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Sept 2023 UKR Vet Recognition Incident (merged from several threads)

... it’s quite possible and plausible the PMO had no knowledge of who was a guest there of the speaker.
Hate to sound like a complete hater, but given the central control tendencies of the current wheelhouse team, I'd be hugely surprised if PMO knew nothing beforehand. I stand to be corrected, though ...

Then again, in politics, it's always the question of "who "told" who "what" when?" (with each word able to cover all sorts of inclusive or exclusive examples/situations).
Come on, man!

There is no known technology on earth where you can type a person’s name into a computer and a micro-second later be rewarded with information on them.

Whoever invents that, is going to make a mint….
and how many hours after the event were required before the shit hit the fan? Somebody didn't do their job correctly or is too young to have appreciated the significance since the events of WW2 are not really taught anymore
To be clear I am in no way defending this Nazi POS...but the USSR along with Germany invaded Poland in 1939 so in fighting against the Russians he would technically not have been fighting "against his own elected government".

While the Polish government in exile fought alongside the Allies against Germany (and by extension alongside the USSR) after the discovery of the Katyn Wood massacre (where the Russians executed thousands of Polish officers) formal relations were severed between the Poles and the Soviets and the Polish government was strongly opposed to the Russian seizure of the Eastern portions of Poland and their eventual imposition of a Communist government on the country after the war.

That being said, this guy was a Nazi and deserves to be treated like the rest of the SS war criminals.

Only if you consider the communists a legitimate government.

There are millions of Ukrainians which didn't then nor now. For them these were freedom fighters saving them from communist oppression.

The issue is much more complex than the CSA seceding over the issue of slavery.

Except Mr Hunka looks to be born in Urman Poland and was a citizen of Poland - as were quite a few of the SS Galicia Division. Fighting against Communism is well and good - but being a citizen in an Allied Country and taking up arms for the conqueror of the country of your birth is an entirely different matter. Its the same as a French citizen joining the SS Charlemagne Division, a Walloon (Belgian) joining the SS Wallonie, a Fleming (Flemish speaking Belgian citizen) joining the SS Flemish Legion, a Dutch citizen joining the SS Nederland Division, Danes and Norwegians joining the SS Panzer Division Wiking - etc, etc, etc.
Except Mr Hunka looks to be born in Urman Poland and was a citizen of Poland - as were quite a few of the SS Galicia Division. Fighting against Communism is well and good - but being a citizen in an Allied Country and taking up arms for the conqueror of the country of your birth is an entirely different matter. Its the same as a French citizen joining the SS Charlemagne Division, a Walloon (Belgian) joining the SS Wallonie, a Fleming (Flemish speaking Belgian citizen) joining the SS Flemish Legion, a Dutch citizen joining the SS Nederland Division, Danes and Norwegians joining the SS Panzer Division Wiking - etc, etc, etc.
Pedantic point: Depending where one was at the time, fighting Russia in Poland could be very well Polish nationalism.
But joining the SS is never on the right side of history.
letterkenny GIF by CraveTV

Brutal. How in the age of google did no one even look at his unit?

Here's the very first result from that search with the wikipedia entry;
14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) - Wikipedia

I have to do a more in depth screening on a replacement pressure gauge apparently then you do before suggesting someone get honoured in Parliament.

The NDP are calling for the speaker to resign. Given the gravity of the error on his part as speaker I’m not sure how he can stay on in that role.
He can stay , he will . a lot of Liberals will support him because the whip said so. And a few Conservatives will because they're just dumb enough to think some of that far right base they're trying to develop might have a soft spot for 98 year old Nazis...
I sometimes wonder do actually teach WW II in schools. And do they actually mention who the good guys and who the bad were?
He can stay , he will . a lot of Liberals will support him because the whip said so. And a few Conservatives will because they're just dumb enough to think some of that far right base they're trying to develop might have a soft spot for 98 year old Nazis...
I sometimes wonder do actually teach WW II in schools. And do they actually mention who the good guys and who the bad were?
Good vs Bad gets kind of complicated; is Russia in WW2 good or bad, considering their casualty rate and subsequent slaughter of millions that made the holocaust look like a warmup? Also, firebombing Dresden, nuking Japan twice and some other things the allies did is pretty questionable. WW2 looks pretty black and white until you poke at it, and realize there were Nazi parties in most allied countries, and weird bedfellows on both sides. The narrative is a bit of a retconn, as we only did something when they invaded France and Britain, not in the decade or so that lead up to it.

But at least Allies vs Axis should be pretty simple. And when they were from a unit that was investigated for war crimes, and given an asterix with a recommendation that needs to be investigated for war crimes case by case (vice anyone in the unit) should probably be a big red flag.
I am speechless, but does anyone really think a 98 year old man would take up arms and fight in this day and age?

No one did a background check, or security check, just bring anyone in claiming to be a vet and give acknowledgement to for his or her service?

Reminds me of a war crime investigation in my home town. " He cannot be a criminal and wanted on war crimes, he grows such nice roses in his garden"

Deeply ashamed of the people at the Hill
More details.
Which is reasonable, but at the same time, there are lots of immigrants that fought on the Axis side who don't get fetted as heroes in Parliament.

At the end of the day, it was a totally unecessary distraction, and if they had spent a few minutes on google it probably wouldn't have happened. Seems like a 'kids in short pants' staff failure from someone who didn't pay attention in history class, and too lazy to even type it in their phone.
This side of the world needs to educate our young uns about heinous dictatorships including beloved Chairman Mao, illustrious Pol Pot and the great Fidel. Oh and Hitler too - and Stalin
More details.
Thanks for this - via a pro-Ukrainian/anti-USSR 2.0 source, it helps paint more of the bigger picture, including a reminder of this probe ...
... with the Commission's findings and recommendations from December 1986 attached.

P.S. - Guess who now has his own Wikipedia entry (for better or worse)?


I’ve been jammed up all morning. Do we have an ex-speaker yet?
Not as of this post, but is this, from a Team Red member (via CTV News), a message from higher?
... Government House Leader Karina Gould was first, saying that as a Canadian of Jewish origin and an MP who was photographed with the veteran in question, "this hurt all of us." ... Speaking later to CTV News, in light of these calls to resign, Gould said she thinks Rota "needs to personally reflect about whether or not he can maintain the confidence of the house." ...
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