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Russell Williams charged in 2 x murders, confinement, sexual assault.

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Editorial - Calgary Sun for 19 October 2010

Colonel's case exposes military flaws
Last Updated: October 19, 2010 12:00am

We know how we would like to see it happen.

Russell Williams would be sitting in his cell when his dress military uniform is brought in.

He would be forced to spit-polish his shoes, polish his medals, and dust the lint from his stripes.

And then he would be delivered in shackles to the parade ground at CFB Trenton, the air base he once commanded and, in front of all the men and women he disgraced, his military medals would be ripped from his chest, his air force wings torn away, and his colonel's rank busted down to civilian.

It won't literally happen that way, of course, but it will happen -- thanks to a fast-acting military command who wants this monstrous contamination of the military's honour lanced from its ranks.

At a news conference Monday, at the same time the sicko Williams was pleading guilty to two counts of first-degree murder, two violent sex attacks and a litany of perversions that brought gasps and turned stomachs in the courtroom, the Department of Defence announced it would immediately go to work to legally strip him of his rank and military decorations.

This is a must.

The military acknowledged, however, that it cannot do anything about Williams's pension and he is entitled to it unless the government takes legislative steps to strip him of it.

This, of course, must be done as well.

And it must be done now.

The House of Commons is back in session, so there is no excuse for putting it off.

It's the right thing to do.

The next question, however, is how did a sexual deviant and psycho like Russell Williams become such a quick star in the military without his Jekyll-and-Hyde character being even remotely detected?

Where was the psychiatric screening?

Remember, Williams was caught by fluke oddity of a tire track when a curious passerby wondered why an SUV was strangely parked in a certain field.

Brig.-Gen. Neville Russell, director general of air personnel, said there was a review of the process when Williams was shockingly charged, and that the military was still looking into this "terrible betrayal of trust."

We should hope so.

Answers are drastically needed.
The next question, however, is how did a sexual deviant and psycho like Russell Williams become such a quick star in the military without his Jekyll-and-Hyde character being even remotely detected?

He was probably awesome with PowerPoint and Flocarc (sp?)  :P
Wanna bet this is a trigger for eventual inclusion of proper psychological assessment for people entering or rising above certain levels in the military? MMPI, or some such? Or even inclusion of the PCL-R or some other diagnostic for psychopathy in entrance screening?

And hell, why not? The police already do a personality inventory...
Photos at link to story headline below.  I'm disgusted by Williams...

Revealed: The sick double life of Canadian Air Force pilot who murdered two women and broke into girls' bedrooms to steal their underwear

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1321764/Pilot-Colonel-Russell-Williams-broke-girls-bedrooms-steal-underwear.html#ixzz12nbyXuyh

I wonder if someone should point out to the media that this Colonel held a SA clearance, and had to have been investigated every 5 years to keep it. The military isn't the one who does those clearances, someone dropped the ball at DPM Secur or CSIS/RCMP. Young recruits wait 3 years for a clearance, yet they let a serial rapist slip through the tracks?
I can see where this freak wouldn't be on anyones radar, he didn't even have so much as a speeding ticket. He was careful, he was smart (until he escalated, which is classic behaviour), there's nothing harder to catch than someone like that.

What I can't figure out is why the police depts involved never put out an alert for a suspected serial B&E ahh...weirdo? Especially given the culprit's targets and preferred trophies. A hightened alert level would have resulted in faster response times, more reports, maybe even some more careful investigating. You can't tell me this guy carried off this many B&E's and didn't leave a single fingerprint?

PuckChaser said:
I wonder if someone should point out to the media that this Colonel held a SA clearance, and had to have been investigated every 5 years to keep it. The military isn't the one who does those clearances, someone dropped the ball at DPM Secur or CSIS/RCMP. Young recruits wait 3 years for a clearance, yet they let a serial rapist slip through the tracks?

The man was clever, manipulative, and competent.....there was nothing outwardly flagging his activities, and yet the people doing the security clearance should have caught it.....how, by checking his burglary, rapist, murderer card?

Sometimes intelligent, manipulative people do slip through the cracks.....the cracks are set by our "experts"....all one has to do is know and avoid the activities that bring up flags.....
One side note:  Promotion and demotion policy are in the hands of the CDS.  His commission, however, is from the Governor-General, so to strip him of that will require action from the GG.  Similarly, most honours are from the Crown and thus would have to be removed by the GG, and not by the CF.

Minor semantics, but it is important that things are done correctly.

Whoops - on reading the QR&Os, I made a mistake.  QR&O chapter 18 disucsses forfeiture of decorations and medals:


(1) An officer or non-commissioned member shall forfeit any decoration or medal awarded to the member or to which the member may be entitled for long service, good conduct, efficiency to meritorious service other than gallantry, where the members is:

  (a) sentenced to life imprisonment; (5 June 2008)

  (b) sentenced to dismissal with disgrace from Her Majesty’s service;

  (c) sentenced to dismissal from Her Majesty’s service; or

  (d) released for misconduct;

(2) An officer or non-commissioned member may be ordered by the Minister to forfeit any decoration or medal awarded to the member or to which the member may be entitled for long service, good conduct, efficiency or meritorious service other than gallantry, where the member is:

  (a) convicted by a civil authority of any serious offence; or

  (b) convicted of an offence of treason, sedition, mutiny, cowardice, desertion or a disgraceful offence against morality;

(3) Any decoration or medal forfeited may be restored at the discretion of the Minister.

(M) (9 May 2008 effective 5 June 2008)
GAP said:
The man was clever, manipulative, and competent.....there was nothing outwardly flagging his activities, and yet the people doing the security clearance should have caught it.....how, by checking his burglary, rapist, murderer card?

Sometimes intelligent, manipulative people do slip through the cracks.....the cracks are set by our "experts"....all one has to do is know and avoid the activities that bring up flags.....

It's a common misconception that psychopaths are idiots. Nothing could be farther from the truth. They're usually caught because they make a mistake, not because they're stupid.

As to his commission, now that he's plead guilty, he may be tried by CM in absentia, and sentenced to reduction in rank, and forfeiture of allowances, and release from the CF (just thinking out loud). The MND and PM will likely have to petition the GG to relieve him of his commission.
Brihard said:
And hell, why not? The police already do a personality inventory...
Because I can think of many dozens of things I'd rather the Defence budget be spent on.

Yes, it's a horrific case....but I'm adverse to flinching, and tarring whatever the number of Reg/Res uniformed people because of the actions of one.

Not to mention that some of the tasks we ask of soldiers may be frowned upon by those who slavishly worship MMPI
Court hears details of 2nd sex assault
By QMI Agency
19 October 2010 10:06am

BELLEVILLE, Ont. - The escalating sex crimes of Canada's notorious military monster were back on the agenda in court here Tuesday, starting the day with details surrounding Col. Russell Williams' second sex assault victim.

Court heard how Williams broke into Laurie Massicotte's home several times secretly – as he did to several other homes in his Tweed, Ont. neighbourhood – before confronting her on Sept. 29, 2009.

She had fallen asleep on the couch watching Law and Order when she awoke to someone hitting her on the head.

Williams told Massicotte he was one of several burglars in the house before he blindfolded and bound her.

Court heard how he told her he wouldn't kill her or rape her if she did what he wanted – allow him to cut away her clothing and to photograph her.

After taking photos and fondling her he left, saying he had to check on his “friends” in the house. Massicotte phoned 911 and police found her still blindfolded, bound with vinyl ties.

In a confession, the Crown said Williams thought the blow to the head with a flashlight would knock her out.

She told police she recognized his voice. No doubt, since the two were neighbours.

“He lived only a few hundred feet away,” Crown Lee Burgess told the courtroom. “He went to bed, then went to work the next day as normal.”

In court, Williams sat broken and shamed in the prisoners' box, a day after the nation was shocked by graphic evidence photos of the former CFB Trenton commander proudly dressed in girls' underwear that he'd compulsively raided and collected in more than 80 furtive break-ins in eastern Ontario.

The tense courtroom is braced for far worse ugliness as an agreed statement of facts later in the day is to detail the escalation of his sexual deviancy with the brutal rapes and murders of Cpl. Marie-France Comeau and Jessica Lloyd.

Grim-faced family members filed into the courtroom shortly before the start of the 10 a.m. proceedings before Justice Robert Scott.

It's not known when the hearing will conclude but based on the hearing's progress Monday it appears sentencing by Justice Robert Scott will occur by week's end.

Yellow hi-lite is my own.

CTV.ca News Staff
19 October 2010 11:37 AM ET

One of Col. Russell Williams' victims begged him not to post pictures of her on the Internet, an Ontario court heard Tuesday.

The woman's story was described in a Belleville, Ont., courthouse by Crown prosecutors on Tuesday morning.

The woman had fallen asleep in her bedroom while watching TV in September 2009 when she someone hit her in the head with a flashlight, in an attempt to knock her out.

It was Williams, who told her she was being robbed.

He tied his victim up and blindfolded her. Then he cut off her top and bra and began taking photos of her.

He indicated that she would not be harmed if she let him take pictures. He also forced her into various poses.

After the attack, Williams returned to his home.

The details of the September 2009 attack were described by Crown prosecutors in a Belleville, Ont., court on Tuesday morning.

The prosecutors have been reading the details of Williams' many crimes into the court since Monday, when the former CFB Trenton commander pleaded guilty to more than 80 criminal charges. The information has been corroborated by the defence, as part of an agreed statement of facts.

The 47-year-old Williams, wearing a black suit and light-coloured striped shirt sat quietly in the court on Tuesday morning.

After a brief recess following the description of the sexual assault, Crown prosecutors began to describe how Williams came to target Cpl. Marie-France Comeau, the first of two women the disgraced colonel has admitted to killing.

The Crown is also expected to provide details Tuesday about the final moments of the life of Jessica Lloyd, who was killed in January.

‘Awful' case surrounding disgraced colonel

Prior to the start of Tuesday's hearing, Crown prosecutor Lee Burgess said the case was "the most awful" he had dealt with in his 20-year career.

Michael Edelson, the lawyer representing Williams, said the day's proceedings were going to be "another extremely difficult day."

On Monday, the court was shown dozens of photos that Williams took during a series of fetish break-ins over a period of more than two years.

The Crown has said that Williams also took videos of some incidents as well, but prosecutors say they will not show any of the videos that recorded the sexual assault or murder of his victims. ..............

Having read more of today's testimony, I am increasingly convinced that a court martial for "Scandalous Conduct" as a minimum should be held.  His betrayal of trust as a military leader in the assault and murder of a subordinate provides a clear military nexus.

Or, to translate into the vernacular, he's a b*stard and a son-of-a-b*tch, but he's our b*stard and our son-of-a-b*tch, so we have to make a clear, open denunciation of him and his conduct.  Dismissal with disgrace; not dismissal for misconduct.

(Edit to defeat the naughty words filters)
dapaterson said:
Dismissal with disgrace; not dismissal for misconduct.

Well said. 

The GG needs to revoke the commissioning scroll as well.

Sex assault victim pleaded for her life before Col. Williams killed her
Greg McArthur and Timothy Appleby
Belleville, Ont.— Globe and Mail Update
19 October 2010 12:29PM EDT
Colonel Russell Williams's first murder victim _ a corporal under his command _ initially fought off his attack and later pleaded several times for her life as he bound her, beat her, raped her repeatedly and recorded the ordeal on both photographs and video.

"You're going to kill me, aren't you?" Corporal Marie-France Comeau asked her killer near the end of the attack, a Belleville, Ont., court was told today during a sentencing hearing for the former fast-rising military star and nearby base commander.

"Have a heart please... I want to live."

But court was told that the colonel, apparently worried that police might connect him to other sexual assaults if she lived and reported the attack, ignored her pleas, covered all her airways with duct tape and let her suffocate. .........

continues at link

Occam said:
I agree.....

In my previous career as a Corrections Officer, I spoke with an inmate who butchered and ate part of his victim....the body parts were never recovered. I can't beleive I just wrote this....the world we are in is strange is it not?

He was intelligent and highly articulate as well. Psychopaths/sociopaths are far smarter than society gives them credit for.
Now you know why I can live without the coverage until the sentence is passed....
milnews.ca said:
Now you know why I can live without the coverage until the sentence is passed....

After reading the live blog about Jessica Lloyd in this afternoon's proceeding, I honestly and sincerely wish I'd done the same.  There had better be a special place in hell for this POS.
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