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Sarah Palin Thread

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Rationing of health care? Haven't seen it. My mother has been in the hospital for 4 days now, with a broken leg. Several blood transfusions, and an operation later she is getting better. Suffice it to say she will not be loosing her house because she is unable to pay for the medical expenses. Nore will any Canadians have to worry about being turned awy from a hospital because we dont have the correct health insurance.

  I would echo what one other poster said, many Americans do not understand what socialism means and I would also add that some Canadians do not know what it means. I would rather have the Canada of today with its faults than go back to the Canada of the early 1900's to the 1960's.
You mean a Canada that was self reliant instead of relying on the government ?
Governement sponsored health care.

We pay taxes to fortify the nations ability to care and heal the sick and wounded without the greed factor of trying to make profits. Health care in Canada is/was a NOT FOR PROFIT industry. Although it's highly lucrative and pays accordingly for it's expertise and massive learning curves,technology and reasearch. It's in the countries best interests to keep it not for profit and ensure all canadians are able to get the same equal care and treatments across the board.

Socialism. All for one and one for all, equality without restrictions, bias or stature.

No. There used to be a Canada that existed where people would loose farms because of illness or worse, not be able to get any medical treatment at all bec ause of lack of money.  There was a canada that existed where a striker could be shot or beaten by hired thugs. An unemployed worker and his or her family may end up living in squaler. We still have poverty but no where near the levels of that era and I would say no where near the level of the US.  The US should be the last to speak out against Canadian policies. The farm subsidies in the US are far higher than ours are.  Did the US goverment not recently bail out two of the sub prime mortgage companies?  If people want to draw a line and make socialism wrong than corporate welfare and bailouts should be just as incorrect.
Snafu-Bar said:
Governement sponsored health care.

We pay taxes to fortify the nations ability to care and heal the sick and wounded without the greed factor of trying to make profits. Health care in Canada is/was a NOT FOR PROFIT industry. Although it's highly lucrative and pays accordingly for it's expertise and massive learning curves,technology and reasearch. It's in the countries best interests to keep it not for profit and ensure all canadians are able to get the same equal care and treatments across the board.

Socialism. All for one and one for all, equality without restrictions, bias or stature.


That is the best post yet.
Donaill said:
That is the best post yet.

Yeah.   :-\   
  It may take a while, but eventually a person's true colours come out.
tomahawk6 said:
How is that universal healthcare working out for Canadians ? The rationing of healthcare is something we dont want here in the US.

Rationing of healthcare?  What the hell are you talking about?!  That sounds like the typical drivel spouted in the US about our healthcare system.  There are supply challenges here - not everyone can get a family doctor, and rural communities lack some services without travel, but when you have only 32,000,000 people spread out over almost 10,000,000 sq. km. that's bound to happen.  Here, I will never, ever have to worry about losing my home if I get sick because I can't pay my medical bills.  I don't have to worry about having to go to court to fight an insurance company who will bend over backwards to get out of paying a claim because doing so will make them more profitable.

With an American wife I hear a lot about her family - a distinctly middle class group - facing health problems and having nightmares about what they can pay for.  They make too much to qualify for state medicaid coverage apparently, but they can't afford adequate insurance either.  You'd have to be a fool to think that system was better.

Americans like to talk big about how evil they thing socialized anything is - but they don't realize that loads of American industries depend on government protectionism to stay afloat - I don't think the US has a better system than anywhere else, and in many ways I think it's worse.  What galls me though is the abject hypocrisy of the Republican Party in particular who talk about how much they hate "tax-and-spend liberals" yet blow trillions they don't have on doing what they claim to oppose!
Another annecdotal example but Mom with cancer and father with a pacemaker, both would be hundreds of thousands state-side, here nadda. 

And to echo others, is there some places where it could be improved yes...but you want to see rationing of healthcare, look at the US, 47 million people who can't afford health care if thats not rationed I don't know what is
To get back to Sarah Palin, from the Bill Maher Show...

Jesse Ventura: "New Rule.  Stop comparing Sarah Palin to previous Vice Presidents.  Of course she's no Dick Cheney, she's never shot anyone in the face!"
Redeye said:
To get back to Sarah Palin, from the Bill Maher Show...

Jesse Ventura: "New Rule.  Stop comparing Sarah Palin to previous Vice Presidents.  Of course she's no Dick Cheney, she's never shot anyone in the face!"

We don't know that.....strange things happen under the midnight sun................. ;D
Clinton cool on a Palin showdown
Anne Davies, Tampa  September 10, 2008
Article Link

IF AMERICANS were hoping for the political equivalent of a roller-derby between the Democrats' leading woman in politics, Hillary Clinton, and Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, they are set to be disappointed.

In Florida for her first campaign events since the conventions, Senator Clinton's response to Palin might have been: "Sarah who?"

Mrs Palin's name passed her lips just twice in one speech, and once in another, as she referred to the McCain-Palin ticket.

"Tell us about Palin," a man yelled at the event in Tampa on Monday evening.

"I don't think this is what this election is about," Senator Clinton said, before resuming her speech urging her activists in the party to consider the fundamental differences between the Republicans and the Democrats — and to take that message to the undecided voters of Florida.

The Democrats are desperate to reclaim the mantle of change and to tie the current economic mess to President George Bush and his friend John McCain.

There were big differences between the parties, Senator Clinton said. Barack Obama had plans to dramatically extend health care and, unlike the Republicans, he would not privatise social security.

And then there is the economy, stupid. "Anybody who believes the Republicans can fix the mess they created probably believes the iceberg will save the Titanic," Senator Clinton said.

But will it be enough to puncture the cult of Palin, the most talked about figure in politics — except by Senator Clinton?

In Tampa, Senator Clinton artfully dodged the Palin question six times. Even this one: "Do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to be vice-president?"

"I am going to stay focused on the issues because I think that is what the American people care about," she replied. "I think the American people are proud that Republicans have a woman on the ticket … But that's not the determinant of who should be president. It comes down to what they would do."

Maybe. But personality also matters. People need to trust and feel inspired by their leaders.

The Obama campaign is hoping the dirty work will be done by the media. But Senator Obama is trying to take the shine off Palin by publicly fact-checking her claims, as she continues to draw unprecedented crowds to Senator McCain's rallies this week.
More on link
I don't believe this thread was ever intended to be a socialism vs thread....split it off if that is what you want to discuss....
Sorry GAP. I feel safe in saying that topics about US politics have been touching a greater nerve within Canadian society. I see many people questioning who we are and what we stand for.  Personally I would not want a Canada that is based upon a Republican US. I do hope that Obama gets elected, as I see McCain as nothing more than a Bush family puppet.
Donaill said:
Most of the top countries are socialist based, and have strong militaries and a strong sense of civil rights.

Pick two out of three. (or less)

The EU? Declining population and economic power, virtually non existent military power and civil rights are being overturned by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.

Russia? Autocratic government, Strong military (relatively speaking), severely restricted civic rights

China? Notionally Communist, Strong military, severely restricted civic rights

Brazil and India are rapidly transforming to Capitalism, and are thus gaining in military, political and economic power. The key sticking point will be the full support of civic rights, without which the other transformations will be incomplete.

WRT the United States, the ultimate divide is between the "Progressive" ideology, which seeks to restrict civic rights in favor of State control vs "Classical Liberalism", which seeks to maximise individual liberties and rights (as well as have individuals reap the consequences of exercising those rights for good or ill). It is pretty clear where Senator Obama and Governor Palin stand on the divide.
Sarah Palin, who sold Alaska's state plane, gets her own campaign one now
Article Link

For everybody at the Republican National Convention who suspected that the absence of Sarah Palin's name on the John McCain campaign jet was perhaps a sign he wasn't fully behind her, this morning comes proof to the contrary.

Nikki Waller over at the Wall Street Journal Travel blog notes the unveiling of the vice presidential candidate's own chartered campaign jet, an Embraer 190, with Palin's very own name right there in big blue letters.

The plane, chartered from JetBlue, seats about 100 and will be the traveling home for the 44-year-old Alaska Republican governor, her staff and security and accompanying paying media through the Nov. election. She'll likely start campaigning solo later this week
More on link

Can I ask a "Dumb" question.  I didn't study politics in school, maybe I should have for all the talk going on here and it's a little above my head. 
But, how is it that the candidates can now name their VP candidate without a convention or vote of that person?  McCain was the only person running so he got in at the Demos guys.  Obama and Clinton had to duke it out and now Obama is the Reps guys.  Now they've named their VP candidates. Palin comes in and some are going, "who is she?" And Obama named someone who I can't recall, all out of the blue.
Can someone please help me understand US politics a bit better?
Thanks, BYTD
Both candidates named their VP choice and the respective conventions approved Biden and Palin. What could get interesting is if Obama throws Biden under the bus in favor of a VP who might offset Palin's charisma. I am thinking Hillary here.
tomahawk6 said:
Both candidates named their VP choice and the respective conventions approved Biden and Palin. What could get interesting is if Obama throws Biden under the bus in favor of a VP who might offset Palin's charisma. I am thinking Hillary here.

Obama would take a huge hit if he did that now....he's stuck with Biden (besides I don't think he want the 2 for 1 deal Hillary offers - he's likely to come into the Oval Office to find Bill with his feet up on the desk while chatting to the newest intern  ;D )
Thanks for the quick dumbdown, T6
Is there a chance that Obama will sack Biden for someone prettier and younger?  I figured he'd at least take Hilliary with him seeing as she's got lots of support.  And I don't mean Bill's hands! 
;D Sorry, LOL couldn't resist

Not being American and barely understand the politics there, I kind of like the guts of Palin...single mom with a special needs kid...AND is governer of Alaska... 8) 
I think she can handle soem small problems, like running the country!
Couldn't be any worse  ???
BYT Driver said:
Can I ask a "Dumb" question.  I didn't study politics in school, maybe I should have for all the talk going on here and it's a little above my head. 
But, how is it that the candidates can now name their VP candidate without a convention or vote of that person?  McCain was the only person running so he got in at the Demos guys.  Obama and Clinton had to duke it out and now Obama is the Reps guys.  Now they've named their VP candidates. Palin comes in and some are going, "who is she?" And Obama named someone who I can't recall, all out of the blue.
Can someone please help me understand US politics a bit better?
Thanks, BYTD

Vice Presidential candidates are not really elected through the convention process.  The candidates identify those in whom they are interested (usually, it's the backroom types that actually draft this shortlist, candidates are really just figureheads in a way), then they go through a vetting process.  I don't know how Sarah Palin made it through the vetting process for the Republicans, but she did.  The nominee is named at the convention and receives the official nomination thereafter by vote - it's usually just a quick vote there's not normally any sort of contention of it.