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Scrap the military?

Originally posted by Zack117:
[qb] I get really upset with Americans who critisize the Canadian Forces. We are always there to support them in nearly all combat situations. We were that in 9/11 for the clean up at ground zero, we are there in Afghanastan in the fight to eradicate terrorism, and we also currently have troops in Iraq helping to stabalize law and order in THEIR war. Why are Americans so quick to jump on Canada‘s back when we are so quick to fight alongside them? [/qb]
We were not at Ground Zero for the clean (though it was offered the Americans declined our assistance, and Canada politely declined to join in the U.S. misadventure in Iraq. Get your facts straight before you jump to conclusions.
Originally posted by Allan Luomala:
[qb] There are (or were) Canadian troops in Iraq, however they are (were) on exchange with American and British units. It caused a bit of a stink when one of our politicos said that there aren‘t/weren‘t any Canadians in Iraq, and that tidbit came up. Not sure if they are still there anymore (clandestinely pulled out????).

I could be wrong, and I‘m sure that there will be no shortage of pers who will jump on me if that‘s the case. :rolleyes:

Al [/qb]
I seen on the news that there are a very small number of Canadian Sailors serving off the coast of Iraq on American ships. I think it was only 3 Canadians though.
As for scrapping one or more elements of the military, I find it ironic that an American is in favour of this considering the growing trend for the US to point out how much of a free ride we are recieveing from them. Would not getting rid of the Air Force or Navy make them feel this way more? I think this individual needs a dose in reality.

Atticus I would be interested in knowing where you saw this regarding the Canadian Sailors serving on US ships, being in the navy I would like to find out more on this.
I think what Atticus was getting at was the odd CF member attached to American and British units
as regular exchanges during the recent conflict. I remember a CBC news clip on this subject showing stock footage of AWACS, naval, and army units. This is speculation but it wouldn‘t be difficult for Canadian naval vessels to be loosely associated with a US carrier battle group since they operated in the same waters at the time.
The problem is while I know there are exchange programs for the army and air force with the US, the only Naval postings for CF personnel in the US are shore based. The only way usually is a TD hence my interest.
I cannot see that happening *gone* no matter what a US expert says. All 3 elements are here to say at a much reduced capability unless even more money goes into spending.

Given the link and the information provided, its hard to say in what context the Advisor‘s comments were made. The Americans have a different perspective of the world and funding base than Canada. Its also interesting that military thinking/planning and equipment acquisition is evolving more so after the Cold War and events in the Gulf. The question to scrap an element or not is silly.
Originally posted by -gone-:
But I gather its like cutting off your arm with a swiss army knife to save your life. [/qb]
That would be true, except for the fact that for any military to be effective it needs aspects of all three branches. You can live without your arm quite well. A nation cannot survive without sovereignty and the ability to protect it.

It‘d be more like using your swiss army knife to cut out your lungs... to save on CO2 emissions in the atmosphere or something. (Lousy example probably, but its the first thing that popped into my head, and it illustrates my point).
There is an old British maxim-

The first duty of government is the defence of the realm
Hummm disbanding the Cdn Forces to me it sounds like a plan thought of by our neighbors to the South. Without a decent way of protecting ourselves would give them reason to move in and take what they want. Our natural resources since they wasted theirs. Not to mention our detriorating public health care to be replaced with for profit health care. The list continues
There is an old British maxim-

The first duty of government is the defence of the realm
Also We now see the lesson of wholesale disbandment, from Iraq...tens of thousands of suddenly unemployed angry young men in the streets of Toronto, Vancouver, St John‘s...
Commando...watch with the Anti American rhetoric here it will not be tolerated. Consider yourself warned.