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SAR Tech

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roko
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Well, it seems to be a subject under constant modification. are you being back paid after grad? As for Jarvis Lake, keep your kit organized, your tinder dry, tools sharp, keep healthy (get your sleep when you can). Some of the things you are doing out there may seem ridiculous. Actually they will be ridiculous. The good news is, unlike the military once you are "in" these events are designed that way. So don't get too caught up in the activities themselves, just get on with completing the phase. Remember, we work as a team, and not for the glory. Keep your head down, help your buddy, pay attention, and don't whine. 2 weeks is not long, and you spend the last of it all by yourself. Trust me, it will go by fast, and you can do it, other guys (and girls) have.
thanks i appreciate the help.  as far as the back pay i am not sure kinda hope so
Currently I am a registered nurse (4 year universtiy degree). I am very interested in becoming a SAR tech, childhood dreams seldom die. Would I need to get PCP certified or would my nursing be sufficient?
Jeremywiens said:
Currently I am a registered nurse (4 year universtiy degree). I am very interested in becoming a SAR tech, childhood dreams seldom die. Would I need to get PCP certified or would my nursing be sufficient?

You would require PCP, as your training as a Nurse does not prepare you for Pre-Hospital Care. You would already one up your fellow class mates on IV, AnP, Pharmacology and such, however, there are many skills not taught to RNs.

I would like to talk to a recruiter about SAR tech. Are there any recruiters in VAncouver that would have extensive knowledge of SAR tech training/work. Who would be the best person to talk to about this career.

Also If I was passing through comox, BC would it be possible to stop by the base and talk to a SAR tech at some point?
If interested, the TV show "Truth, Duty, Valour" did several SAR episodes. There was a "Search & Rescue
Competition", "Sar Prelim" and "Search and Rescue":
How do you apply to try out for SAR tech at Jarvis Lake. Does the file review occur first or after you pass the try outs. This might be a dumb question but do you have to have PCP inorder to try out at Jarvis lake or do you just have to prior to getting accepted to prelim. Could you do PCP after passing try outs at Jarvis Lake?
Jeremywiens said:
Would I need to get PCP certified or would my nursing be sufficient?

"I am a Registered Nurse and wish to pursue a career as a Paramedic. What do I need to qualify?":
Jeremywiens said:
How do you apply to try out for SAR tech at Jarvis Lake. Does the file review occur first or after you pass the try outs. This might be a dumb question but do you have to have PCP inorder to try out at Jarvis lake or do you just have to prior to getting accepted to prelim. Could you do PCP after passing try outs at Jarvis Lake?

AFAIK - in order to even get as far as Jarvis lake, you must meet all the basic CF requirements for enrollment and those for SAR Tech.  The number of slots available for Jarvis lake is around the order of 20 - so even the selection camp is competitive.
From some of the reading Ive done I've heard that each SAR bases gets around 2000 calls per year. Thats like 5-6 per day. Is that correct? how does a base handle that?

Also when there is no one needing rescuing what do SAR techs do during the day?
Jeremywiens said:
Also when there is no one needing rescuing what do SAR techs do during the day?

I'm sure that like alot of other CF trades, they train. There are always a multitude of other duties that one has to carry out that vary depending on position and rank level.
Jeremywiens said:
each SAR bases gets around 2000 calls per year. Thats like 5-6 per day. Is that correct?

Never saw that many calls - flew for four years with the busiest SAR unit in Canada.

ST's train, train and train some more when not out doing their business.
To those on this forum that have gone through the process, what would be a good time to work towards for the swim portion of the fit test.  I know the requirement is under 20mins, but I want a competitive time rather than just meeting min req.


I realize that some of this should be in the OT/CT section of these forums.  But I am nonetheless hoping someone can let me know.

I am potentially interested, if it is even possible, in becoming a SAR tech.  I am currently not MOC (00180 InfO) qualified, I have completed BMOQ and BMOQ-L (CAP).  What are the chances of giving up my commission and getting accepted into Sar tech training?  If it is possible to do, how do I go about it?
It is possible, we have recently had a(n?) MOC qualified officer re-muster to SAR Tech, and there is one on selection this year. They were both already qualified in their specialty, and had skills and experience the trade can use. I suspect that it would be extremely difficult to get a CO recommendation to pursue trade reassignment, or re-muster, or whatever the term for thumbing your nose to the queen and joining us ; but if you have the parts and an incredible skillset that will virtually guarantee your success, as well as a driving ambition to make this your profession then you really have no choice. If this is a passing fancy, your PER for dedication may take a hit. Then again, I've never even seen an officer PER, but it seems reasonable to expect that your loyalty to the (officer) corps may come into question. Good luck with your decision.
How long do you think it would take to train up to the standards of SAR-Tech?
1 year?2?3?
I would like to think the thought of wanting to help someone, pushing yourself and striving to be one of the best as opposed to worrying whether you are an officer or not would be seen with admiration as opposed to negatively.
Could you tell us what sort of structure training you did?
Were there any weights involved (front squats, deadlifts, etc) or was it mostly running and swimming with some plyometrics?
I found this information on the new SAR Tech PT test:

1) Treadmill Rucksack. Scored by max time.
- wearing a 25 kg ruck (Arcteryx Bora 80)
- 6 min warmup on treadmill
- 15 min @ 3.5mph and 8% grad
- speed and grad increased (not sure how fast)
- go to fail.

2) Rope climb. Pass/Fail
- 2 x 6m climb.
- no slidding or dropping off the rope.
- max 1 min

3) Equpiment Carry. Fastest time.
- 20m course. Out and back is one rep
- two loads. 115lb barbell. 2x55lb dumbell
- complete the following series four times.
- run the 20 m course with: barbell, unweighted, dumbell, unweighted.
- for safety, there are "no run zones" for 2m at each end.
- times so far have been in the 4-6min range

4) Swim. For time. Max 20 min
- 750m
- wearing fins. Force Fin brand. They are short and not very powerful.

Not sure when this will be the "official test", but I was just wondering what people's thoughts were on training for this new test.  I had been previously training with the old test in mind (focusing on 1.5m sprint times, pushups, situps, chin ups etc.) but whereas this is quite a different type of test, I was wondering what others were doing differently (if anything).

Any suggestions would be great!