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Sept 2023 UKR Vet Recognition Incident (merged from several threads)

It would take a deep dive to see how they came to their offices, but the current Deputy Speaker is a Conservative MP and the Assistant Deputy Speakers are NDP and Liberal in that order of precedence. Protocol and procedure would dictate, that in the absence of the Speaker and until a new one is elected, the chair would be filled by the deputy. Despite this stupendous gaffe by the current Speaker, the office is still (or should be) considered prestigious, and will likely be coveted by a few honourable members. The financial and housing perks ain't too shabby either. Though it is normally considered a position suited for a 'parliamentarian' in the best sense of the word who caps their public career in impartial service to the House, and not used as a stepping stone, it has been sought after by some less worthy. Remember Sheer.
Also keep in mind that there are times when the opposition would rather have the government provide a speaker. Especially in close minority situations.
I think I heard that this fellow has been quite active in the veteran community in Rota’s constituency. Did no one go “Wait a minute, he fought against who in WWII?”
To be painstakingly fair, I don't think every MP knows everything going on in his/her riding, no matter what colour their team jersey or how good the individual MP is.

That said, one article I read said the guy's son asked either Rota or his constituency office if his father could be in the gallery for UKR President Zelensky's appearance. Whoever took that call, or acted on the message that the call was received, THEY should have started with the question, "and why is your dad interested in being there?" Maybe my former life as a reporter biases me, but any answer to that question could have been the start to handling this VERY differently from the start.
I think both. Maybe we can get an insight on how he gained entry here. I reckon the vetting process was somewhat different back then.

Canada’s got a pretty bureaucratic process for war crimes. If there’s a credible allegation, generally there’s an initial police investigation to get a starting fact set. From there, a committee of the Canadian War Crimes Program - RCMP, DOJ, CBSA, IRCC - determines if the matter should continue by criminal investigation and possible prosecution (super rare) or civilly, with the latter probably aiming towards determining if someone’s legal status in Canada should be revoked, and if they misrepresented themselves on entry to Canada. Part of the immigration process is declaring that you didn’t do war crimes or crimes against humanity.

All that said, I’d be surprised if Canada took up a file on this without particularized allegations against him as an individual.
Sounds more like "whataboutism" to me... Just sayin...
Seen - but I've also been more than happy to admit current management soiled their silks in a significant and widely-reverberating way on this one just because someone didn't know enough history, so I can tell you that wasn't my intent. And it's up to this speaker & this government to un-f**k this, no equivocation. Just trying to point out that there's a not-just-recent history in Canada of being ... selective? ... in interpreting history - and as others have said upthread, probably not just with Ukraine.
The speaker is speaking now…

And stepping down. Effective tomorrow.
Lol, good points.
Good money says the Speaker resigns after his meeting at Noon with the House Leaders for the various parties.
Even money says, that the next Speaker will be a NDP'er, I'm willing to take bets on that. The Liberals don't want to touch this role now with a 10 foot pole and they won't let the Cons take it up, so who better to keep things slightly tilted in their favour than having their coalition buddies take that role on.

The speaker is speaking now…

And stepping down. Effective tomorrow.

What’s the over/under on next speaker?

I figure:

LPC - 45%
NDP - 40%
CPC - 15% (because JT may not have anything to lose at this point)
What’s the over/under on next speaker?

I figure:

LPC - 45%
NDP - 40%
CPC - 15% (because JT may not have anything to lose at this point)
It’s a minority situation so I doubt any conservatives will stand. An NDP speaker though is an interesting bet. The CPC NDP and Bloc could make that happen.

But…the deputy speaker is currently a conservative I think so they may just decide that he’s the best man for the job.
What’s the over/under on next speaker?

I figure:

LPC - 45%
NDP - 40%
CPC - 15% (because JT may not have anything to lose at this point)
Remember that PMJT doesn't appoint the Speaker. The House and individual MPs vote on who fills the role of Speaker. The Bloc, NDP, and CPC collectively dwarf any sway the LPC have IRT this.

Additionally, the Supply and Confidence Agreement does not apply to procedural votes, so the NDP can vote with their hearts.

My money is on a CPC Speaker, just based on the NDP splitting the votes away from any LPC candidates.
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I think both. Maybe we can get an insight on how he gained entry here. I reckon the vetting process was somewhat different back then.
There are already links to the commission that cleared him.
I’m not sure any part of the Canadian Government wants to reopen that, as it’s not going to do anyone any good to dig dirt up on a 90+year old who’s lived the last 78 years in Canada without being problematic.
Perhaps the House will on the whole, put the monkey on the NDP’s back?
By putting a NDP'er in the seat, it removes 1 more vote for JT/JS's coalition. It will be interesting to see if the Libs 'let' Rota back into the caucus or will they make him persona non grata now because once he resigns on Wednesday he can formally rejoin the Liberal caucus.....kick him out and they then lose 1 more warm body in the coalition. Yes, of course he can still vote for the Libs as an independent.
By putting a NDP'er in the seat, it removes 1 more vote for JT/JS's coalition. It will be interesting to see if the Libs 'let' Rota back into the caucus or will they make him personal non grata now because once he resigns on Wednesday he can formally rejoin the Liberal caucus.....kick him out and they then lose 1 more warm body in the coalition. Yes, of course he can still vote for the Libs as an independent.
Do you actually think Rota would try and run for re-election in 2025? I mean, the candidates running against him will have a field day with him - a vote for Rota is a vote for Uncle Adolph.....