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SAS: Are you tough enough?

Torn one is the American one, the other is the Canadian one.

Anyways, I saw the first episode looked pretty good, the next two should be pretty interesting, E&E and interrigation, and than weapons handaling and CQB stuff.
Well first off the SAS wouldn't really want everyone to know what to expect for their training.  Surprises are always better  ;D

But I'm sure they like the publicity  ;D

Now a show on the Royal Marines SBS Selection course that would be fun to watch....

Second, I know I wouldn't pass SAS selection course, would be hard enough at 20-something, being 45 I know better.

oops start old-fart war story here:

I served in the US Marine Corps.  But that don't make me supperman.
When I was in Boot Camp the DI's kept waring us about AIT (Advance Infantry Training), about how Mt. M*****F*****  (I'm sure you can interpret the correct name censored for the little ones) was going to kick our a** and we'd all be begging for relief.  Well Camp Pendleton loomed in our future.... darkly looming in our little recruit dreams at night.

Well AIT came and our date with Mt. MF was looming near....  Some dreaded this phase...  At least the smart ones.
well we're humping our butts into the dirt, (Yomping for our Brit friends) dear sweet young ALICE digging into our shoulders being the B***H she was. 
ALICE looked some cute laying on our bunks for inspection weeks before, her whispers of love had yet to be heard.  We where finding ALICE had a cruel side to her.
Summer in sunny southern California is wonderful on the beach, but we could only dream about the beach.
Leaning quickly about complaining about our girlfriend ALICE just got one a few more pounds of added weight, i.e. rocks. We quietly approached our doom... quietly, well except for the gasping for air.

Hours and miles went by, then our DI's granted us a rest break, temporary relief was at hand.... 
Sighs of relief went out as we laid sweet ALICE on the ground so she could enjoy the view, we recruits enjoying sucking the last drops of water from our canteen, plastic, 1 qt.

Our DI's being good field Marines spread out to check on their beloved recruits. 
"Save your water you amphibious piece of S***" said our DI's, with only the love a DI can have for his recruit.

Well I sat back looking out over the hills of Camp Pendleton...
I guess I looked too comfy and calm when our Senior Drill Instructor SSGT Golick (why does that name send shivers up my back to this day?) came over to check on me.
SDI SSGT Golick was from Washington State and he knew I was from Oregon so he wanted to know what I thought the hills of sunny wonderful California compared to those of Oregon.

"This recruit is doing fine, Sir."  not being bright I continued...
"So far these little hills haven't been too bad, When do we get to Mt. MF Sir?"

Oops.....  Seems we had just finished climbing that said hill.

Adding a few more rocks to my Beloved ALICE to make me feel more at home SDI SGGT Golick commented how I JUST MIGHT make it in his beloved Corps.

We finally did get our visit to the beach, MRCD San Diego is not far from the beach, seems our DI's decided to honor us with a day at the beach.... 
The telephone pole we had to carry with use seemed to take the glamor away....
There where many more trips to the beach after that...

Aww telephone poles and loose sand.... good times....

The Marine Corps had a hard-on for telephone poles...  and running.

we have a couple of little groups of folks called RECON and FORCE RECON
The Marine Corps keeps these units to them selves and they are not attached to the Special Forces Command like the Army Rangers, SF groups , DELTA and SEAL teams are.
But in general they are equal in training and capabilities. 
I won't say who I think is better, as being a former Marine I'm bias  ;D,
During training selection for RECON you bloody well run everywhere,
well unless your hurt and the Corpsman puts you on light duty, you get to walk then....
but with your own personal little section of one of the Corps  Telephone poles strapped to the top of ALICE. 

Be careful what you wish for, reality sometimes bites back.

Why does it have to be on the national geographic channel...I only have normal cable, nnnnooooo!


Afterthought: I realize it will probably be alot of whining and complaining, like on the other reality shows, but, none the less it should be intresting to watch...The Staff Sgt. making their lives a living heck, but I envy those who have the channel
It was on the history channel(Canadian not American)... I think it was on sundays or thursdays.... probably thursdays.

I watched the jungle one and thoose people were dumb as a bag of hammers.

Apart from dropping the injured numerous times and being really bad at shooting they didn't make very good soldiers.
Joe_McSweeney said:
It was on the history channel(Canadian not American)... I think it was on sundays or thursdays.... probably thursdays.


Unfortunatley I dont have history channel, either...if only it was on OLN
Ghost said:
I watched the jungle one and thoose people were dumb as a bag of hammers.

Apart from dropping the injured numerous times and being really bad at shooting they didn't make very good soldiers.

There was one guy who was pretty swtiched on, but he did a 3-4 year stint in 3 Para, and when they found out, they kicked him off the show because you weren't allowed to have prior military experience.