, you're going to enjoy your first shower parade.... ^-^
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