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Disgusting Display from a vet in Irving's Big Stop Restaurant

The mental health part...just because the vet in question isn't totally losing it, doesn't mean he doesn't have some mental health concerns, and they might present more around Nov 11th.

Not saying that is a justification, either, but perhaps a factor as to why that day was the one the video was taken. A cry for help sort of thing...
That's true. He may have MH issues, may have undiagonosed MH issues, or may be one of the self-diagnosing types.

Could be a cry for help but I also find a lot of people who leave the CAF have no sense of identity as a civilian so they fall back to their rank & regiment. Someone spends years trashing the military and can't wait to get out and when they do you can find them out for supper or at the movies rocking desert boots, garrison belt and course T-shirts tucked in. Not sure what this guys story is in fairness.

However "Respect me I'm a war veteran, I have friends that died" is manipulative behavior.

Yup, seen lots of that. You’re bang on.
It's pretty sad.
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Is "Irving's Big Stop" part of a chain?

They're pretty popular in NS, NB and PEI. The one in Salisbury NB was a 'regular stop' on the way to Gagetown, the one in Welsford NB was a great spot if you could escape PV for a bite. The one in Enfield NS is where the RCMP intercepted the mass killer in NS in April 2020. Pretty good food, for the most part (depending on your idea of a good menu, of course).

I honestly didn't know they extended into Upper Canada that far. In the Maritimes/Atlantic Canada, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who didn't know the Irving name.
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They're pretty popular in NS, NB and PEI. The one in Salisbury NB was a 'regular stop' on the way to Gagetown. The one in Enfield NS is where the RCMP intercepted the mass killer in NS in April 2020. Pretty good food, for the most part (depending on your idea of a good menu, of course).

I honestly didn't know they extended into Upper Canada that far.
The one in Pembroke is quite popular. Great breakfast/brunch.
They're pretty popular in NS, NB and PEI.

Now I remember Irving's. It's a big operation. I liked their restaurants. Clean with good food and service for travellers.

So, I guess this individual is persona non grata at this particular restaurant. I wonder if the company might make a dicision to ban him from the others.
Could be a cry for help but I also find a lot of people who leave the CAF have no sense of identity as a civilian so they fall back to their rank & regiment. Someone spends years trashing the military and can't wait to get out and when they do you can find them out for supper or at the movies rocking desert boots, garrison belt and course T-shirts tucked in.

I'm willing to bet that the most vitriolic "I hate the CAF" posters on social media will be just like that 6 months after they release.
Some people need a reason to be offended and enjoy portraying victimhood.
and some people have fucked up headspacing and timing from their service and other experiences. Tracking him down and trying to charge him, gain him national attention or otherwise pigeon hole him won't get him the help he needs. Track him down and find out what the problem is and see what can be done to fix him or at least, help him function better in society before he becomes another ignored statistic.

* nothing personal HT, you just provided a convenient segway *
and some people have fucked up headspacing and timing from their service and other experiences. Tracking him down and trying to charge him, gain him national attention or otherwise pigeon hole him won't get him the help he needs. Track him down and find out what the problem is and see what can be done to fix him or at least, help him function better in society before he becomes another ignored statistic.

* nothing personal HT, you just provided a convenient segway *

All good my man. I've seen more aligned with my statement than yours is where where I am coming from.
So the member in question just posted a new video to their Facebook, where they apologized to the women and workers who they berated at the store and said they shouldn't have taken out their frustration on them and also asked others to not harass these women as apparently some others have been sending them threats, etc. They took the time to double down on their views though that they shouldn't have to produce a medical record to eat at a restaurant.

Like I said, all I see is an angry young man, who has trouble with authority and is most definitely angry at the World, using the Anti-Vax movement as their way of projecting this anger. It's not right but we all know people that are quite frankly broken from their experiences and these people sometimes say and do things that don't really make a lot of sense to the average person.
I find no difference in what the small group of people did here in Kelowna at the RD ceremony and this guy going into a Big Stop!
I find no difference in what the small group of people did here in Kelowna at the RD ceremony and this guy going into a Big Stop!
You don’t see a difference between a group of nut jobs hijacking and disrupting an entire public Remembrance Day ceremony, and one lone guy with clear mental health issues throwing a very brief tantrum in a truck stop restaurant before walking out? You have a shortcoming of discernment.
You don’t see a difference between a group of nut jobs hijacking and disrupting an entire public Remembrance Day ceremony, and one lone guy with clear mental health issues throwing a very brief tantrum in a truck stop restaurant before walking out? You have a shortcoming of discernment.
My judgements are just fine. Maybe the woman standing up at the RD ceremony has mental health issues as well? Once again I find no difference between the two incidents.
People are pretty 10 ply though if they think having to show proof of vaccination is a restriction of their freedom. It's an inconvenience, but so is wearing a bike helmet (until you crash). The 'slippery slope' arguement is pretty dumb, and it's actually the anti-vaxx that's limiting our general freedoms by stalling the recovery from a global health pandemic. The government would actually prefer none of these restrictions, but they also don't want people to get really sick and/or die when it can be limited by some relatively painless short term measures.
In my view people are overreacting a bit to this. Did he engage in some antics? Yes, and it appears to be premeditated by the fact that the camera is rolling before he even gets to the restaurant. But beyond that, what did he really do? He walked around a bit venting his frustration at the situation but I did not see him physically assault or verbally abuse anyone. He said to a couple people to enjoy their meal and apologized for not being vaccinated then said (sarcastically) to the camera "this represents a really great thing".

I don't understand why people protest at restaurants. It is not up to the restaurant to decide if they want to check if you are vaccinated or not, they are just following the law. If they don't check they can get in a lot of trouble.

If people don't like the law complain to your member of parliament. Don't be a prick to the staff at the restaurant or store that are most likely making minimum wage.

I agree with this, he should not be putting these servers or even the manager in an uncomfortable spot like this. They don't make the rules and in Ontario at least, the restaurant is at risk of up to a $10 million fine for noncompliance.

The Federal government has nothing to do with vaccine passports, so he should complain to his MPP, maybe get on board the JCCF's constitutional challenge of the various vaccine passports.

Because deep down they are cowards. They will confront the low person on the totem pole who is just trying to earn their underpaid wages, instead of confronting people with the power to address their concerns.

This is kind of like giving your private a hard time because you were assigned duty watch.

This certainly applies to some. I'm not sure that I'd apply the word coward to the man in question. He appears to be a legit combat veteran in which case he's no coward. Directing his frustrations at the wrong people? Yes, but that could be due to ignorance or maybe it was just on that day (remembering his buddies who died) his just felt extra frustrated and went off a little and will follow-up with his MPP later.
Did he engage in some antics? Yes, and it appears to be premeditated by the fact that the camera is rolling before he even gets to the restaurant. But beyond that, what did he really do? He walked around a bit venting his frustration at the situation but I did not see him physically assault or verbally abuse anyone. He said to a couple people to enjoy their meal and apologized for not being vaccinated then said (sarcastically) to the camera "this represents a really great thing".
Pretty mild in comparison to some of the anti-vax/mask viral vids out there.
What I find interesting is the normally anti-vax sentiment comes from two sources. Those who distrust the government/media, and those who distrust big pharma/medicine.

I don't understand military members who distrust vaxxines. You are literally told where you work, you collect government wages. Why the rebellion against vax? Or is it a case of exposure that leads to distrust?
From what vids I have seen, as far as restaurants are concerned, Waffle House staff seem to have the finest combat skills. Never seen one lose a fight. They are like the flight attendants of the all-day breakfast world.

Thankfully, the Big Stop never came close to that.

Why the rebellion against vax?

Who knows?

They may never change their "firmly held beliefs".

But, some have had their employment changed.

That may have motivated some of the "vaccine hesitant".
Mods: It looks like there are two different discussions on this thread. Can we split?