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Royal Marines Recruiting Ad

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Awsome Recruiting ad, I guess they play it on TV and in the movies (before the movie starts) in the UK.

And yes CANADIANS may join...

Oh, you need real player to view!

Worked with some Royal Marine Commandos last year ( with att USMC), as they were fresh out of Basra, and glad to be sinking p_i$$ with us in the mess. From LTCOL to CPL, all were decent good blokes.

We too are recruiting for direct SF (SASR and Cdo)entry. Wanna know more? try www.army.gov.au and look around. There you can find entry requirements. You must get a residency visa to get into the ADF here. Once you got that, then you are in control!


That was the best ad I‘ve ever seen....
Best slogan ever.

99.99% need not apply.

I actually (being a dual citizen) considered joining the RM some time ago, but didn‘t end up going through with it. I sometimes wish I had, what an outfit they are.
That is one amazing ad. I have always held the Royal Marines in the highest regards, and have even thought about join them. But like the ad says 99.9% need not apply, and I just don‘t think I‘m hardcore enough to be part of a group like that. Oh well, back to dreaming.
Strange, my Real Player wouldn‘t work... said it wasn‘t supported.

Got it to work via another download... cool ad.

I remember being over in the UK in the mid-nineties and the Royal Marines were doing a blitz of newspaper ads that were really cool.

There would be a picture of a soldier obviously freezing or in the jungle or something and then there was a multiple choice quiz at the bottom... something like, if you can get these four questions right while in this enviornment then you‘re the sort of person we want. (It sounded and looked a little more catchy.)

I tried to join the Royal Navy when I was over there... walked into a little recruiting storefront and whipped out my British Passport (Dual as well) and was told I had to have been in the country for five years or would need a some sort of waiver from the Minister of Defense.

My cousin was in the Royal Navy for twenty-two years and had nothing but good things to say about the Marines other than they were a little too hard core for him.

I think the CF has got good ads, too.

If you write ahead to the service of your choice‘s recruiting directorate, they will furnish you the requisite waivers without much difficulty. I think they want to verify things like facility with the English language and so on. I got a letter and application back from the Royal Navy quite quickly (they do the RM recruiting, I guess).

Try watching the ad with QuickTime instead of RealPlayer, I had no trouble with it.
I‘m married now with two kids. My wife has a hard enough time being in Alberta... can‘t imagine her toughing it out in Portsmouth or somewhere else... nice place, though!

I‘ve submitted my application to the CF, anyway, and I‘m quite keen to go armoured. My cousin had a great career in the RN and it was a blast having a personal tour of the HMS Invincible. (Word of advice, don‘t get drunk on an aircraft carrier. Too many stairs and hallways.) Enjoy yourself if that‘s the way you head.

I thought it strange, at the time, though that they wouldn‘t accept me at face value and take me from there... here‘s my British Passport and, yes, I have the right of abode in the UK. Odd. Oh well, it worked out in the end.

I think the CF has got good ads, too.
Whoa...which ads have you been looking at? I like this RM ad because it is precisly what the CF is lacking.
the CF ads have kind of catchy music, and they make excellent use of burning trashcans and that blurry vision effect.
Perhaps adequate is a better description.

Strong. Proud. It does the job and gets people interested. It seems we‘re more focused on a team or corporate identity as opposed to the whole army of one mentality.

yah, im with Exvitae. Im sick of the corny "if someone wrote a book about your life, would anyone want to read it?" bs the US is pooring out non-stop.
Strong. Proud. It does the job and gets people interested. It seems we‘re more focused on a team or corporate identity as opposed to the whole army of one mentality.
My opinion is that Strong and Proud is the gayest recruiting slogan I‘ve ever heard. I will agree with you that the Army of One is equally retarded.

Like I‘ve said before, I feel we offer too "positive" of a recruiting message (ie: we really want you to join and there is something in it for you), rather than a desired "negative" approach (ie: See if you got the guts and the fortitude to have what it takes to join us, a job most people can‘t or won‘t do).
wow..that is the best ad i have ever seen....

i loved the part where the recruit is pulled out of the water and the DS tells him to compose himself and sends him on his way.

and the last scene with the profile of the marine‘s face is killer. We have got to hire that advertising agency..
where is the link for the ad??? it may just be my computer but i dont see the link for it anywhere??
I didn‘t like the "Strong. Proud. Today‘s Canadian Forces." much either. I think the French one is better...Découvrez vos forces dans les Forces Canadiennes.
I have to agree with infanteer on this one. Armies are around to train and fight in wars. It should‘nt be about "well he‘s another body lets keep him/her". Recruits who are kept around when they should be sent home because the brass does‘nt want to lose the money already put into him/her. They are only hurting the army as a whole and one day it will come back to bite us. Peace doesn‘t last forever.