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Scrap the military?


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Scrap military, Canada told
OTTAWA - Given that the New York City police department has more officers than there are soldiers in the Canadian army, Canada should consider scrapping one or all of its army, navy or air force, says the former U.S. counter-terrorism adviser to presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
Good idea. Lets just fire all the soldiers we have because that makes sense. Maybe cut the police force in half too.

Then we can ignore warnings of a terrorist attack.

What a clever clever man.
wow there goes my chance of a college education or a pension in my life. smart man. s-m-r-t. but look he was advisor to: Bush and Clinton. also isn‘t new york about a third of the canadian population also?
SCRAP THE CANADIAN MILITARY !?! BS !We have alot of people overseas ,both reg and reserve , that are making a difference. Our soldiers are motivated , and well trained. We have a small military , due to budgets , and manning.Maybe these " incompetent turds ", in Ottawa , should have a closer look at Canada‘s Military , instead of wasting money on the silly " Gun Laws", and supporting " low income mom‘s with 4 hungry mouths to feed",who have no desire to work , and see it as more kids = more income.
What a great idea, raise the unemployment rate and cut our defense system. :rolleyes:
Size alone doesn‘t dictate effectiveness anyways.
Remember the " FRP " , Force Reduction Plan. The Government hung out the " Golden Carrot" , alot of people bit it ,an early pension , and a cash buy out. "Easy Street" , don‘t have to work again.A number of these folks are back in,most that got back in, missed the military life , but for a few , it was get back in , or go hungry. FRP was a BIG MISTAKE. Look at our military now !
Richard Clarke is not that stupid. This is just a little reverse psychology. He also mentioned that Canada is getting a free ride in terms of North American defense, so he‘s just trying to get us to pull our weight. (OK, I hope he‘s just trying to get us to pull our weight.)
That‘s just stupid. Why the **** is some US counter-terrorism guy telling us what to do? :confused:

Perhaps we rather then get rid of the airforce or navy, the government could give them the money they badly need. :rolleyes:
Could always look at it as a conspiracy. With the military gone, nice neighbor USA defends our borders and we slowly become the newest american state. This would be payment for the protection! ;)
I would say his track record with counter-terrorism speaks for itself. Just what terrorism has he countered? He should really just worry about his own back yard and let our government weaken our Forces...they have done a great job so far.

Perhaps some of those New York police could help the poor ground pounders in Iraq who are so often under fire. Seems to be more of a problem with terrorists there (insurgants) than in Canada. Perhaps he can offer his expertise over there instead.
Originally posted by Old Cent‘ Hand:
[qb] Maybe these " incompetent turds ", in Ottawa , should have a closer look at Canada‘s Military , instead of wasting money on the silly " Gun Laws", and supporting " low income mom‘s with 4 hungry mouths to feed",who have no desire to work , and see it as more kids = more income. [/qb]
I agree with that 100 percent Canada troops are strong well trained people, it is obvious however that we do need many upgrades to equipment and more public recognition which may encourage growth in the size of our force. As for scrapping the military that is obsurd and just plain ******* nuts. If it did happen I would migrate to the States to fight in their force as a disgruntled Canadian. PS **** the liberals
I get really upset with Americans who critisize the Canadian Forces. We are always there to support them in nearly all combat situations. We were that in 9/11 for the clean up at ground zero, we are there in Afghanastan in the fight to eradicate terrorism, and we also currently have troops in Iraq helping to stabalize law and order in THEIR war. Why are Americans so quick to jump on Canada‘s back when we are so quick to fight alongside them?
Ummmmm Zack, where are our troops in Iraq and who are they? I think that is news to all of us.
I‘m pretty sure I heard on the news and from a few American friends of mine, I may be wrong, but I am just stating what I have heard.
Here is a link that shows where all of our deployed units are:

He probably made the comment to highlight our deficiencies to bring about change.
There are (or were) Canadian troops in Iraq, however they are (were) on exchange with American and British units. It caused a bit of a stink when one of our politicos said that there aren‘t/weren‘t any Canadians in Iraq, and that tidbit came up. Not sure if they are still there anymore (clandestinely pulled out????).

I could be wrong, and I‘m sure that there will be no shortage of pers who will jump on me if that‘s the case. :rolleyes:
