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(SGT?) Franck Gervais (split from Walts, posers)

I think his wife is completely complacent of the fact.  She was with him on camera, at the National War Memorial, stroking his beard.  She is as guilty as he is.  I would not be surprised if she did the tailoring of his various uniforms.

It's hard to know one way or the other for sure. She possibly did tailor his suits under the guise of 'budget cuts': soldiers have to make their own uniforms now.  Also, batman. I hope he has a batman suit too.

I would not be surprised if she had no clue. This walt is the kind of person looks for victims that are easily manipulated. She could just simply be very naive and makes for a very easy target.  Who knows. I hope they get her side of the story at some point.

I don't share the view that this is a crime of 'theft' in the traditional sense. It's something much more complicated. Punish someone for this all you want. If the action is seeded by a mental illness then the punishment is useless in the long run.
'Stolen' equates 'theft' to me.  He has fit the definition for "Stolen Valour".  He has stolen the trust of those around him.  A thief, by whatever name you want to call him. 
Pieman said:
It's hard to know one way or the other for sure. She possibly did tailor his suits under the guise of 'budget cuts': soldiers have to make their own uniforms now.  Also, batman. I hope he has a batman suit too.

I would not be surprised if she had no clue. This walt is the kind of person looks for victims that are easily manipulated. She could just simply be very naive and makes for a very easy target.  Who knows. I hope they get her side of the story at some point.

I don't share the view that this is a crime of 'theft' in the traditional sense. It's something much more complicated. Punish someone for this all you want. If the action is seeded by a mental illness then the punishment is useless in the long run.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was unaware or at the very least in denial.  He could easily claim opsec or that he was a reservist (disapearing one night a week or whatever).

Theft, fraud or whatever.  He committed a crime.

Mental illness maybe but I figure it is more of a case of attention seeking, narcisim and envy culminating in something bigger than he could control.  One does not need to be mentally ill to be a liar.
Ah! Com'on guys: Posing as a reservist is the greatest thing: You have the perfect cover with the wife to go to the bar with your pals two nights a week, on a week-end "escapade" eight times a year and go fishing with the boys two weeks every summer. :)
George Wallace said:
She is as guilty as he is.
I wouldn't go that far.  She wouldn't be the only person in Canada who has zero experience about military affairs who could be fooled or not know any different - after all, a CBC national TV reporter roaming the crowds was fooled, right?

It'll be interesting to see if Criminal Code charges come out of this.

milnews.ca said:
It'll be interesting to see if Criminal Code charges come out of this.

Just on the news over the radio (CFRA 580 AM):  Ottawa Police Services are not looking for him as no one has 'filed a complaint', even with the national news expose.
milnews.ca said:
I wouldn't go that far.  She wouldn't be the only person in Canada who has zero experience about military affairs who could be fooled or not know any different - after all, a CBC national TV reporter roaming the crowds was fooled, right?

It'll be interesting to see if Criminal Code charges come out of this.

Local radio news is reporting the Ottawa police say that they have not received a complaint, and they also would not day if they have started an investigation.
George Wallace said:
Just on the news over the radio (CFRA 580 AM):  Ottawa Police Services are not looking for him as no one has 'filed a complaint', even with the national news expose.
Good catch.  If I'm reading this French media report correctly (Google English below) ....
Both the 34 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters that National Defence has been informed of this imposture. But given that the person is not a member of the Forces , military justice can not do anything . It would be better that a complaint be made ​​so that either the civil courts can take up the case, the impostor who have violated the Canadian Criminal Code.
.... it doesn't appear that DND is going to file a complaint w/civilian police.
I don't think there is anything stopping anyone from filing a complaint to the police against the guy, is there? One would best live in same city at least, and be so inclined to speak out about it. Everyone is willing to bark, but someone has to step forward and take a bite for something to actually happen...If that is the best course of action to take.

Interesting turn of events.  He has obviously been documented as committing an act in contravention of the Criminal Code of Canada.  The police will do nothing unless someone makes a complaint.  Interesting.  If he robbed a bank, would he be just as free to assume he will not have the police interested in him, unless a complaint is laid?  Where is the line drawn as to the requirement of someone to 'file a complaint' and one where one is not needed?
  Where is the line drawn as to the requirement of someone to 'file a complaint' and one where one is not needed?
Yes, a really good question there.
It happens all the time..................too many assholes, not enough cops, courts and cells.
Making a complaint is a bit of a misnomer here. Simply reporting to the police authority that you witnesses a crime or that you were the victim of a crime starts their obligation to investigate. However, if no ones come to "report" a crime that police officers did not witness personally, they don't have the authority to investigate on there own mere suspicions.

This said, it seems to me that the best person to report Mr. Gervais' crime would be the CBC. They have the evidence of his posing as a military officer and of the deception (uniform) used in the commission of the crime and they have the information and sources of information reported to them that he is not such an officer. Moreover, in order NOT to be taken in by such posers in the future, it would be in the CBC's interest that the one they caught does not get away with it.
The Ottawa police have announced they have opened an investigation.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Making a complaint is a bit of a misnomer here. Simply reporting to the police authority that you witnesses a crime or that you were the victim of a crime starts their obligation to investigate. However, if no ones come to "report" a crime that police officers did not witness personally, they don't have the authority to investigate on there own mere suspicions.
Wouldn't be the first time they shared videotape with "the authorities," which led to an investigation.

Old Sweat said:
The Ottawa police have announced they have opened an investigation.
It'll be interesting to see how much effort "the system" (police and Crown) will be willing to spend on this.
Old Sweat said:
The Ottawa police have announced they have opened an investigation.

Yep: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/the-soldier-who-wasnt-how-uniform-mistakes-gave-him-away/article21572238/
milnews.ca said:
It'll be interesting to see how much effort "the system" (police and Crown) will be willing to spend on this.

Once the media gets a hold of a story things change.  There are lots of dirtbags in jail that make Bernardo and Holmoka look like rank amateurs.  They just didn't happen to be cute and cuddly looking, like those two on the front page, so no one hears/cares.
JS2218 said:
Yep: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/the-soldier-who-wasnt-how-uniform-mistakes-gave-him-away/article21572238/
And a bit of precedent, from the bottom of this article ....
.... Impersonating a member of the military is not a common offence, but a Winnipeg resident pleaded guilty to the charge two years ago.

Josh Tuckett had claimed he was a corporal who had served in Afghanistan and Haiti. While he faced a maximum sentence of six months, the judge noted that such penalty would be applied only if the deception had a more sinister aim. Since his masquerade gained him no concrete benefits, Mr. Tuckett received a discharge.