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Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

Ogling notwithstanding, IMO the media (or some within the media) have an axe to grind...or are just clamoring for headlines.
eurowing said:
"OTTAWA — The Canadian military has investigated just five reports of sexual assault in Afghanistan since 2004, with only one investigation leading to a guilty verdict — a number that contrasts sharply with the picture painted in a new book about a female soldier.
I arrived in KAF somewhere around the same time as Capt Nichola Goddard.  At the time, KAF was still a US base with only a smattering of international representation.  Shortly after arriving, rumours started flying through the ranks about the rampant danger to women of rapes and gang rapes.  When the squadron sergeant major investigated the legitimacy of these rumours, he learned from the US security personnel that there had in fact only been one rape in the preceding months and that the victim was male.

If Nichola were still around to put her comment into perspective today, I suspect she would tell the world that it was based on those initial unfounded rumours.

KAF has the population of a very small city.  It will also, as a result of its size, have incidents of crimes such as would occur in a very small city.
ModlrMike said:
As to the ogling and harassment... I have to agree with others. As distasteful and immature
Harassment yes, ogling no,

PMedMoe said:
Yes, women are going to be "ogled".  As BM said, it's the nature of the beast.  When I was in Bosnia, we had only five females in our camp and yes, we all got stared at, .

Yup, just as it would happen if the percentage of women to men were reversed..........
After months in the fob/cop/ god knows where rotation I sure did stare at chicks in KAF. After not seeing women for darn near 4 months it was nice to look at.

Rape, drug abuse, drinking, extra marital afairs...it all happens....just like in society.
ogling, the perception of which changes drastically with the culture. Women in Latin America almost expect to have men staring at them.
A friend from Panama was depressed when she initially came to Canada for a visit. She thought that she must not be attractive or that most men on the streets were gay because she did not get much "attention."
That was about 15 yrs ago and attitudes are changing a bit but it is still the norm in most Latin countries.

dogger1936 said:
Rape, drug abuse, drinking, extra marital afairs...it all happens....just like in society.

And we are but a microcosm of Canadian society.  The fact that we are, both internally and externally, held to a higher standard means that the instances of this type of conduct should be (and are) much lower than the Canadian average.
MCG said:
When the squadron sergeant major investigated the legitimacy of these rumours, he learned from the US security personnel that there had in fact only been one rape in the preceding months and that the victim was male.

When I was there in 2006/2007 I never heard of any females assaulted. We DID get a warning about a few sexual assaults but they were of British and Dutch soldiers assaulting each other, but those were Males-male.
This is not new.When we went to FT Lewis  Washington in the 70s and 80s our female soldiers were advised to have a male escort to and from the shacks from the mess due to the number of assaults on women there.
During 1-07, I was informed through official channels that there were (IIRC) 2 Americans charged with sexual assault of a civilian woman. I do not recall if it happened in KAF or elsewhere in country. I do not recall any other actual verified crimes taking place.
The warning is still in effect for KAF no female members should be out at night with out a male escort of large group of woman.

There have been to my knowledge a few cases of reported attacks against both men and woman.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Yup, just as it would happen if the percentage of women to men were reversed..........

It doesn't even have to be reversed. I LOOK at the men too!! Trust me on that. 100% normal and natural on both sides of the fence.

BUT, the last f'n thing on my mind when deploying into a warzone - in a f'n desert - would be what miniskirt and high heels to bring!! Holy crap Moe ... high heels?? Good for a smack upside the head from me just for risking breaking your ankles walking around in them in sand when you are on paid duty and at war!! Even putting aside the fact that there's a war happening there ... what sane female wears high heels in the desert!!?? Were these military females or civilian contractors?? This simply blows my mind.

Obviously, the dress regs were required when common sense for appropriate desert wear is not followed.

I am flabberghasted!!  >:(

Edit to add: Upon reading this, it kind of sounds like I'm asking Moe why she would wear high heels. Nope. My "you" would be inclusive of the comment I'd make as I smacked the offender upside the head (which I would do virtually of course ... because one can not really smack someone upside the head [but I'd desperately want to!!]) And, it also seems that it was BM who mentionned that and not Moe.

You know something about all this...when I was in Cyprus in 86/87 there were no Canadian military females on tour.  The only females up at the BBC (Blue Beret Camp) where either the camp admin staff, which were local women or the other country contingent's spouses.  The only problem we had was if any of our troops went into Nicosia, Larnaca or down to the leave centre in Ayia Napa and tried to pickup some of the locals. There was only one case of a soldier being 'mailed back home' and that was because he got a girl pregnant (not rape) and her father was going to kill him!

I'm not saying that women shouldn't be allowed on tour, that's not the point, IMHO all I am saying is that the crap that goes on while on tour, rape(not so much of that in Canada), drug abuse, drinking, extra marital affairs,  is the same crap that goes on while you are back home on any course or TD, I know because on almost every course I have ever been on, I've seen it.  The same thing happened when they opened up ALERT to female troops.  I really don't think this problem will every go away, like they say, boys will be boys that turn into men being men.

I'm sorry if my opinion pisses anyone off, that was not my intent.  I'm just calling a spade a spade because I've been there done that.
mike63 said:
You know something about all this...when I was in Cyprus in 86/87 there were no Canadian military females on tour.  The only females up at the BBC (Blue Beret Camp) where either the camp admin staff, which were local women or the other country contingent's spouses.  The only problem we had was if any of our troops went into Nicosia, Larnaca or down to the leave centre in Ayia Napa and tried to pickup some of the locals. There was only one case of a soldier being 'mailed back home' and that was because he got a girl pregnant (not rape) and her father was going to kill him!

I'm not saying that women shouldn't be allowed on tour, that's not the point, IMHO all I am saying is that the crap that goes on while on tour, rape(not so much of that in Canada), drug abuse, drinking, extra marital affairs,  is the same crap that goes on while you are back home on any course or TD, I know because on almost every course I have ever been on, I've seen it.  The same thing happened when they opened up ALERT to female troops.  I really don't think this problem will every go away, like they say, boys will be boys that turn into men being men.

I'm sorry if my opinion pisses anyone off, that was not my intent.  I'm just calling a spade a spade because I've been there done that.

I have no problem with your opinion. I just want to state that "office bopping" is common throughout society ... it's not like this is a CF problem. Oh, and office bopping is not simply a "boy being a boy" --- that's willfull participation by both parties, so I'd guess it's more like "boys & girls being boys & girls".

I try not to limit "indescretions" to men and make them out to be the beasts and we wimminfolk the distressed damsels ... that myth is so over.
Men or women it doesnt matter. On our tour to Bosnia two dutch soldiers raped a brit up on Gos P.
Every bad trait thats in civilain world occurs in the army. Drugs robberies car thefts....honestly in my group of soldiers I've dealth with 4xdrug abuse  2x robberies, 1x domestic abuse,1x  animal cruelty, hoarding x2 accounts (grossest stuff ive ever seen in my life) 2 drunk disorderly calls ,1x forgery of documents, 1x rape of youth under 16,....all in the past 6 months, which doesnt cover the AWOL disobeying a lawful command, admin reviews, money stores calling, PMQ housing calling....I've seen it all.

A rape a murder a hit and run accident doesnt surprise me in KAF.

Okay, I've been working here in KAF for almost 2 years now, and yes there are things you see that make you wonder. The mini skirt and high heels was more than likely one of the Russian Hair Dressers that works in the AAFES Beauty/Barber shop and probably on her first day here. I've seen it happen more than once, you would be surprised at how some people are dressed when they get off the contract haulers.
There are almost 5000 Contractors on base or passing thru from FOB's at any given time, these are people of both genders from all over the world (more nations represented than by ISAF). Cultural norms can be deceiving and as previously stated if you can't turn a head now and then you're doing some thing wrong seems to be the mantra of some cultures.
Most militaries over here have a dress code, Uniform or issued PT Kit, that's it no civvies, no choice. So when a 4' 6" Fillippina walks by wearing skin tight jeans on her 75 lb frame she's going to get looked at, as will the 5' 11" airwoman who could be a model. People are going to look at what is out of the norm to their culture, it's inevitable. For those that have led sheltered lives, or on their first deployment it can be a little overwhelming and will be perceived as being "ogled". Some things just stand out as different to some cultures and therefore earn a second look.
I'm sure there are instances of sexual assault, as I'm sure there is a prospering sex trade both in and out of uniform. Someone had $25K cash confiscated not too long ago, I wonder were that came from.
KAF is a city in and of itself with people from all corners of the world and needs to be taken for exactly what it is a microcosm of all the worlds cultures.

WrenchBender in KAF
medicineman said:
As he's not yet been tried, much less convicted, can we delay building the gallows please?  I know the guy concerned and am rather surprised by this - perhaps he's guilty of poor judgement in not having a chaperone with him, we don't know as yet.  These people may have been rejected medically based on his findings and are laying these charges frivolously - again we don't know.  I can say this - I'll be watching closely, as will many co-workers I'm sure, as when this is all said and done, there sure as Hell will be a BOI putting out a pile of reccomendations ensuring there is no way this will occur again.


I guess we shall see very soon, as te court martial is just about finished; for the first three girls who came forward anyway.
Jim Seggie said:
I agree. From what I have read here, he's got 25 in and a clean record.

Clean record can be used very lightly here. Considering it is very public news, details will be out soon. Conviction with in the next two days, hopefully sentencing as well!
Lt.-Col. J.G. Perron, a Canadian Forces (CF) military judge, has sentenced Mr. James Wilks to 9 months imprisonment for incidents that occurred while he was performing recruit medical examinations in South-Western Ontario on behalf of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre (CFRC) Detachment London. In addition, Mr. Wilks was ordered to comply with the Sex Offender Information Registry for 20 years as well as provide DNA samples for the National DNA Databank.

On April 29, 2011, the Director of Military Prosecutions preferred two counts of sexual assault contrary to section 130 of the National Defence Act (NDA), and pursuant to section 271 of the Criminal Code of Canada (CCC), and four counts of breach of trust contrary to section 130 of the National Defence Act (NDA), and pursuant to section 122 of the CCC against Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) retired James Wilks. On October 17, 2011, Mr. Wilks was found guilty of one count of sexual assault and four counts of breach of trust.

The incidents took place at CFRC Detachment London and at the Major G.H. Stirrett Armouries in Sarnia between September 2008 and December 2009.

As Mr. Wilks is no longer a member of the CF, he will serve his sentence at a civilian facility.

Mr. Wilks served in the CF for 27 years and was released on April 28, 2011.
CF news release, 12 Dec 11
My question would be why was he released while still facing these charges?
It's not like other cases where release was after the charges were heard & a conviction tendered, even if an appeal followed.