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SAR Tech

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FoverF said:
I'm wondering if anybody here knows (or can find out) if being an MD would be a suitable substitute for the PCP qualification? If not, would a residency in emergency medicine (or something similar) suffice?

Here are the links you need. However, they only apply to Ontario. I don't know about other provinces or the CF.
If you are a doctor, be a doctor. The world needs doctors. Be a kick ass, Gun totin' rootin' tootin' helluva Doctor. Go to Afghanastan and save some lives there. Leave SAR Tech to those of us less talented.
now that i have passed everything when should i hear about an offer to attend prelim
A few more questions to add to the ever expanding SAR Tech thread

1. Can anyone provide any suggestions for preparing for the physical and/or mental aspect of prelim.  I understand the fit test and what is required for that and therefore training in swimming, running etc is needed.  Over and above this fit test however, are there any suggestions for preparing for some of the extreme fitness requirements of prelim (including completing tasks with little to no sleep etc).  Being a direct entry candidate (when I apply in 2 years time) I wont have much experience in CF related fitness requirements such as long ruck marches etc and feel as though that would put me at a disadvantage for prelim.  Any thoughts on preparation?

2. I know this was discussed back on page 11 or 12 or so, but I don't think it was confirmed (correct me if I'm wrong).  If a direct entry candidate passes prelim and attends (and successfully completes) the 11 month training period he/she will then be a Cpl.  Is this correct?  Will they immediately receive Spec1 pay or will that come after further training?  I am curious because someone I know has mentioned that you have to be in the CF for a minimum of 4 years before becoming a Cpl but obviously direct entry candidates will not have 4 years in the CF.

I would check http://www.specialtactics.com. This is a US site geared towards PJ training and recruitment.They have some training programs on that site that are pretty comprehensive, focusing on running, rucking, swimming,and calisthenics. They have a pretty good forum on there as well where you can post questions regarding training.  I followed one of the programs on there and although it was pretty demanding you will see your fitness soar. On another note, just keep in mind that you cannot train balls out year round, and should periodize (sp??) your program to ensure you don't over train and slowly build so you can reach your goals.

BTW, I am in not a SAR Tech and will yield to the experts on this board to validate whether this would be good training or not. Just trying to send you to a site with pretty useful information.


Current direct entry candidates are Cpl when they graduate and remain as a Cpl well into their second year of service after Wings. 
hey zc881373  i actually just got offered a direct entry spot for this year i leave for basic in sept.  i can't answer question two for you but i have been training 6 days a week  pretty much for the last 9 months. gym, swimming, running, and also alot of isometeric moves like the plank and wall squats. plus i have been climbing ropes whenever i have the chance.  i actually got a membership at a local base that way i could consult the psp staff to help out. they gave me a lot of great tips and a few plans. and a tip i got from  a actual sartech that i meet was to run the test a lot so that you can get fast at it.  anyway i hope that this helps a little
Thanks alot robm105 and congrats on the offer.

There was a post a while back (page 8 i think) about the actual life of a fully trained SAR Tech. 

"As a SAR Operator - I can address your one question about the shifts that we pull.  SAR is a 24/7 operation.  We maintain a quick response posture during working hours, Monday to Friday (8am-4pm). Weekends and weekday nights (4pm-8am) aircrew are on a pager response.  If you pull the day shift, you do not pull the night shift until after at least 10 hours of crew rest."

Is this still true or has anything changed since this post (2006)?  Can any of the SAR techs on the forum elaborate on it any further?

Just clarifying one thing. If you are in the reserves you still have to achieve Cpl to apply for SAR tech, correct?
Very good question. I beleive the stock answer is yes. However, If you are a qualified Paramedic, maybe not. The actual up-to-date requirement for military is that you must have 48 months service completed before the actual course (not selection course) starts. This allows soldiers advanced promoted to corporal ( exactly the sort of motivated and keen soldiers we are looking for) an opportunity to apply. Talk to a personnell selection officer if you are in reserves, and a recruitor if you aren't, and if you don't get the answers you like from them, come back to me and I will look more into it.
I'm meeting up with a Reserve med tech recruiter tonight actually so hopefully I can get some answers. Just to let you know I passed for Pilot at ASC, but from what I've seen on here and been told by recruiters the Pilot trade is closed right now with the exception of ROTP. So if I do not get into ROTP I want all my options open so I'm just exploring all of the routes I can take.

As of right now my idea would be if I don't pass for ROTP I would start being productive in the military by joining the reserves as a med tech while I'm still in school, and while I'm in school (eventually obtaining my PCP) I'd get solo skydiving certified, some SCUBA, and continue my CASARA membership, all while waiting for DEO Pilot to open up but also preparing for SAR tech. Do you think this is reasonable? I just know DEO pilot is closed and is extremely hard to get into once it does open, so many recruiters have told me to choose another path/trade to pursue while waiting, so this is what I have decided on...for now lol.

But this is all depending on if I am accepted for ROTP still lol which I hope I am (Search and Rescue or Fast Jet would be what I'd want to fly)...but I need to be prepared. Just let me know what you think of this "plan". I'm going to present it to the recruiter tonight as well to see what he says. The more opinions the better I guess.

I'm on an old computer and I tried to insert a quote however it doesn't work, but in reference to your last post gully, you said : "I believe the stock answer is yes. However, if you are a qualified Paramedic, maybe not." I'd probably achieve Cpl in the Reserves before becoming a Paramedic, but I assume this means that being one you wouldn't have to wait until Cpl to apply. Just making sure that's what that meant.

Oh and thanks for reading this "book" of a post lol.

zc881373 said:
Is this still true or has anything changed since this post (2006)?  Can any of the SAR techs on the forum elaborate on it any further?

While not a SARTech - I played one on TV.

That SAR posture remains accurate.
Hi guys,

I have been searching on the forms and also talked to a recruiter online with not much luck in regards to the question I am about to ask.  Hopefully one of you could shed some light on my issue.

In regards to Direct Entry Sar Tech, does anyone know how many spots are available on average each year?  Also how competitive are these spots if you hold your PCP and can pass physical test required.

If anyone could shed a little light it would be much appreciated.


This year we were looking for 5 and currently have 2 spots left. You need to have your PCP and ideally have ambulance & emergency response experience. But just haveing your PCP is okay. It's fairly competitive but don't let that stop you. If you want the job go after it. I know a couple of SAR techs and they both said it's the most rewarding thing they have ever done.

Good luck
FDO said:
This year we were looking for 5 and currently have 2 spots left. You need to have your PCP and ideally have ambulance & emergency response experience. But just haveing your PCP is okay. It's fairly competitive but don't let that stop you. If you want the job go after it. I know a couple of SAR techs and they both said it's the most rewarding thing they have ever done.

Good luck

FDO thanks for the response.  The reason I am asking this is because I am debating getting my PCP and then applying for DE Sar.  I don't know if I should go straight NCM and wait for my promotion to corporal or take my chance, go to school for 10 months and then apply.  Do you have a opinion on the matter?  Regardless I am not going officer (I have a finance degree) in order to chase my dream.
Another way to do it is NCM Subsidised Education Plan (SEP) We will put you through school for PCP. Pay for tuition, books, student fees. As well as a yearly salary of over 30K. That will make you a Medic. Once a Medic you can request an occupation transfer to SAR. You must usually wait 36 months before you can apply, and is not always a guarentee. You may not get the transfer. But if accepted to NCMSEP you won't have to pay school.

Are you a PRes right now?
FDO said:
Another way to do it is NCM Subsidised Education Plan (SEP) We will put you through school for PCP. Pay for tuition, books, student fees. As well as a yearly salary of over 30K. That will make you a Medic. Once a Medic you can request an occupation transfer to SAR. You must usually wait 36 months before you can apply, and is not always a guarentee. You may not get the transfer. But if accepted to NCMSEP you won't have to pay school.

Are you a PRes right now?

No I am not a PRes.  I just finshed my finance degree last year, and currently put in an App to become a Combat Eng.  Hopefully once reaching Corporal status,  CF will give me a shot at SAR.
Be advised that you can put in a request for occupation transfer but for any reason it can be turned down. I know guys that tried for almost 20 years to OT and it never happened. You have to make sure you meet the trade requirements for entry into SAR. Good luck to you.