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Rules on wearing individual uniform pieces outside of military events?

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Michael Dorosh said:
I reiterate that the miniature medals look goofy; I certainly wasn't passing judgement of the full size ones.   Perhaps a full rack of medals in miniature look okay; anything fewer than 4 look like something MIchael Jackson would wear to a pajama party.

I only have three Micheal, less than your mandatory 4 minimum to look good, and I am very proud.   I also have a wound stirpe that I don't wear on my mess dress, but since it is not a medal, I still fall under the 4 medal benchmark.

Still, I'd rather have medals cluttering up my unform than miniatures.   I stand by the statement that miniatures are ugly.   Thankfully the wear of awards is optional.

You are saying this not from experience of being awarded any correct.   WE are not talking about your issued buttons or the collar dogs you wear.   This thread is about the proper use of wearing a uniform, not how ulgly medals are.  

To me miniature, ribbon, full don't make a difference.   They are something I have been given, and proud to wear.   I don't believe the P.C bench mark of minimum qty of medals, for your admiration, justifies a way out of a silly statement.

Hell man, I wore feathers on my head, horse hair on my crotch, sheeps wool wrapped around my as, and You think some small medals look tacky.....



I don't know how many times I must say this: I am only stating my personal opinion on the aesthetics of miniature medals vs full medals.  I realise what medals are for & that it is a tradition to wear miniatures with evening dress.  My posts were not a discussion on what is proper wear of a uniform.  For that matter, I dislike many uniform pieces but accept that they are proper issue & will wear them when ordered.

This purely aesthetic opinion is based only on my limited experience of miniatures (and, for that matter, of full medals).  To me the miniatures look 'phoney,' in that they don't hang as full medals do. Other than that, they are fine. 

I have 2 questions about miniatures, which may change my above opinion: Of what are the miniatures made? And, when & why did miniatures originate (assuming there was originally only one size of medals & miniatures were added later)?

PS. I have bespoken mess dress (still being made), since I so detest the mess service uniform.
Dano said:
At my school, I know of an individual that is not in the CF but his brother is in the reg force.
Apparently his brother got him a CADPAT backpack. Whether it was issued to his brother or his bro got it from QM, I don't know.
Anyway, he wears it at school and its not fake cadpat.

What exactly does this mean? Can he or his bro get in trouble?

The cadpat backpacks were a gift from the bde comds when we departed to afghanistan.  Our roto 0 got regular olive drab ones, roto 1 got cadpad and roto 3 got tan ones.
Sailing Instructor said:
I don't know how many times I must say this: I am only stating my personal opinion on the aesthetics of miniature medals vs full medals. I realise what medals are for & that it is a tradition to wear miniatures with evening dress. My posts were not a discussion on what is proper wear of a uniform. For that matter, I dislike many uniform pieces but accept that they are proper issue & will wear them when ordered.

This purely aesthetic opinion is based only on my limited experience of miniatures (and, for that matter, of full medals). To me the miniatures look 'phoney,' in that they don't hang as full medals do. Other than that, they are fine.

I have 2 questions about miniatures, which may change my above opinion: Of what are the miniatures made? And, when & why did miniatures originate (assuming there was originally only one size of medals & miniatures were added later)?

PS. I have bespoken mess dress (still being made), since I so detest the mess service uniform.

Sailing Instructor,

Aesthetics, that is your reason.  They don't hang like the full ones.  Ok fair enough, didn't mean to offend your better sense of fashion.

To answer your question, my miniatures are made of plastic as well as some unknown metal.

To me, and a lot like those who have them, it doesn't matter of the size, material, or what outfit we wear them in, we don't worry about the aesthetics as we are proud of the meaning.

I'll remember that then next time I pin them on my chest, so that I don't offend some other sharp dress fella who has that sharp eye for the army guy.


Heh, 'Sharp eye for the army guy.'  I'm glad I'm finally understood (though actually never watched that show, but nevermind). 

Now that I think about it, when I am awarded a medal, I'll undoubtedly like wearing my miniature even though it doesn't hang there quite so nicely as does the medal.

Perhaps I'll look at old miniatures & see if at one time they hung as do  current medals.
as it has been said before, look is not the important part, the meaning behind the minatures is. i really don't care what they look like, as long as i have earned the right to wear it proudly. besides, the mess kit the miniatures are worn on isn't too sharp, either.
Sailing Instructor said:
Heh, 'Sharp eye for the army guy.' I'm glad I'm finally understood (though actually never watched that show, but nevermind).

Now that I think about it, when I am awarded a medal, I'll undoubtedly like wearing my miniature even though it doesn't hang there quite so nicely as does the medal.

Perhaps I'll look at old miniatures & see if at one time they hung as do current medals.


man I dig you yer alright hehe, but then again it does say philosophy major under yer avatar.  Don't be using any of the mambo jahambo thought inspiring stuff on me...

better yet, plan a day to teach me to sail (serious) always wanted to learn.


A clarification:

I was mistaken in my attack against miniature medals.  As I had recently seen one, court-mounted, up close & then seen no court-mounted full-medals, I did not realise that it was the court-mounting, not the size of the medal which I thought ugly. 

I now revise my position to state that I find court-mounting unaesthetically-pleasing whereas swing mounting lets the medals 'hang nicely.'  I am also aware that, though the dress instructions do not require court-mounting, there is a CANFORGEN requiring this.  Damn that CANFORGEN.

Also, dress instructions mention that undress ribbons may be sewn on instead of mounted on that metal bar-thingy that attaches to the shirt or jacket.  I rather like the idea of that, too.

Anyway, this is off the original topic.  Just thought I'd clear that up.
it has been a while since i was in the reserves and i am still in the CFRC limbo so here goes my question

what are the regulations on wearing you DU to weddings funerals and formal events not CF events.

are they still you need to get permision from the powers at bay. :salute:

Distinct environmental uniform

You need authorization...thats why on leave passes it says "authorized to wear uniform YES/NO"

And the expression is "powers that be" i beleive
thank you aesop081  for the 2 corrections on DEU and "the powers that be"  and also on the answer to my question.

what would be the policy with regards to rucksacks? If I wanted to do a ruckmarch on my own time (read: reserves) is that allowed in CF policy?
Synthos said:
what would be the policy with regards to rucksacks? If I wanted to do a ruckmarch on my own time (read: reserves) is that allowed in CF policy?

Won't your DEUs get wrinkled?  ???
Synthos said:
what would be the policy with regards to rucksacks? If I wanted to do a ruckmarch on my own time (read: reserves) is that allowed in CF policy?

I would suggest you go with CADPAT uniform and rucksack.  Why?  Because:

1. there'll be no doubt from anyone as to who/what you are (except maybe some wierd looks from kids) and
2. That's how we do the BFT!

Wanna go one better?  Get some of your buddies to go with you.

Even better yet, ruck into your unit on training nights.  Stuff a few recruiting handouts/business cards in your pockets. Hand 'em out when people ask what you're doing.  You may collect some prospective recruits along the way.
Haggis said:
I would suggest you go with CADPAT uniform and rucksack.  Why?  Because:

1. there'll be no doubt from anyone as to who/what you are (except maybe some wierd looks from kids) and
2. That's how we do the BFT!

Wanna go one better?  Get some of your buddies to go with you.

Even better yet, ruck into your unit on training nights.  Stuff a few recruiting handouts/business cards in your pockets. Hand 'em out when people ask what you're doing.  You may collect some prospective recruits along the way.

The latter part is ok, but are you seroiusly advocating uniform when off duty?  If he's not signed in, should he be in uniform? Sounds like bad advice to me.
Michael Dorosh said:
The latter part is ok, but are you seroiusly advocating uniform when off duty?  If he's not signed in, should he be in uniform? Sounds like bad advice to me.

I'm still picturing him ruck marching into his armouries on a parade night with a trail of potential recruits following him something like a cadpat pide piper. 8)
You have unrestricted use of uniform.  That means being properly dressed as if you were on duty.  You have to conduct yourself in a prfessional CF manner at all times as you represent every soldier, sailor, airman and airwoman, coast tom coast.

"Using your uniform to pick up girls at a bar is not permitted"
-Course WO

However you man wear your uniform in a professional manner at a bar on the way home from being on duty or such and such.

For the use of uniform at weddings/funerals, permission must be granted by your chain of command.  Check your Unit's orders posted somewhere at your respective training facility.  However acception to that is November 11th, Remembrance Day.  In my Unit at least (I imagine it's all of CF) you may wear your uniform on 11-11 without consent.  In fact I'd expect that everyone here attempt to wear and appreciate the Veterans of the past.  You can find me representing freedom in green on 11-11.

PteGDD said:
You have unrestricted use of uniform.
Thats not correct.  You can only wear you uniform when authorized to do so.  As a private  you have not been in the CF long enough to remember the days where at some bases...the only authorized uniform off base was DEUs ( no stoping at safeway to do groceries in combats).  Your use of your uniform is regulated by CF orders and directives and therfore not "unrestricted"

For the use of uniform at weddings/funerals, permission must be granted by your chain of command. 

Thats why there is a spot on your leave passes that indicates that you are authorized to wear your uniform when off-duty for the specified period.
theseeker said:
it has been a while since i was in the reserves and i am still in the CFRC limbo so here goes my question

what are the regulations on wearing you DU to weddings funerals and formal events not CF events.

are they still you need to get permision from the powers at bay. :salute:
DEUs can be worn without restrictions in Canada. No need for anyone's permission.
The "authorized to wear the uniform" box on the CF-100 relates to foreign travel; look closely.
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