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Scenes from a helmet


I meant in an IMP. Besides I've seen many a hairy thing inside and outside a ruck. All ya gotta do is share a house with a constantly shedding cat and you will soon learn what hairy means.


Well since the last one fizzled out.....

Worst thing to say to the RSM on a bad day
"Nossir ,No way, No how, ain't gonna happen!!...SIR!"

....Seconds later..."I can find my own way to the Guard Room...SIR!"


Okay, worst IMP:  Seal flippers and rice.

Worst thing to say to the RSM:

Okay, okay, I'll do it.  Geezus, why do you have to be so anal?
"You're not the boss of me!!"

.... "... Errr, um... Ok, maybe you are..."
Gunnar said:
Okay, worst IMP:  Seal flippers and rice.

Worst thing to say to the RSM:

Okay, okay, I'll do it.  Geezus, why do you have to be so anal?

Given your capbadge, I'd say that "anal RSM" is redundant...  >:D
"Yessir I can see why the RSM prefers Patrol Dress... the high collar hides your circumcision scars"

Result: "28 Days CB??...SIR!"


"Jeeze sir, I can see where your daughter gets her wild side from"
"It wasn't me RSM".

(OCdt Daft & Barmy to RMA Sandhurst Academy RSM - THE SENIOR RSM in the British Army - after he picked up a piece of garbage on the parade square that happened to have my name on it. It was a parcel wrapping that had obviously blown out of the dumpster somehow..... honest).
"I didnt want that course, I dont even know why you put me on it ..."