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Sarah Palin Thread

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Haletown said:
Hey . .  Obama just called her a pig !!


"You know, you can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said, "but it's still a pig."

Calling a lady, a mother at that, a pig.

Not gentlemanly, not gentlemanly at all.

I don't see where he directly called her a "pig".  He may be alluding to her, but he may not be as well.  You shouldn't assume things.
Since my wife is an American citizen and does have a vote I've found myself taking a fair bit of interest in this debate.  As for nuclear, Americans who don't like it are going to have to give it some more thought because if they want to get off of oil they don't really have a choice.  I was staggered today to hear the size of of the projected US federal budget deficit for Fiscal 2008 - near $500 billion.  Let me write that out for you:

$500,000,000,000.  That's ELEVEN zeroes.  More than $1000 per person, for one year alone.  And McCain thinks the last eight years are a model to follow?

As for the significance of the AK National Guard, I'd be interested to know just how much of a role state governors have in the day-to-day operations of their Guard units - as I understand it they are basically all OPCOM to the Federal Government and so I don't know what the interplay is.  I still don't see it as being any sort of marked advantage for the candidate though.

It'll be an interesting campaign at least.
tomahawk6 said:
Adamant your lies disgust me. If you acre to see the proof its there.Palin did sell the jet on eBay.They dont charge Alaska residents in fact they get $2000 a year in a dividend.


See links:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/05/AR2008090503722.html?referrer=digg : Governor's Plane Wasn't Sold on Ebay
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/08/AR2008090803088.html : Palin Billed State for Nights Spent at Home

Thank you for your time Tomahawk6.... ;D
Adamant said:
I'm all over Nuclear, put the plant in my back yard I'm cool with it.  But I don't think the McCain/Palin view of Drill drill drill is really going to solve anything.  This is because oil is a finite resource, the single largest oil supplier to the states is...Canada.

But on lies, Palin has lied about the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere," she lied about selling a government jet on ebay, she lied about making a profit on that jet.

She also charged the Alaskan tax-payers a per diem for living in her own home. 

They're politicians, they all lie.  Holding one up as holier than the other is plain and simply false.  Obama lies, Biden lies, McCain lies, and Palin lies.  It's simply a choice between the lesser 2 of 4 evils.    And yes Bass Ackwards, we all have no say, but we will be affected, probably negatively regardless of who will be president-elect.


I think it's about time you started posting live links to your research, to back up the allegations you're making.

That will go for the rest of you also.

Milnet.ca Staff
Adamant said:

See links:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/05/AR2008090503722.html?referrer=digg : Governor's Plane Wasn't Sold on Ebay
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/08/AR2008090803088.html : Palin Billed State for Nights Spent at Home

Thank you for your time Tomahawk6.... ;D

Do you read you own links though?

It appears that, as she promised during her bid for governor, Palin did try to sell the plane on eBay, but there was only one serious bid, in December of 2006, and it fell through. The Westwind II was sold about eight months later, achieving her goal of ridding the state of a luxury item.
Redeye said:
As for the significance of the AK National Guard, I'd be interested to know just how much of a role state governors have in the day-to-day operations of their Guard units - as I understand it they are basically all OPCOM to the Federal Government and so I don't know what the interplay is.

I believe Sarah Palin has deployed them to help with a forest fire.  I caught it in passing watching CNN one evening after they had asked the campaign any executive decisions she made in regards to the AK National Guard and they couldn't answer the question.  I think CNN figured this out themselves as the campaign wouldn't talk to them for a couple days.
Eye In The Sky said:
Do you read you own links though?

It appears that, as she promised during her bid for governor, Palin did try to sell the plane on eBay, but there was only one serious bid, in December of 2006, and it fell through. The Westwind II was sold about eight months later, achieving her goal of ridding the state of a luxury item.

But thats not what she said, she said she sold it for a profit on ebay...not true.  I'll throw up some obama links to misinformation, but there seems to be no shortage of people willing to do that, while holding Gov Palin and Sen McCain as some how above lying. 
tomahawk6 said:
By all accounts Trooper Wooten should have been fired just for tasing his 11 year old stepson,he wasnt.Here is an article about Trooper Wooten.

Even though Trooper Wooten has a questionable background, he has answered all questions concerning his background in television interviews.  There was obviously some wrong doing in this situation, the big question is whether or not Palin had a hand in it or not.  Her people say she was unaware while this investigation is probing to see if that is true or not.

tomahawk6 said:
Palin turned down the bridge to nowhere and also killed the previous Governor's road to nowhere a $350m project from Juneau to Skagway.

Let us be clear, during her campaign she was for the "bridge to nowhere", however, when she became governor and after congress said no to the project, did she finally turn it down.
Obama voted for the bridge to nowhere. ;D
I lived in Alaska and I can tell you that if you take an animal out of season you are screwed. You will lose your car,rifle,tent and anything else you had when you committed the offense.For a Trooper to take an animal out of season is even worse.
tomahawk6 said:
Obama voted for the bridge to nowhere. ;D
I lived in Alaska and I can tell you that if you take an animal out of season you are screwed. You will lose your car,rifle,tent and anything else you had when you committed the offense.For a Trooper to take an animal out of season is even worse.

Gov Palin was all for the bridge during her run for governor too:

tomahawk6 said:
Obama voted for the bridge to nowhere. ;D

So did 81 other senators.  This is just holding the status quo to not kill other members pet projects.  I agree with John McCain on the issue of earmarks, but you can't hold this one against Obama.

tomahawk6 said:
I lived in Alaska and I can tell you that if you take an animal out of season you are screwed. You will lose your car,rifle,tent and anything else you had when you committed the offense.For a Trooper to take an animal out of season is even worse.

And so should be the case, however the current investigation of Governor Palin has nothing to do with this.
Adamant said:
But thats not what she said, she said she sold it for a profit on ebay...not true. . 

actually, if you check the speeches....she said she put it on Ebay....which is correct...
GAP said:
actually, if you check the speeches....she said she put it on Ebay....which is correct...

I stand corrected, many thanks GAP, the VP nominee was honest about this one...it was her running mate that made that ridiculous claim.


“You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was purchased by her predecessor and sold it on eBay — and made a profit.”

This has nothing to do with Palin, but I believe the saying goes, " You can put lipstick on a hog and call her Lucille, she's still a pig". It sounds best when said with a Southern accent.
Adamant said:
I stand corrected, many thanks GAP, the VP nominee was honest about this one...it was her running mate that made that ridiculous claim.


“You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was purchased by her predecessor and sold it on eBay — and made a profit.”

Anyone parsing candidates speeches to that extent isn't really interested in the real issues IMHO. It's too bad some here can't show as much interest in our own political race as they are trying to dig up dirt on something south of the border.
I've been having a deja vu moment reading this thread but couldn't put my finger on it...then it hit me.  I used to have a big ol' dumbass dog that would endlessly spin around chasing his own tail.  It was amusing for a short time, but didn't provide much entertainment after a while.
Kat Stevens said:
I've been having a deja vu moment reading this thread but couldn't put my finger on it...then it hit me.  I used to have a big ol' dumbass dog that would endlessly spin around chasing his own tail.  It was amusing for a short time, but didn't provide much entertainment after a while.

Like the dog.....stop reading... ;D